
I know part of its psychological with the days getting shorter and part of it is just LIFE.. Works been busy lately so im getting home later ... Schools back in .. that means helping with homework and earlier bed times for the kids.. By the time I spend what lil time I have with the kiddos before the trundle off bed and i look outside and its dark .. Ive lost the motivation to do what i know NEEDS to be done .. any suggestions would help


  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    If you mean exercise, I'd say do it in the morning before anyone is up.

  • gonnasee33
    If you mean exercise, I'd say do it in the morning before anyone is up.


    Yes I mean getting a workout in .. During the summer months it was ALOT easier to get a half hour of cardio in (mostly running) and then another 45 mins of strength training after.. Lately its been a struggle
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I know the feeling. It was no big deal to go for a run at 7:30 or 8:00 plm when it was still light out, but now that it's dark at that time it's tough to get my butt moving. But, I do it.
    Even If I got up in the a.m., it would still be dark and my body would be fighting me saying 'i'm not done sleeping yet!'

    It's just a mindset. You can push yourself through it!
  • barbalari
    barbalari Posts: 43 Member
    Yep, morning works best for me. I am the main carer for my disabled partner and son, so I get up early and just get it done. Sets me up for the day :drinker:
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    What time do you get in from work/ start spending time with the kids? You could take them on a bike ride or play in the park- or get a trampoline to get cardio in before it gets dark. Or if it's weights you're after.. lift your kids! or include them in your activity in some fun way that will benefit your whole family? I don't actually have kids so feel free to dismiss my ideas.
    Can you do any exercise in your work breaks? Some static stuff if you can't get to a gym.
    Walk/run to or from work? or back from collecting kids?
    Or simply close the curtains before it gets dark so you don't even think about it! I really struggled to continue to exercise when my routine changed- it's taken me about 4 weeks to get sorted.. now i'm missing runs due to a knee injury! We just have to keep going where we can and remember why we do it. Good luck!
  • gonnasee33
    What time do you get in from work/ start spending time with the kids? You could take them on a bike ride or play in the park- or get a trampoline to get cardio in before it gets dark. Or if it's weights you're after.. lift your kids! or include them in your activity in some fun way that will benefit your whole family? I don't actually have kids so feel free to dismiss my ideas.
    Can you do any exercise in your work breaks? Some static stuff if you can't get to a gym.
    Walk/run to or from work? or back from collecting kids?
    Or simply close the curtains before it gets dark so you don't even think about it! I really struggled to continue to exercise when my routine changed- it's taken me about 4 weeks to get sorted.. now i'm missing runs due to a knee injury! We just have to keep going where we can and remember why we do it. Good luck!

    I work a 9:30 Am to 6 PM day in the IT field.. Lately thats been stretching into 6:30-7-7:30.. Add on an hour commute (yes I live about 65 miles from my job... so walking or biking to work is out of the question :laugh: ) and Im not getting home till 8:30 at the latest so that gives me about an hour / hour and half to eat and "be dad" before they have to hit the sack..

    I do park as far out as I can in the parking lot (largely because I get here later so there ISNT any close parking) .. the last time I checked with the fitbit its about a 1/3 mile from my "normal" parking spot to my desk.. so that does help some and I do take the stairs whenever possible..
  • Ottawa_Randy
    Ottawa_Randy Posts: 42 Member
    Keep working with MyFitnessPal but add the extra incentive of $10-$25 at Dirtbetter.com and try to do it with a friend. You'll find the motivation you need or you've just blown some$. ;-)
    As well, you get a small reward for losing your 4% in 30 days which is your deposit and a small extra. A few of us are starting another one mid month for $25 but you have Halloween, American Thanksgiving in November and then Christmas in December. Most Americans gain over 5 pounds during these months and begin working it off in January.
    What a nightmare, but you could join a $10 game to see if the motivation helps. Having someone you know in it adds an edge as well.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    What about spending some of your lunch hour during the work day walking or working out somewhere? That's how I squeeze in some time.
  • Boomer_Sooner1972
    Boomer_Sooner1972 Posts: 19 Member
    For me........extra pounds=motivation.
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    I would get a short workout before work, 20-30 minutes maybe working very hard to get the max out of it and get my longer workouts on the weekends. Be creative. Maybe doing some sets of push ups at work intermittently for strength training. Or like someone else suggested walking at lunchtime, if you are able to get a lunch.
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    Ok- that is a long day! definitely scrap the family exercise idea- be a daddy for an hour! Maybe you just have to accept that winter is a tough time to get that much in for the day. Do what you can and stick with MFP to monitor it. When things settle it will hopefully become easier to get the time in- could be that you alternate cardio one day/ strength next? Didn't check where you're based but is it possible to track down a cheap or 2nd hand treadmill to run indoors?
    Hope you find what works for you- now i've begun running then had to stop I really miss it- totally understand the dark nights thing too!
  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    I would get a short workout before work, 20-30 minutes maybe working very hard to get the max out of it and get my longer workouts on the weekends. Be creative. Maybe doing some sets of push ups at work intermittently for strength training. Or like someone else suggested walking at lunchtime, if you are able to get a lunch.
    I think this is great advice..Every little bit of exercise you get will add up. Maybe on the weekends you can hit some long runs:) I wish you the best. You sound like a great dad that cares about his kids :)
  • HandyASH
    HandyASH Posts: 109 Member
    I always remind myself about how good I feel after a workout. Do you have an inspiration wall or board. It helps me, I have all my gym equipment in my garage and I read it and think of new fun things to add to it while I am working out. Have your kids do a drawing or art project for you to get inspired.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    my marathon training required midweek mileage that I couldn't manage all at one time. So I had to do some mileage in the morning and some mileage on my lunch break. I eventually got used to going out in the dark. It's kinda neat to run and look up at the stars & moon.

    If you have someone to stay with the kiddos, keep trying the after dark (before sunrise) runs and you may find that you like them.
  • erikmsp72
    erikmsp72 Posts: 137 Member
    Whenever in the day works, do it. Do something. Lift or do fifteen minutes of cardio, anything. If nothing else it is stress reducer and ramps up your immune system.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    Ah another IT person with long days and dark nights. I'm in the same boat but keep my focus on meal planning and while I miss my runs in the evening I'm finding new core exercises that are working the entire body. Go online look for exercises to target some not so happy areas of the body and like someone else said look for a used treadmill or elliptical. You could also add in a hula hoop competition with the kids a couple times a week and trust me they'll make you look so bad you'll be determined to improve. Cut back on meal time by using a crock pot or cook extra a couple days a week to have leftover night. Good luck finding your winter balance.
  • gonnasee33
    Ask and you shall receive.. In response to my lil "discouraged" pity party (sorry everyone !) I come into a short handed day at work with no less work orders to be done .. Long story short according to my fitbit over 8K steps / 14 flights of stairs today AND THE DAYS NOT OVER WITH YET..
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    My morning workouts have gotten darker too. I have a reflective vest and flashlight.