INSANITY, anyone?

Okay, so I lost 50 pounds, have gained 20 back in the past year, and I find I simply can't do moderation. I can't just stick to 20 minutes of exercise, 3 times a week (or whatever it is now) - just like I can't diet. Nothing seems to work for me. My confidence is at rock bottom. I look at my goal dresses and pictures of pretty girls I envy all day, convince myself that the hours of endless standing at work are enough exercise for me to justify stuffing my face afterwards when I know, really, I'm just being lazy and I'm just fueling this negativity and worsening my problem. I'm only 21. I'm sick of second-guessing myself.

I briefly (half-assedly) tried Insanity in January and I LOVED the high I got, but I gave up because, wah-wah, it was hard and I wasn't seeing results quickly enough. But I loved the feeling I got during and after the workout, and I loved having someone yelling at me, almost to the point of tears, and I want to start the program over again. But I need some help. I need someone to keep me accountable.

I am 5'9'', weigh 160 lbs, medium-to-no muscle tone.

Any takers? :D


  • deannamalik
    Hey girl! I am on my first round of Insanity, Day 5! I use to be in the military and was in great shape, until I had kids. now I am 70 lbs away from where I use to be. every time I lose some weight after each kids I get pregnant again and gain it back plus some! So now, for health reasons and to look goooood, I decided, enough excuses! I do the excuse thing also, very bad actually. but really, as much as I dont want to do it because its going to be hard.... if you just lace up your shoes and press play, its much harder to give up. and having support. I live in NY but grew up in WA so all my friends are so far away but I have a few girls there that are doing it with me. even though we cant do it literally together I know I have someone. sooooo, once you are ready, you have to push play! If you look around on these forums you will be able to find support groups, I just found one on here a few minutes ago. its a facebook page, I am waiting for her reply with the www. but if you are interested I will reply back with the page info???
    how far did you get on your last round of insanity?
  • rolemodel69
    Are you sure Insanity is the right program for you?? Insanity is a pretty extreme program and i think this is not the right program for you! If you find the program too hard for you, you will drop out after a few workouts.

    I would be happy to help you but i think you should really consider a shorter program that will be easier for you like FOcus T25 or Chalean Extreme.

    Obviously the nutrition part seems to be a problem for you, you don't have to diet yourself. You have to change what you eat for more healthy food less calorie dense that will fill you up without packing on too muc calories. MFP is a great tool to keep track of your calorie and Nutrients but you got to be true to it and be ready to change your eating habits. I can help you with that if you are willing to put effort into it.