advice needed

Hi, I am looking to lose weight/tone up and do some strength training. However I have 2 children and find it impossible to get to the gym regularly. Does anyone have any advice for any strength exercises I can do at home and what equipment I might need? Thanks for your help :-) xx


  • briandahawaiian
    briandahawaiian Posts: 112 Member
    You could do pushups, dips, pull ups (get one of those pull up bars you attach to your door frames). Maybe gets some dumbbells or resistance bands, you can do many different movements with these. I am a single dad with three kids so I do know how hectic and busy the days can get. You can do it!
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Hi, I like you am a single Mum of two boys and cannot get to the gym as I work as well. I have a treadmill at home for cardio (bought on ebay) and I do Jillian Michaels DVDs (strength and toning), before my boys wake up in the morning...
    You could try Kettle Bells and all the usual sit -ups, push ups, planks etc and create your own strength routine. Also Pilates and Yoga are good for toning as well as relaxation.
    I do a Pilates DVD before bed to help me unwind as my days are pretty hectic.
  • Code7526
    Get yourself a bench press and a set of dumbbells which you can keep adding weights to.

    Here is 2 program; you can choose one program to follow and adapt and change it to suit you.

    Program 1


    Bench Press: 4 sets (8 reps )
    Shoulder Press 4 sets ( 8 reps )
    Arm Curl: 4 sets( 8 reps)


    Rest Day


    Leg Squats with dumbbells 4 sets ( 8 reps)


    Rest Day


    Bench Press 4 sets (8 reps)
    Dumbbell 4 sets (8 reps)
    Shoulder Press 4 sets 8 reps)


    Rest Day


    Rest Day

    Program 2:


    Bench Press: 4 sets (8 reps )
    Shoulder Press 4 sets ( 8 reps )
    Arm Curl: 4 sets( 8 reps)


    Rest Day


    Run 2 miles


    Rest Day


    Bench Press 4 sets (8 reps)
    Dumbbell 4 sets (8 reps)
    Shoulder Press 4 sets 8 reps)


    Run 2 miles


    Rest Day
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Looks like a good selection here. Minimal or no equipment needed.
  • alexboydell
    Ive been doing high intensity circuit training at home for the past month which is working perfectly and only takes 20 mins of my day. I started off doing 7 mins (as i was so unfit!) and worked up from there. Push ups, crunches, lunges, squats, running on the spot, tricep dip, planking.