
Hi! I am trying this site after using Weight Watches previously. On WW, you get a certain amount of "splurge" points each week. I wish this site let you do that also. Any thoughts on this?


  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    The site doesn't let you do or not do anything. It's all about what you eat, how much and how much you exercise. If you save some calories aside for splurge days than you will have them. If you don't then you can't.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 270 Member
    This site is calorie based instead of points. You will have a certain daily calorie goal, you can use however many calories in your daily or weekly allotted calories for "splurge" and it will still even out. That's what WW does with the exercise and 'splurge' points.
    Best of luck
  • SunshineGRL76
    SunshineGRL76 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi there, Lindsey...
    Here is how I incorporated my splurge points into my caloric intake - I manually adjusted my goals.

    Roughly 1WW point is 50 calories - so I took how many points I can eat within a day & multiplied that by 50 calories.
    For the 'splurge' calories, I did the same calculation -

    35 splurge (bonus) points * 50 = 1750 calories
    divided that by 7 = 250 calories daily.

    I added the 250 calories to my daily allotment of point calories to determine what I could eat daily.

    Granted - we can use our bonus 35 points at any time during the week, although, there is really no way to capture this, so I look at it from the stand point that if I am over one day & under the next, then I am in good shape for eating the right amount of calories.

    I did WW about seven years ago & it was very successful. Through the past year or so, I have been trying different things to get the weight off & have recently came to the realization that I needed to get back to basics & needed to look at my weight loss journey differently. So, after trying TDEE-20% and the recommendation on calories by MFP, I needed to get back to what works...Last week I adjusted my calories to take the above into consideration.

  • Thanks! Sunshine Girl you were especially helpful. I think Weight Watchers worked so well for me because of the 35 splurge points. It's pretty necessary for my sanity. If I eat half a candy bar and feel incredibly guilty I'll go crazy! It feels good to know that you can indulge a little each week and still not blow your goal. Like you did, I'm going to incorporate the 35 points into my weekly goals.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Hi! I am trying this site after using Weight Watches previously. On WW, you get a certain amount of "splurge" points each week. I wish this site let you do that also. Any thoughts on this?

    This site assumes that you are a grown-up woman who has control over her life and what she eats. Therefore you can decide when to splurge and when not. I hardly ever do, because I get pretty much all I like/want from my daily diet. However a neighbor just gave a me a few cappucchino wafers ( 6 to be exact ) and I had them with a cup of coffee. Total 256 calories the cookies and 2 calories the coffee. I really enjoyed them, was within my calories and think I won't need or want anything sweet for a couple of month. Others like sweets daily and make room in their menu for daily treats. You don't need a " website " to tell you what you can eat. If you eat within your calories, everything is fine.
    Good Luck !
  • CaraRahl
    CaraRahl Posts: 72 Member
    I splurge on things like trail mix or sweets, I just make sure that I fit things in with my calorie allowance...the way I try to do things is the 80/20 rule: make 80% of your daily calorie intake healthy nutritious foods, and the other 20% can be "splurges" (credit for the idea goes to Jillian Michaels)
  • Thanks all! This site only allows me 1,200 calories a day so it's hard to work in treats outside of my daily allowance on that.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi! I am trying this site after using Weight Watches previously. On WW, you get a certain amount of "splurge" points each week. I wish this site let you do that also. Any thoughts on this?

    Weight Watchers does teach many good things such as portion control, but it is still a diet. I remember when I was "dieting", I allowed myself cheat days.

    However, now that I don't diet, but I work each day to eat healthy, exercise, and log in all my exercise and food calories, I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and continue to lose weight at a healthy rate.

    A few weeks ago I had one of my aunt's brownies that have been a family tradition for years. The difference between now and when I was "dieting" is that this time I only ONE brownie (logged it in too, and I had already planned into my day) instead of two, maybe three, maybe four.

    I don't believe in dieting and I don't believe in cheat days. I just believe in trying to eat well with a calorie deficit and working toward getting that last ten pounds off, though .5 lbs a week is awful slow now. I can live with it, though, because then I will have to learn how to maintain my weight.

    So, there is nothing this site does or does not allow. You set up your own goals, plans your own food and exercise, and use the MFP tools to help you change your lifestyle. Simple as that. :smile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thanks all! This site only allows me 1,200 calories a day so it's hard to work in treats outside of my daily allowance on that.

    If you are at 1,200 calories you have most likely set your goal to lose 2 pounds a week. From your ticker on your profile, it looks like you have very little to lose, maybe ten pounds or less? If that's the case, I would suggest setting your goals to lose 1 pound per week, or even .5 pounds per week, so that it's a slower rate. You will also have more calories to eat.

    If you are very overweight and have a lot of weight to lose, you would set your goals to lose around 2 pounds a week because the extra weight is affecting your health.

    Also, do you exercise? If you do, you are supposed to eat as much back as you can. Say, you go for this really great run after work. That run would give you more calories to eat.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    have you put yourself on sedentary and want to lose 2lbs a week? Unless you have a lot to lose you should consider reducing this, because 2lbs a week translate to a 1000 calorie deficit a day, which is not really going to work for everyone.

    Anyway good luck and remember there are no free foods here either, everything that goes into your mouth should be logged :-)