I wanna cry!

So I have been on here for 4.5 weeks and had lost 6lbs. Today I got on the scale and gained 1 lb and lost 0 inches. I am so frustrated. I am tired of being fat. I always make sure I don't go over 1600 calories no matter how many calories I earn from exercising. I drink my 8 glasses of water on most days. I gave up all sweets except my splenda in my coffee, if I have a soda it's only 1 a day and it's diet. I gave up smoking and I very rarely have alcohol. Maybe my expectations are not realistic. I just thought I would have lost more by now. I want to make something really sweet and fatty and eat this feeling away. I know that's not the thing to do. I'm just venting! :explode:


  • danacriley
    oh no! Boo! so sorry! maybe there is some kind of miscalculation with your cals. Like a food is being underestimated in calories. Also, have you had a check up? Poorly working thyroid can make it difficult to lose weight etc. same with diabetes. Keep fighting don't give up!!!!

    Don't forget to have a cheat day maybe once a week or so. Add 33% to your daily alotment. Try varying your type of exericise if you haven't

    Sorr if you didn't want feedback. I understand weight frustration and feel for you. Sending virtual hugs :)
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    "So I have been on here for 4.5 weeks and had lost 6lbs"
    "Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up." :smile:
    Just Keep Going!!!:drinker:
  • CharmingPrincess93
    Hey there...I can empathize with you. I'm so sorry that you're feeling frustrated. I know how that can be when you're doing all you can and following every rule and little or no results come of it. All I can tell you is to hang in there girl! You're doing all of the right things, sometimes it takes a little while for your body to adjust to all the change. Your heart may be willing, but your body may be rebelling...It's prefectly natural (so I'm told.:happy: )
    Sometimes making a big change, like giving up smoking can make your body actually gain a little weight. Be patient with yourself. A super congrats to you BTW on making that change! It's such an important one and you're totally my hero for doing it for 4.5 weeks! Hooorayyy!!!
    Continue doing all that you're doing and you'll begin to see results soon, I'm sure of it. I'm new here, but have read quite a few of the blogs here...they're very inspiring!
    Best of luck and keep up the fabulous work!!!:flowerforyou:
    tucson, az
  • Maggie1960
    Don't comfort yourself with something sweet and fatty:noway: Comfort yourself with something much more gorgeous, buy some beautiful ly scented bath oil and really pamper yourself instead.
    The scales WILL go down, it takes time, your body will eventually give in and let it go and you'll be doing a happy dance round the room.
    Just stick with it ok?:flowerforyou:
  • terrym04
    Thank you guys! I really appreciate the support. :smile:
  • joleanrook
    Do NOT be discouraged. Everyone loses at their own pace.

    Two things to consider:

    1. I agree that you may want to have some routine labs drawn including a thyroid panel, sometimes you can have hypothyroidism for years and not know it. Most people aren't diagnosed until they have actually developed a goiter!

    2. You say you've cut back on alcohol, or that you rarely have it. Might I suggest you nix it entirely? Two reasons: One, it makes you retain fluid for 2-3 days after you have had it. Alcohol dehydrates your body and it must compinsate.
    Two, alcohol puts undo strain on both your liver and your kidneys. You shouldn't increase the load on your liver because then it has to work that much harder (and struggle) to process fats and toxins. Likewise, your kidenys have to do double duty to flush alcohol from your system and then all the excess water you retain.

    Make sure the foods you are eating are really worth it, not all food is created equally. Get plenty of fiber too, it pushes fat and oils through your digestive system faster and actually helps detoxify your colon by scraping the colon walls of old toxic debris. Tmi, I know.

    I hope that helps. Stay focused, stay encouraged, and stay on this site! Just think, if you weren't taking the initiative to be healthier you could have gained 6 more pounds in those 4.5 weeks!!

  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    So I have been on here for 4.5 weeks and had lost 6lbs.

    That's 1.3lbs/week. Its a decent and pretty healthy pace. Congratulations on doing so well!
    If the numbers get to you easily, I'd suggest you weigh in less frequently. Like once or twice a month. It takes time to lose weight and unfortunately the progress is often far from linear. Don't get discouraged because your progress IS really good.

    Here is something to read about the expectations:

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    You really are doing so well. Keep at it and it will come off.

    Why dont you track sodium on your diary and up your water intake. That pesky pound may just be fluid.

    Good luck :)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Thats not a bad rate of loss at all, yes some lose faster but many lose slower and the slower it comes off the less likely it is to go back on.

    Smoking does speed up your metabolic rate so if you have recently quit then that might account for a slower loss.

    Also when are you expecting your TOTM, hormones and water retention can play a part.

    Good luck and chin up
  • terrym04
    Wow I put the sodium tracker on there like you suggested. I am over by a lot most of the days. I need to keep track of that a little better and on higher days I need to consume more water. Thanks!
  • agandroid
    That's similar to me. I was losing, then started putting it back on. Turns out it was bread. I had changed to a different brand. Swapped back, and started losing again.
  • osram34
    osram34 Posts: 54
    "So I have been on here for 4.5 weeks and had lost 6lbs"
    "Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up." :smile:
    Just Keep Going!!!:drinker:

  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Do you exercise? Do you lift weights?
  • dj_stevie_c
    Chill :)

    Really, what's gone has gone you need to stop looking back and thinking negative, if you're knocked back then resolve to improve next week and I'm not saying take massive strides think of small things you can do. Don't worry about a gain after a few weeks, the body is always balancing and sometimes it balances in a way you don't like so much, if you're following your plan and doing good then it will balance in the right direction.

    Just don't give up, that's how we got here in the first place :)
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    You just gave your body a double whammy! Changing eatting habits and giving up smoking?? My body would go into shock too! Two major addictions at once.... I salute you!! Give your body a chance to recover, it will catch up.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Hey - 1-2 pounds a week is a safe rate of loss! You're doing OK. An unexpected gain of a couple of pounds could be due to sodium, hormones, stress, a lot of things. You're right that you would do well to cut down your sodium. Also, adding more fresh fruits and veggies will help you feel full and provide nutrition. Avoid all the processed foods and try to cook fresh things. Finally, and most important, I noticed that you're under-eating by 500 to 1000 calories most days. That's not good. You'll slow down your metabolism and stall your weight loss. I suggest you eat at least half of your exercise calories, if not all of them. How are you measuring calories burned during exercise? A heart rate monitor is pretty accurate. MFP and the readouts from the machines at the gym often over-estimate calories burned, so be careful if that's your source. I think if you just tweak your diet a bit and eat more fresh whole foods and keep up the exercise, you'll see the scale move. Good luck!
  • ktyang04
    So I have been on here for 4.5 weeks and had lost 6lbs. Today I got on the scale and gained 1 lb and lost 0 inches. I am so frustrated. I am tired of being fat. I always make sure I don't go over 1600 calories no matter how many calories I earn from exercising. I drink my 8 glasses of water on most days. I gave up all sweets except my splenda in my coffee, if I have a soda it's only 1 a day and it's diet. I gave up smoking and I very rarely have alcohol. Maybe my expectations are not realistic. I just thought I would have lost more by now. I want to make something really sweet and fatty and eat this feeling away. I know that's not the thing to do. I'm just venting! :explode:

    It's okay, I've been here for almost 7 months and only lost 28 pounds, that is 1 pound a week. It's take time.
  • terrym04
    I really appreciate all the advise from everyone. I was just having a really bad day and then when I did my scale and measurements, it was just the final straw. Sorry to have sounded like a cry baby. lol. But I will use all the information and put it to good use. I have already started looking for a HRM. I only go off calorie burn from this site. That's why I try not to eat those calories since it's not accurate. You all helped pull me out of my little funk and I appreciate it. I have to remember it took me 12 yrs putting all this weight on, it won't come off in a few weeks! :happy:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    you are eating too little. Really. Way too little.

    You deficit is built into your goals. The calorie goal MFP gives you is a goal to REACH, not to see how much you can stay under. You are doubling your deficit on a lot of days.

    If you eat 1576 and exercise 609, you only gave your body 967....
    Once you ate 1325 and exercised 496, fueling your entire day and workout with just 829...
    How about when you ate 1227 and exercised 712?!?!?! Do you think you can survive on the 515 calories your body has left over to run on?

    A lot of days you leave 1000 calories left over. You NEED to eat those.
    And eat the right foods. Fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats and whole grains. No more lean pockets and 100 calorie snack packs of cookies and crackers....

    You are set for 1840. What did you tell MFP you wanted to lose? 1 lb a week? 2 lbs a week? They already subtracted those calories from your true number which was either 2340 or 2840 depending on if you said 1 lb or 2. You have to eat the whole 1840. Plus at least some of your exercise calories on days you burn a lot.

    Go to tools, and use the BMR calculator. The number it tells you is the number of calories your body NEEDS to live, just to breathe and beat your heart, etc. NEVER EVER eat less than that number in NET calories, like the examples I showed above where you were at under 1000 and I'm guessing your BMR is closer to 1600-1700....

    Please please please take this advice. You're not helping yourself, your slowing down your metabolism and slowly killing yourself.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I only go off calorie burn from this site. That's why I try not to eat those calories since it's not accurate.

    How about eating half of them?
    I used to eat about 3/4 of the estimated Exercise Calories for this very reason. Lately I have changed to eating half because I feel like my body is getting used to the training that I do and doesn't burn as much as it did 4 months ago..
    You do burn something even if it's not to the extent that the site estimates. Without an HRM, only trial and error will tell you how much that really is but eating too little doesn't bode well in the long run..