Weight Loss Can Result in Reversing Diabetes



  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Of course the doctors and medical professionals are going to say that you can NOT reverse diabetes. They don't want you to. Seriously. Look at the number of people that have diabetes just in the USA. Think of how much money is spent on supplies and prescriptions. Think of how much money the doctors, companies that make the medication, meters etc and the pharmacies themselves will lose if everyone got smart and active to reverse this disease. Any smart idiot (Yes, I know that is an oxy moron, but it fits in this case) with half a brain can figure out what would happen if the truth is spread about it.

    :blushing: Ohhh if it were only that easy :flowerforyou:
  • KNShaikh
    KNShaikh Posts: 2 Member
    Great Success Story on diabetes reversal. I am also trying to reverse mine...hope myfitnesspal would help
  • Kyllosis
    Kyllosis Posts: 66 Member
    Congrats! :D That's a huge achievement by anyone's standards. :)
  • Patriots96
    Patriots96 Posts: 96 Member
    Please know he is only talking about Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is NOT reversible, no matter how healthy you get. I should know. I am a Type 1, have been for 19 years. I have gotten my weight down and exercised but NEVER came off of insulin. I never will, unless I get a new pancreas. Type 2's are different from Type 1's and their body has different issues, so they can lose weight and control their diabetes with diet. Type 1's can decrease insulin needs and get healthier by losing weight but will never get rid of it. I want to make sure people understand that, so there is no false hope being given here. That being said, I am losing weight, and have decreased my insulin needs, my A1C is better, and I am healthier. I depend on my insulin pump to keep me alive though. Take it away for a few hours and I will go into ketoacidosis b/c my body does not make insulin. Just wanted to clarify some things being said on here. carry on..:smile:
  • Adventure9
    Adventure9 Posts: 58 Member
    I think the OP, **** Cobb is a real person and sounds like he is an inspirational one at that. Found this about a successful Pick-up Litter volunteer organization he runs: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adopt-YOUR-Block-Be-a-Litter-Gitter-Huntington-WV/150391718348761

    Question: Regarding whether or not diet, exercise and weight loss cures Type II diabetes, are we really talking semantics here? It would seem that at some point, all our bodies would break down if we feed it the wrong foods, too many foods and not enough exercise. It just happens at different points with different people, and different systems break down first. In some, the ability to deal with glucose breaks down first. So, as far as lifestyle issues are concerned, isn't it a fact that none of us are ever cured of the ability to totally withstand long term abuses? So, therefore when someone says they are cured of Diabetes, we know what they mean. They are now operating in a zone of body weight, food intake and exercise where their personal machine operates in a healthy range. To me, this would be a cure. Thoughts?
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    congrats! so happy for you :)
  • I've been hearing people say this. But any time i ask a healthcare professional if diabetes is reversable, they look at me like i'm a moron and give me a very confident NO!

    I have a lot of loved ones with diabetes. Unfortunately, even if this is true, i don't think it would motivate them to eat/exercise enough.

    Just hoping this is for real and not another ridiculous troll, cause this one would be a little like a punch in the nuts

    Yes it can I am a pure example of that. I was on diabetes medicine and cholesterol meds through exercise and better food choices I am on no longer on those meds anymore. I hope to stay that way if possible.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    yes type 2 can be reversed and stopped, i did it.

    Congrats to the OP.
  • haju2
    haju2 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm happy for ya. :)
  • errorist
    errorist Posts: 142 Member
    Here's the Newcastle University page on their diabetes study. It seems they are only confident about the 'reversal' for people who've been diagnosed with type 2 for four years or less.

  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member

    Question: Regarding whether or not diet, exercise and weight loss cures Type II diabetes, are we really talking semantics here? It would seem that at some point, all our bodies would break down if we feed it the wrong foods, too many foods and not enough exercise. It just happens at different points with different people, and different systems break down first. In some, the ability to deal with glucose breaks down first. So, as far as lifestyle issues are concerned, isn't it a fact that none of us are ever cured of the ability to totally withstand long term abuses? So, therefore when someone says they are cured of Diabetes, we know what they mean. They are now operating in a zone of body weight, food intake and exercise where their personal machine operates in a healthy range. To me, this would be a cure. Thoughts?

    No. It's not semantics.

    There are plenty of people who've had a diet of mainly carbs, gotten morbidly obese, and never became diabetic or pre-diabetic. If you have Type II diabetes, you need to be watchful with your diet forever. Once you have the symptoms controlled, you can be more liberal in your choices, maybe even to the point of eating 'normally', but you still need to be aware that poor choices will set off the diabetes again. It's waiting to rear its ugly head.

    If you were 'cured', you'd be able to eat all the carbs, gain weight, etc and have no worries. Not about diabetes, anyway.

    Ask a cancer patient sometime whether the difference between 'in remission' and 'cured' is just semantics.
  • DiabetesCooking
    DiabetesCooking Posts: 5 Member
    To the OP.

    thank you for an inspirational post.
  • DiabetesCooking
    DiabetesCooking Posts: 5 Member
    I've been hearing people say this. But any time i ask a healthcare professional if diabetes is reversable, they look at me like i'm a moron and give me a very confident NO!

    I have a lot of loved ones with diabetes. Unfortunately, even if this is true, i don't think it would motivate them to eat/exercise enough.

    Just hoping this is for real and not another ridiculous troll, cause this one would be a little like a punch in the nuts

    It depends on which type of diabetes it is. Type 2 is reversible. Type 1, not always.

    Not reversible, manageable.

    Complications can be reversible as the damage may not be permanent, or able to be reversed to a degree. However, the condition is not. I wish it weren't so, but it is.

    I too am looking into managing (not curing) my T2 Diabetes and the article does have some interesting information.
    All my life I have been medicine "unfriendly" as I believe most of the treatments out there are aligned towards the Pharmaceutical Industry and the ability to fill their coffers.

    Any non-conventional thinking is always a bonus in my eyes.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Great to hear! Just to echo what some have already said, Diabetes has no cure right now, but it can be managed. I was taken off my medications in April with a "below normal" A1C, the few times that I have had something sweet since then I still get headaches and feel terrible the next few days following. Just keep an eye on the nutrition and again.. congrats!!!
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Please read this.

    If you have type II diabetes - it's worth the 20 minutes of your life you'll spend reading it.

  • RenshiG
    RenshiG Posts: 71 Member
    I've been hearing people say this. But any time i ask a healthcare professional if diabetes is reversable, they look at me like i'm a moron and give me a very confident NO!

    I have a lot of loved ones with diabetes. Unfortunately, even if this is true, i don't think it would motivate them to eat/exercise enough.

    Just hoping this is for real and not another ridiculous troll, cause this one would be a little like a punch in the nuts

    The neighbor of my parents has a very VERY similar story. She actually had complications / nerve damage from diabetis. Started riding her bike and adjusting her diet and is now much happier and healthier. It took a while esp since she had to be slow and diligent about her dietary modifications given her condition but about 1 1/2 years later: Totally off of her meds. (she was also in her late 60s.... so not a time you are going to break any speed records with transforming your body!)
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    OP, Congratulations! That's just wonderful and an important reminder that dieting is about health, not looks. I'm happy for you. :)

    I know it isn't the same thing, but I inherited a 17 year old cat with uncontrolled diabetes. I really thought he would die within a few weeks of getting him. He was on insulin for about 6 months, but because we changed his diet as well he needed less and less until he was off completely. He's not cured, but as long as we maintain his low carb diet there is no reason to think that he'll go back to his diabetic state. A good diet is essential for everyone.
  • RebeccaJ0405
    RebeccaJ0405 Posts: 10 Member
    Great job, OP. Thanks for sharing your good news and success!
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    If you were 'cured', you'd be able to eat all the carbs, gain weight, etc and have no worries.

    In my opinion, this is a ridiculous line.

    Using this line, anyone who is determined to be genetically susceptible to diabetes would be considered diabetic even without any observable symptoms. Which is not anyone's standard.

    Similarly, anyone who has ever been obese would now be considered obese forever? Since they would predictably become obese again as soon as they "eat all the carbs, gain weight, etc".

    Or if you drink way too much and get a fatty liver that would be incurable too (apparently)? Since even if you quit drinking, your liver repairs itself and everything goes back to normal - You'd still have "alcoholic fatty liver disease" because if you started drinking heavily again you'd be right back to where you started.




    If semantics (yes, semantics) are going to be argued - the lines need to be drawn in a way that makes sense.
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    Type 1 tends to be irreversible without transplant surgery, but I got steroid induced Type 2 when taking high dose steroids and being inactive whilst recovering from surgery, I also managed to reverse the diabetes by changing diet and dropping weight!
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