Non-Scale Victories! ♥



  • addean1
    addean1 Posts: 119 Member
    I Was getting frustrated over the lack of movement n the scale lately. Measured, and I'd lost 3 more inches from my waist, and 2 more off my hips. That explains why I was literally running my pants off yesterday.-- gotta find $ for a few new pair,
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Great job, everyone!

    I had to toss out my whole closet (even those clothes I was saving until I lost some weight) except for a very, very few really old pieces I couldn't get rid of. I replaced with a small amount a month or two ago, just enough to get me by. Then I realized I needed some jeans so I had casual wear and not just work wear and exercise gear. So this week I went to the Avenue to buy jeans, expecting about a size 24. I fit into a size 20. There's some stretch to them, so a 'real' pair may be a 22, but a 24 damn near fell off my legs! Also, I like my shirts big and oversized, and a 24 did that (a 22 almost did), whereas before I was a 28 or 30. I also wanted a belt so it could 'hang' but also be corralled at the waist to show some shape, and I had to buy that at Target, and I could wear them! Oh, and I can buy 2x tights and such now, instead of ordering 4x or greater from specialty stores.

    I then proceeded to wow my husband when I got dressed up to go to the Fiona Apple concert on Friday -- I'm not very fashionable, but I had a teal shirt with a stretchy black belt and a flowing grey skirt, and I must admit, I looked pretty good, and Mr. Fashion Sense approved (a lot. after. at the hotel. lol).

    Still large, but it's a more convenient large now with lots more options opening up!
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    I can't wear all my leather belts now because there's not too much holes on them. And to think I literally couldn't fit in them a year and a half ago!
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    I did my measurements today. Down 24.5" in 6 months. I can fit into a size 18, for the first time in a decade! Giving away my clothes that I have been wearing for sooo long felt so good. Nothing like the feeling of just sliding your too big pants off because you don't need to unbutton them......priceless!
  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member
    This month, i have started adding INSANITY work outs to my weekly routines... not every day, but one a week... this is AWESOME because i was always too scared if hurt myself trying to do insanity work outs... they kick my *kitten* and i gas out often but I can make it to the end of them!

    Its such a great emotional and physical boost for me!
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    I love reading these... good job everyone!
  • greattimes
    greattimes Posts: 123 Member
    Had to take my watch in and have 2 links out. I also got my winter coats out which I bought late spring this year they are too big. Now will have to buy smalls.
  • dpcdpjm
    dpcdpjm Posts: 20
    No loss on the scale, but lost another inch on my waist and an inch and a half on my hips.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    I can look down and see the #'s on the scale without having to push my stomach in or lean over...
  • jennycita
    jennycita Posts: 40 Member
    I have been doing Insanity for the past month like 3 days a week (sometimes only 2) and I had not gone to a gym in over a year.
    Last night my husband said I should join his gym so we can take classes and walk/jog together. (He runs half marathons all the time)
    So I did. I got on the treadmill and for the first time in YEARS I jogged 5.5 miles without stopping. I could have gone more but I have a bad knee and the treadmill makes it worse.

    I would like to thank Shaun T for this!!!
  • shell_mc
    shell_mc Posts: 109 Member
    These are so great to read!!

    The ticker on my phone tells me that it's been 18 days since I've had a cocktail. Wine and weekend social outings were a huge cause for my 10 lb weight gain in the last 6 months, so I decided to cut it out completely for a while. I have so much energy and am sleeping like a baby! It hasn't been nearly as hard as I thought it would be :)