Being Made Fun Of For Eating Healthy...



  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm constantly getting made fun of about my food choices. I'm a personal trainer and a fitness instructor and I'm very conscious of what I put into my body because I really notice a difference in how I feel, my energy levels, etc. when I eat junk. Now, I'm no saint and I eat my fair share of junk food (totally a fat kid at heart) but I find that the ones who make comments and tease you about your food choices are the ones who know they should be eating better and I think it's a guilt reaction. It makes them that much more aware of what they just ordered or ate that they know they shouldn't have when you take the extra precautions to order something healthy for yourself.
    That being said, I don't push my food choices/beliefs/preferences on anyone. If someone wants me to help them with food choices and information then they can ask and I'd be happy to share it. But I will never comment on what someone else is eating. I know a couple people in the field that will jump right on someone for their food choices, and it really makes me angry.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Belittling people is an attempt to control them. It's hurtful that that's what they're trying to do, but what they actually say shouldn't stop you from achieving a healthy life. Stick to your guns :-)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Just go with the jokes, join in, say "Ooooh what mad rabbit food shall I have for lunch today then!"
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    People will criticize you no matter what you do. As you lose more weight you'll gain more confidence and learn to laugh it off. Many of those people a just jealous and misery loves company. The day will come when friends and family will turn to you for advice.


    I had two female coworkers who would tease me about the lunches I would bring. Once I lost enough weight where it was noticeable, guess who were the first to ask how I was doing it? :bigsmile: I have found that the people who mock your healthy food choices are generally the ones who feel guilty/need to lose some weight themselves. It is more of a defensive move on their part. Keep doing what you're doing and don't let the envious people get you down.
  • mike_usmc
    mike_usmc Posts: 105 Member
    I laugh at myself, becuase the style change is funny! I went from delicious Doritos and Coke to celery and pure water all the time. I'm kind of a jokster though so maybe that is why I find humor in it. Almost like the gambler who thought he had it, wagered his pay check and lost it, but still somehow just laughed at it. I took a gamble everytime the Doritos, and the Coke, and cheeseburgers came about, and I'm paying for it now.
  • shanniepk
    shanniepk Posts: 98 Member
    I live in the South and hear snide comments all the time. I belong to two local workout groups and we have private facebook groups to encourage each other. That helps and MFP is helping as well. Don't let it discourage you. Once I started showing significant improvement and weight loss, some of those same people also started asking what am I doing to look so good. It's your body and your health:).
  • parallax1978
    parallax1978 Posts: 13 Member
    My husband is the number one person who makes fun of me and, laughs and criticizes me on what I do and eat. I tend to hide what I am doing from him. I am tired of hearing him. In fact, right now I am making myself dinner when he is at my son's football practice because I won't eat what I made for He threw a tantrum last week (again) about not having food for him in the house. He means frozen tv dinners, ice cream, cookies, and any other processed fast food he can think of. He will not get on board with healthier lifestyle at all. It is frustrating.

    Sounds like you need to upgrade...
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    People giving you crap for making healthier lifestyle changes are bullies, pure and simple. After hearing the same sort of garbage from people at work and family, I started 'hitting back'. The results have been hilarious to me.

    Cow-orker (who is easily in morbid obese category): You shouldn't drink protein shakes, they're bad for you.
    Me: *looking them over* When did you become an authority on healthy living?
    Cow-orker: ...
  • sassabella
    Yeah, I get sick of this so badly. I get made fun of so much for eating healthily by my sister and also my friends. I don't understand what is wrong with treating your body the way it should be treated and trying to be in the best shape possible. People seem to think its unhealthy for me to be so healthy. Its unfair to be ridiculed or made out to be "too obsessed" when all I'm trying to do is maintain a healthy diet and exercise very regularly.

    What annoys me the most is when people ask how I lost my weight and I say healthy eating and exercise. They ask me if I was on a "diet" and if I am just gonna go back to eating whatever i want. No I'm not. I enjoy eating well and exercising so why would I want to throw that all away. Diets are complete bull****. People should be disagreeing more with the people that go on those dumb diets than the people who just want to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • LadyBugLex17
    LadyBugLex17 Posts: 146 Member
    I was wondering if this happened to anyone else. . . searched it and I see it is.

    Just had a not so fun experience, but I lived to talk about it ;)

    Moving on.... letting those people be those type of people. & i'm not talking about the junk food eating type of people. I'm talking about the judgemental, negative type.
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    This is why i keep my eating lifestyle to myself in my personal life.

    Luckily, i live alone & rarely go out to eat with anyone anyway.

    At the end of the day it's:

    YOUR choice

    YOUR mouth

    YOUR health

    Phuck what anyone else thinks about it.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    a bunch of my friends busted my chops about it because they didn't think I was out of shape as I knew I was, and it was odd for them to see me doing what I was doing. They joked a bit primarily because they did not think I was serious. When they saw I was they knew I wasn't just doing it as a fad and that I actually wanted to be fit.

    Your family may be doing the same, if not, then don't let it worry you.
  • swhiteism
    swhiteism Posts: 71 Member
    I wouldn't say I get made fun of necessarily, but some people can be annoying, especially at work. Like if someone's brought donuts to the breakroom, someone will always be like "You know you want one...", in a teasing manner. I laugh, but it drives me crazy, because I really, really don't want your stupid donuts, otherwise, I'd just eat one. Just because you have no self-control doesn't mean I don't.

    The other end of the spectrum is when I actually DO splurge, I get stupid comments. Like once, I was at Panera with a friend, and I ordered the baked potato soup and she said something to the affect of "I thought you only ate healthy stuff. I don't think that's healthy". She didn't mean it in a rude way, but I was thinking...STFU! Eating "healthy" doesn't mean I can't have some tasty soup every now and then and it was actually only 230 calories, like gosh...people just don't get it and think I'm sitting around deprived and eating rabbit food. I have a SYSTEM and it's working for me, mind your damn business.
  • kennefood
    kennefood Posts: 6 Member
    I just finished doing 4hr Body for 90 days. It's unfortunate that I didn't record my eating for those days, but that's another story. This entire 90 days I've been harassed in the office I work out of. "Want to grab a beer?" .. "Would you like some cookies?" .. "Enjoy some of the pastries we brought into the office!" .. "Happy hour starts in an hour, want to go get a burger?" .. For 90 days, I've eaten primarily beans, meat, veggies, and nuts 6 days a week and one glorious 7th day of victory eating. Everyone close to me has been told this at least once, and possibly multiple times when they were trying to understand the rules of my meal planning. Yet, they still pushed their offers my way. My dad's side of the family tried to be supportive, but even they couldn't grasp.. "beans, meat, veggies, and nuts.. nothing else." It still came at a cost of being offered something not on the list, or being made fun of because I'm on some "stupid diet."

    As frustrating as it could get at times and frequently feeling enticed by these offers, I pushed through. Personally, I set a goal and committed to it. You'll have your following that supports the goal, but it also comes with people that make fun of you for not partaking in the cupcake feast they organized. The people that make fun of you for the way you eat usually aren't people that share a similar goal or set of life choices. It was one of the hardest things I learned in the 90 days of 4hr Body. If I were to do it all over again, I would try to surround myself with more people that share a similar goal. Morale support would have been wonderful at the times I about had a mental break down because I craved something like a snickers bar.

    I did feel slightly better after reading an article written by this lady I've followed off and on for years. I read it about 30 days before the end of the challenge (home stretch baby!). It was just reassuring that I'm not the only one annoyed with some of the negativity that followed by my healthy nutrition planning. I was also amused reading it.

    Another piece of advice that came from my mother during my whole 90 day challenge was to avoid words like, can't, won't, shouldn't, etc. Instead, make suggestions for alternatives that are win / wins. She encouraged me to combat my family's inviting to go out and eat a hamburger with, "I'd prefer if we ate x because it's [ healthier / lighter / better for you / how ever you prefer wording it ]." There's a small chance you might find value in this way of thinking and communication.

    A healthy lifestyle is rewarding in so many ways, but it can come with sacrifice. Even if your closest network of people make fun of you for your choices, there is still an entire community here that supports your goal. Keep your spirt up. Keep your eye on the prize. Don't take s*** from anyone and brush your shoulder off!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    unfortunately you cannot please everyone.

    but luckily, that is not necessary. they can practice safe sex and go *kitten* themselves. if you're happy and healthy, then who cares what anyone else thinks.

    i get this a lot in regards to being a vegetarian. people seem utterly confused that i do not eat meat and do not like it. we all have our preferences, and i never understood why someone's personal eating habits or lifestyle is anyone else's business (except maybe for obesity related diseases regarding patients on medicaid that taxpayers are providing but that is totally not this thread).

    but people like that are no different then any other bully, they need to make themselves feel better about whatever insecurities they have by trying to bring down others.
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    Nope, luckily. Especially my Mum is ecstatic that I'm trying to be healthier. My group of friends are supportive and praise me, even though they don't live healthily. However, when I go out to dinner with them or hang out at their places, I save up calories for a day or two, so I don't ahve to worry about higher calories. I only say no to completely unnecessary snack foods.

    I got some reactions from colleagues because I have lunch duty at my school 4 times a week but rarely eat the food supplied there even though it would be free for me. They asked why I always brought a box with a small sandwich etc, guessing that I was maybe vegetarian or allergic to things. Once I explained that I prefer eating my main meal in the evening and that I'm trying to lose weight, they stopped talking.

    Only the lunch lady keeps trying to get my to eat, bless her heart. She's a lovely old lady and very concerned I might not be eating properly.
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    People will criticize you no matter what you do. As you lose more weight you'll gain more confidence and learn to laugh it off. Many of those people a just jealous and misery loves company. The day will come when friends and family will turn to you for advice.


    Everyone that used to make fun of me for either dieting too strictly (saying no to certain products) or not dieting as they thought would be right ("ohh you're eating chocolate! haha!"), or usually both, have stopped laughing and started looking into their own habits. My boyfriend became all of a sudden interested in diet and exercise, my boss is checking his cholesterol levels and a coworker who always said he "doesn't want to lose weight, only wanted to lose the belly" finally listened to what I kept saying and understands that's not realistic.
    Give it time, let the results speak for themselves and people will follow, or at least admire you.
  • blessybuva
    blessybuva Posts: 44 Member
    A friend of mine would always give me crap for not eating the same as the rest of them, for example we would order pizza and I'd order a salad. according to him, eating healthy doesn't really make a difference. then he went away for a couple of months, and after he came back he couldn't stop complimenting me on my weight loss, how good I look etc. he wasn't the only one who made fun of me for 'trying' to be healthy and trying to get fit. in the end it all resulted in me ending up with an eating disorder, and he has no clue that that's the main reason I literally split in half while he was away. he's convinced I lost so much weight because of all the salads etc, and is doing the same thing now.
  • mokoko123
    mokoko123 Posts: 77 Member
    I've discovered most people who comment are just jealous because they are not in control of their diets/health. I have a coworker who has gotten very rude to me - only to recently find out she questioned other coworkers of mine about how I lost the weight so fast. I started about a month after she did - now I've just about reached goal and she looks the exact same (mind you I see her in the break room with the donuts, bagels, chinese food, etc).

    I also get asked the "how did you do it?" and when I answer that I watch what I eat and exercise - nobody likes that! They want the magic pill solution. <sigh>

    I get a lot of comments about my healthy lunches that I pack - but again I think it's all jealousy. Esp. when one gal (who I love) said "see -that's what I should be eating" - haha - yup!

    Just revel in yourself - the heck with them. I do it for me - I have never tried to push it in anyone's face nor commented on what other people do or eat. I'll share my advice if asked, but that's it. I don't feel I deserve to be treated rudely because of it, but if that's the way they're going to treat me, so be it. I have no control over it & that person isn't worth my time.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    So my family always told me that I needed to start eating healthier and exercising more. They never thought that I was overweight or necessarily needed to even lose any weight, but they said it just because I never exercised and I ate a lot of junk food. So now I have gotten more conscious of myself and I have been eating healthy, counting calories, and working out everyday. And now I get made fun of and laughed at by the same people who always told me to do what I am now doing. Am I the only one having a hard time making the cross over to a healthier lifestyle? It makes it a lot harder to keep with it when everyone just laughs at you for adding up the calories in what you're eating or for making a salad instead of eating something unhealthy.

    Possibly because they realise they ought to pull their fingers out of their arses and do it too and you doing it just reinforces the fact that they are not doing it.

    I think it's time to post on Facebook every time you workout. :D
