feels like i cant do it

im trying my best to lose this weight how do I do it need help I NEED IT.


  • calliekitten9
    calliekitten9 Posts: 148 Member
    Just take it one day at a time....make sure you record all that you are eating and try to get some exercise in....
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Give this a read, it explains how to set your calorie and macro goals, the importance of logging accuracy, and other important points. Good luck. :flowerforyou: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Precisely what Calliekitten9 said. You take it day by day. And if that gets to be too much, then you take it 1 meal at a time.

    Write it all down. Good bad and ugly. Be accountable for everything that goes in your mouth. Pretty soon you will figure out "hey...I can have 2/3 of a cup of that cereal for 150 calories, but I can have 1 cup of this cereal for 100...and it will fill me up, too!" You will feel better if you snack on fruit as opposed to cakes. Make sure you drink water. Keeping hydrated helps stave of hunger and helps the body stay supple. You will find you are making better food choices because you feel better when you do.

    Log our workouts, too. Even if right now all you can do is walk to the mailbox and back. Once. I also suggest making up a chart and keeping it on a clip-board or in a notebook. Log onto it every time you work out. Be consistent and you will be amazed how much progress you can make! For instance, when I started THIS time, I started running a 2 min run, 2 min walk. I though I was going to pass out. I did 22 mins, 1.28 miles, with a pace time of 17.20 mins. One month later, I did 1.27 miles in 21.08 mins with a 16.33 pace & had lost 9.2 lbs It still blows me away when I flip back & see every time I bump up my intensity & how much stronger I feel. I remember how I felt that 1st day & how I felt tonight when I ran (38.04 mins, 2.64 miles, 14.24 pace & I'm running for 4 mins, walking 1!). If you have a smart phone, use an app like "Runtastic" or "Runkeeper", there are several , and several of then link up here to MFP. (and you don't HAVE to run on them, you can set your workout to walk or bike if that is your game)

    And - TAKE PICTURES. NOW. Tonight. Or 1st thing in the morning. When you start walking - then sprinting along this journey you are starting, you will be glad you have then to compare to. There will be times when the scale may not move, but you look at those picture side-by-side, and there is a difference. Your pants start hanging. Or, like me the other day, you get ready for work on a casual day and realize there is nothing to fit you anymore because everything just kinda "hangs"! Those pictures will be a life saver for you when you get frustrated. The scale is one thing, but the "pants-o-meter" is another, and when you can see the proof yourself in picture form - WOW!

    The most important thing is DO NOT QUIT!!!!!! You are worth it!! You just have to keep going! And if you have a "bad day", who cares? Log it, learn from it, and move on. Tomorrow is another chance. Keep moving forward!!!!!!
  • Cole7612
    Cole7612 Posts: 27 Member
    I agree with dreamer12151 and calliekitten9 Just take it one day at a time , it wont be easy at first but keep in mind "mind of matter" and soon it will become a habit both eating healthy and working out will become part of you life style. Just don't dwell on the bad days and don't make excuses like I CAN'T DO IT because you can!!! Just stay patient too because it is a process and it won't happen over night.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    All good advise from other above. One day at a time.

    Create good habits, and you'll get good results.
    And if some days, you mess up, that's ok, it's no reason to stop. just get back into the game & show them what you got.

    Here's a link that I found really helpful

    We'll be rooting for you !!