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Exercise bike routines

Hi everyone,

My husband has recently bought me a spin-style exercise bike. I started using it yesterday. My plan is to do:

Monday - spin
Tuesday - taekwondo class (90 minutes, varying intensity, including bodyweight exercises like burpees, press ups, soldier crawls)
Wednesday- spin
Thursday - spin
Friday- Taekwondo class (As above)
Saturday - spin
Sunday - rest / walk with my husband

I currently weigh about 273 pounds (19 stone 7) and want to lose at least 130 pounds to get back to the weight I was before I started taking medication that helped me to gain 10 stone in 2 years. I realise this is going to take me a long time, after all, I didn't put the weight on in one day.

I would really like some help with what I should do on the spin bike to get the most benefit from it?
So far I am "warming up" for 5 minutes at an easy resistance level, then I am doing 10 x (30s sprint on medium resistance, 60s recovery pedalling), followed by 5 minutes cool down. This takes me about 25 minutes, but I have time to do longer if it will be ok. I picked 25 minutes as I've only just started with it.

My aim (apart from losing the weight) is to build up my fitness ready for my black belt grading in april

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

Allie :-)


  • ellie40475
    There are spinning podcasts you can download for free on itunes. It's like going to a spin class but you can do it anywhere. My favorites are by Dennis Mellon (you can either search him on itunes or go to his website ). I've been spinning for about a year and his classes are HARD but they're all done by how you feel so they are very easy to fit into any fitness level. They run about an hour, but you can always work yourself up to doing a full class if it's too long at first.

    Dennis also has podcasts for the elliptical, stair climber, or treadmill. Seriously, he's amazing.
  • alliex
    alliex Posts: 35 Member
    Wow thank you, looks really good.
  • Jess_rom52
    Hey Aliex!

    Seems like you schedule for the whole week is set to go, I am myself looking forward to plan a workout accordingly as I need to loose weight. I saw your workout plan and got some inspiration from it. However, I am not so strong in doing this stuff with dedication. May be I could use your help!

    It is nice to know that your husband cares for you and bought you a spin-style exercise bike, Could you please let me know from where I could get an effective exercise bike or if you could provide me any tips as of what to look for while buying a spinning bike.

    Thanks in advance! :)