3:00 hunger pains



  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I echo the thirst comment - try drinking something. I'm not a big water fan, so I keep tea bags in my office and have either a hot glass of tea or pour it over ice. Try blueberry and add some stevia - it tastes like blueberry pie! Also, the Tazo apple cinnamon is fantastic with or without sweetener, hot or cold - sort of covers both hunger/thirst :)
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    What's your fat and protein intake like? Also, 900 calorie thus far may in fact not be enough. Your dietary approach may be too aggressive. Also, if you exercise you get more calories as MFP is a NEAT method calculator...I'm assuming you're doing a 1200 calorie approach which is the most aggressive approach you can do with MFP...

    ^^This. It's 3:00 and I've eaten 1400 calories already. Make sure you get enough fat and protein. plan your day to fit in snacks. I eat every 2 1/2 hours and it helps to keep the hungries away.If you are hungry eat. Make it a healthier choice. Our vending machines have nuts, protein bars and jerky
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    if you are hungry eat. /End of thread

    Thanks but this is how I got to where I am.....
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    900 and 3 PM?

    what's your goal like- even when I was on a crazy cut- eating 1200 a day- I usually had had closer to 100 at that point.

    two things though...

    1.) my big afternoon snack- hard boiled eggs- filling- low calories- good protein for my workout.
    2.) push breakfast off longer. I usually eat around 9 or 10- it's like a subdued version of IF.

    it helps me get through the day- if I eat at 7- then i want to eat at 10.. and then at 1 and then at 3.. and that' s4 meals- at 300 that's 1200 right there... and then I have one more thing to eat- and it's only 3 PM.

    If I START at 10 then it's only 900 and it's MUCH MUCH easier to deal with hungry between 7-10 for me than from 2-5. Remember will power is finite- if you use a lot up all day- and you are starving by 3 PM- you are mostly likely going to fold.

    it's easier to push something off in the morning when you have more will power- then just feed yourself in the afternoon.
  • ashleyinthecold
    ashleyinthecold Posts: 89 Member
    I hate being hungry, but I hardly ever get that way. I am eating all the dang time! I don't have much advice for you today, but as others said, try to make room for an afternoon snack. Lunch to dinner is a LONG way to go without anything to eat!

    Yesterday I ate breakfast, coffee on the way to work, snack around 10, lunch around 12:30, snack around 3:30, snack when I got home, Dinner AND dessert... and I was still under my calories (5 under, but still! under!). Eat, eat, eat! It could be the TYPES of food you're eating, too. Are you eating good wholesome stuff? :)
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    if you are hungry eat. /End of thread

    Thanks but this is how I got to where I am.....

    I think that if you are eating nutritionally dense foods and working out, your calorie allotment should be more. do you work out? If so do you eat your exercise calories back? I am guessing from your post you are trying to stay at 1200 calories?? Is that correct?
  • new_beth_2013
    new_beth_2013 Posts: 109 Member
    Greek yogurt is fantastic for helping get through that hungry time. I have been ususing the Atkins shakes too, they sustain me pretty well and only 160 calories and OH SO good and chocolatey!
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    if you are hungry eat. /End of thread

    Thanks but this is how I got to where I am.....

    I think that if you are eating nutritionally dense foods and working out, your calorie allotment should be more. do you work out? If so do you eat your exercise calories back? I am guessing from your post you are trying to stay at 1200 calories?? Is that correct?

    MFP says closer to 1400.

    Also I eat breakfast very early due to schedule (730am)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    I eat. I had a lovely, tasty granola bar today.
  • ChanceyRose
    I sometimes find myself getting hungry at this time even thought I'm not really 'hungry.' For me, it could be boredom, stress, or simply habit that is driving my need to feed. Can you take a walk? Or find a place to do some stretching? I think sometimes the craving is just my body telling me it needs to do something different.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    you can't eat it after you get to work?

    if I ate at home- it would be before 7. I don't like eating when I first wake up- so chose to eat when I get here- thankfully I get busy and just push it off.

    other thing- I agree- how are your macro's? I find I was STARVING when i was super high on protein- but wasn't getting the fats I needed (on a low carb type diet.. fats is super important- more important than it thought!!!)
  • kayakgirl1955
  • SuzyLy
    SuzyLy Posts: 133 Member
    Measure out 1 oz bags of beef or turky jerky, 80 calories, will keep you chewing for a while and give you the protein to keep you full.
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    I have a snack at 3:00...usually fruit of some sort
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    you can't eat it after you get to work?

    if I ate at home- it would be before 7. I don't like eating when I first wake up- so chose to eat when I get here- thankfully I get busy and just push it off.

    other thing- I agree- how are your macro's? I find I was STARVING when i was super high on protein- but wasn't getting the fats I needed (on a low carb type diet.. fats is super important- more important than it thought!!!)

    I get up at 515 and hit the gym for 45 minutes. Then home and get myself and kids ready for work/school. I eat egg beaters with veggies in it. Not good heated up. And feel like I need to replace protein after my am workouts.....
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    if you are hungry eat. /End of thread

    Thanks but this is how I got to where I am.....

    NOT eating won't help though... I've been there and all it did was make me unhappy and kept me overweight. When you are hungry, you should eat BUT make better choices. For instance, instead of raiding the candy machine, pull out a bag of trail mix from home that's been measured out already. That way when dinner time rolls around, you're not ravenous to the point of not caring and wind up binging and starting the cycle all over again.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Make sure that you have protein and healthy fat at each meal. Fat does wonders for satiety.
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    And I usually do not eat dinner till much later in the evening.
    Tonight I won't have dinner till after workout which will be closer to 830pm
  • kamelew
    kamelew Posts: 10 Member
    What snack did you bring for 3:00?- maybe you have to change it, for example more protien, ect
    Maybe you are hypo insulinemic and have to eat every 2 hours. This requires thought and planning. I think most of us use MFP to help them be more thoughtful and planful about our eating.
    Maybe you are trying to loose too much weight at once- lower your weekly goal and add more calories- other wise you might just "get too hungry" and eat candy bars at 3:00, and end up gaining more weight.

    Some one said apple and peanut butter- I agree, and apples and weight watchers cheese product works the same- less fat.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    you can't eat it after you get to work?

    if I ate at home- it would be before 7. I don't like eating when I first wake up- so chose to eat when I get here- thankfully I get busy and just push it off.

    other thing- I agree- how are your macro's? I find I was STARVING when i was super high on protein- but wasn't getting the fats I needed (on a low carb type diet.. fats is super important- more important than it thought!!!)

    I get up at 515 and hit the gym for 45 minutes. Then home and get myself and kids ready for work/school. I eat egg beaters with veggies in it. Not good heated up. And feel like I need to replace protein after my am workouts.....

    So even with your workouts you are only allotted 1400 calories?? I work out and am usually closer to 1700 sometimes over 1800 depeneding on what I do.