Having my weight loss noticed makes me feel uncomfortable



  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    I sometimes am the same way. But then I remember the time, energy and the motivation it took to get me where I am and it somehow makes me feel better. . You look great and have accomplished a ton, be very proud :)
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    It took me over a year to become some what comfortable with compliments about my weight lose and how good I am looking and doing.
  • lossitall35
    OMW......SO TRUE....SO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! I am at a 64pd weight lost and have another 50 or so to go so like you I almost HATE when people make me feel like I have reached my place and yes my mind and efforts start to relax....so like you I now say nothing and will try to not even tell them numbers. In the past when I have said "well I have 50 more pds to lose" they make me feel weird by saying well I think you look great....you look so good. When in inside I know 50pds of extra weight on my frame is not healthy nor does it look cute. And yes I know people mean well
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    My friend and family could have cared less if I was a 16 or a 4. I really never got comments at either size. I did it for me and really didn't care what others thought.

    But this weekend, with my mom, I was trying on dresses at Macy's for an upcoming wedding. I had come out to look in the big mirror and 2 ladies came out with a bunch of items and put them on the rack outside because they didn't work. I hear the one say to the other "I wish I was that thin. Everything would look great then", pointing to me. Insead of saying, "Wow, you look great", I got the "Life would be better if I was like her" comment. I took it as a compliment, but if given a bit more warning I'd tell her how much work it is to be my size. It didn't happen overnight and 2 years ago around this time I got to my breaking point. Wishing won't make things better, and comments under your breath to a friend in a fitting room won't make the commentee feel good about one's self either.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    lol, i like you.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    I used to enjoy it when I lost weight the first time, but now that I've yo-yoed, I actually cringe when anyone says anything, I would rather they just ignore my weight!
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    Today I decided that I felt comfortable enough to wear a form fitting top. As I was minding my own business at work, my supervisor walks behind me and states rather matter of factly,
    "My God, Emily, you have been losing a lot of weight."

    I went into instant social anxiety mode. Instead of saying something like "thank you for noticing! ect." I just go

    This doesn't only apply to my supervisor, but to my friends and family as well. I just feel so uncomfortable whenever anyone points it out, and for the life of me I can't figure out why.

    You know what's also uncomfortable? Passerby's looking at you and smiling. Strangers talking to you. Actually receiving help in a store.
    I feel like I have been missing out on basic human interactions my whole life because of my weight, and they are now all being thrown at me at once as a 23 year old woman.

    Anyone else in the same boat?

    I'm sure most here have plenty of sympathy for your plight.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Not me, I get super excited and even more motivated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    me too :happy:

    I understand what the OP and some others are talking about though. Society isn't very kind to bigger people. So getting all this new and different attention is bound to be at best strange, and for some, stressful and alarming.

    It's not just weight loss, people report similar things who've had breast reductions/enlargements; changed their hair colour; changed gender or cross dress; have children; aged... the list goes on.

    I used to resent it if I got wolf whistles in the street. Now I resent it that they're whistling at the girlie next to me.

    What matters is that you're happy and comfortable in your own skin. As well as shedding the weight and getting fitter, you need to discover your inner glow, your self pride and confidence so that comments like this make you smile instead of making you cringe, and any nasty comments just bounce off.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    It makes me uncomfortable, too. But I'm just anti-social in general....I don't like people to call any kind of attention to me. Leave me the eff alone!
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    Today I decided that I felt comfortable enough to wear a form fitting top. As I was minding my own business at work, my supervisor walks behind me and states rather matter of factly,
    "My God, Emily, you have been losing a lot of weight."

    I went into instant social anxiety mode. Instead of saying something like "thank you for noticing! ect." I just go

    This doesn't only apply to my supervisor, but to my friends and family as well. I just feel so uncomfortable whenever anyone points it out, and for the life of me I can't figure out why.

    You know what's also uncomfortable? Passerby's looking at you and smiling. Strangers talking to you. Actually receiving help in a store.
    I feel like I have been missing out on basic human interactions my whole life because of my weight, and they are now all being thrown at me at once as a 23 year old woman.

    Anyone else in the same boat?

    Passerby's or strangers don't make me uncomfortable. They are just looking. I don't mind receiving help in the store either. What is starting to annoy me and make me uncomfortable is that I have the same co-workers saying "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight!" "How much have you lost now?" "What are you doing?" A lot of times they ask when there is a crowd around and so everyone is like paying attention. Everyone at work knows I run and hit the gym after work so it gets bothersome sometimes. You'll get used to the new attention. Most of the time I just smile and keep it moving.
  • jayoaks
    I like hearing that someone noticed. Proves to me that I am really on the right road. Let's all face it, if you lose weight people will notice. The more you lose the more they will notice. Them making a remark is meant as a compliment I am sure. It does not matter what they think though, hopefully you are losing for yourself. Taking off pounds is not easy, a lot of people really struggle. So hold your head up with pride and answer them "Absolutely, I am losing."
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    It doesn't bother me at all when people notice. I just say something like, yes, thank you, etc. I enjoy it. I'm working veey hard & it is good to know others see that. Specific questions make me a little uncomfortable, like how much have you lost, but most people are not so rude that they ask.

    It bothers me more when people never mention it once because that makes me wonder if they are talking behind my back or something. I mean, anyone who knows me has got to have noticed. I've lost a huge amount of weight & look very different. Like my next door neighbor - she has never once mentioned that it looks like I'm losing. But I suppose some people think it would be rude to comment.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Skinny people get more attention... it's so unnatural to me to receive it but it's always. I'm like... *turns into a hermit*
  • fullofquirks
    fullofquirks Posts: 182 Member
    Right there with you. When I got a comment or a look from a random person I have to try really hard not to go home and eat away the anxiety and fear those comments evoke. I got to 338lbs to be invisible. Now that I'm get a a bit smaller than what I used to it's a battle. Family and fiends mean well enough but just don't get it.
  • ElikaCousland
    ElikaCousland Posts: 62 Member
    I also feel uncomfortable when people notice my weight loss. I know they are trying to compliment me, but in my warped, low self-esteem brain it sounds like "wow you used to be SOOO FATTTT!!!" I don't ever mention how much I've lost, because I obviously still have a ways to go, and I don't need people eyeing me up, doing mental math at how much I must have weighed before. Like, wow, you lost 90 pounds and you're still overweight. I'm ashamed that I ever got to that point, and I don't like the reminders.

    It sucks to feel that way though, and I'm actively trying to stop. It's hard to reverse a lifetime of feeling uncomfortable in one's body, and all the social responses developed with it.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    I was at the Apple Store yesterday and the girl that was helping me was all over me. I guess I should be flattered but man was it uncomfortable.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I don't mind so much the "you look great, you must have worked really hard" type of compliments, because I did work really hard, but its when they want to get into detail, asking how much I've lost or what size I wear or my annoying neighbor who no longer calls me by my name but, "hey skinny" which I hate, or a new one, "you don't have to worry about food, you're skinny now". I've been at this for almost 2 years, I'm over it, it's a part of my life now. I get it if someone hasn't seen me in awhile, sure they'll have lots of questions, I usually answer with the basic, "eat less, move more, blah, blah, blah" and try to move on to a different subject.
  • marisbowen
    Wow! And here I thought it was only me that didn't like my weight loss noticed.

    What bother's me the most was when I was plateauing and still would get comments of weight loss. It made me feel guilty or self concious about the scale. It actually started to stress me out and move the numbers up! Yup, emotional eater here.

    With my "come back" I've become almost silent about my progress. Besides here of course, there are only 2 people I talk to about this journey. And thats a bare minimum. When someone notices I just shrug and say "I don't think so." LOL Yes a total lie, but it shuts them down. Or I'll just say "Thanks, I'm just watching what I eat."

    I hated when they asked what I was doing. Past 4 years, the total is 61 loss. So people were curious, and my answer was just eating better and exercise because that's all it was. But that wasn't enough, they wanted details. Than it got ridiculous because they would say, Oh I couldn't do that -or- Oh, I wish I could do that.

    So annoying!

    Shrugging it off or changing the subject quickly has been working so far. Last thing I want is for it to start stressing me out again.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    maybe because it reinforces that they thought you were fat before.

    Yes, this is why it was for me.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Not me, I get super excited and even more motivated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i got to admit this is me too. i just couldnt understand why people werent commenting at first and then they all started to notice.