Persistent Charlie-horses

This has always been a problem for me; I get Charlie-horses in the arches of my feet and also the tops of my feet. It has become a real concern because it’s happening more frequently – I have had at least one (sometimes two) every 2 – 3 days. I experience them mostly at night when I get in bed. It's happens before I fall asleep but I have had some after I'm asleep and wake me up.

I spoke with my Mother last night, she and my Grandmother have the same problem but it’s not just in their feet, but in her calves as well.

I drink plenty of water during the day and eat a banana almost every morning. I just started taking potassium/glucosamine tabs with dinner, but I am open to other suggestions.


  • albredera
    if you don't already, I would suggest stretching :happy:
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    very curious about any answers, I have the same problem with my arches:frown: it is a miserable thing!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Hmmm I get them fairly frequently, but find that a banana and lots of water daily help me. I would also suggest a foam roller and stretching - your muscle is probably a knotted mess and you need to work out all that tension.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    The the ones I used to get were from low electrolytes. I get the packets of propell and have a 1/4 of a packet (sometimes more depending on workouts) a day in water and I don't get them anymore. Mine were in my hands and calf muscles and if you try to stretch out during they would get worse.

    Hope that helps.
  • stephqj
    stephqj Posts: 20
    You can also try magnesium/calcium supplement at night. It can really help with cramping. My mom is prone to getting bad foot cramps when she's getting a UTI.
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    I remember years ago somebody telling me that taking a calcium supplement works for leg cramps. Don't take my word for it, research it. It would be an easy fix if it works. Good luck.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Cramps and restless leg syndrome completely hindered me during pregnancy. The only thing that helped-and helped well, was IRON. IRON supplements did wonders for me. BUT then you have constipation.
  • rclarke05
    Whenever I've had any problems with muscle cramps, its been because of an electrolyte imbalance. If it continues or if you notice severe muscle fatigue, you should probably get in to see your physician. Good luck! Hope you're taking a multivitamin as well!
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    I've had this problem for years. I do pretty much everything everyone suggested so far. I've noticed when my feet are cold it happens more. I wear socks at night and it helps me alot.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    It almost sounds like plantar facicitis. Does it bother you when you try to stand up in the morning? I suffer with this and it is painful! I've had physical therapy and steroid injections to help with mine but the thing that worked the best for me was Advil and stretching before I go to bed. Take a towel and roll it up. Hold the ends in each hand and place your foot in the center of the towel then pull back gently till your toes are pointing straight up (or however far is comfortable to you) and hold it for a count of 10. Release and do 10 reps on each foot. Another thing that helps is taking a water bottle and pouring a little water out of the bottle (to allow for expansion) and place it in the freezer. Place the bottle on the floor and roll your foot from the balls of your feet to the heel. Hope you feel better soon!
  • PJRiner
    PJRiner Posts: 58
    Eat a banana right before bedtime. It helped me.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I get the cramps in the bottom and top of the foot too. I mostly notice them when walking on uneven ground, or when first starting my walk. I do have plantar fascitis, but this is a completely different kind of pain. Right now I think my issue is that I need to get new shoes. My feet have shrunk and I am sliding around inside my walking shoes.
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    This is the second time Im answering this post. I thought of a couple things that help me with night time foot cramps last night as I sat and watched TV and my feet were cramping up. Besides keeping your feet warm. Getting some orthotics made helped. There are alot available at drug stores now too. But an actual pedodiotrist molds it to your feet. Then when I got rid of my heavy comforter on my bed helped. It was pushing my feet down so my toes were pointing forward and putting my feet in a position that started a cramp. My favorite stretch for my feet is standing on the edge of a bottem stair with my heel hanging off and lowering the heel so you can feel the stretch. Hopefully you will get some relief by just trying some vitamins and minerals. But if not these are some things I have figured out for myself.

    Good luck, I hope I've helped.:flowerforyou: