Bowflex/BioForce Squats and Deadlifts

tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
I recently got a BioForce and I love the machine. The resistance is smooth. It's good stuff. It was between that machine or a Bowflex. I could've gone either way.

Here's my issue: I've been trying to use the machine for deadlifts and squats. Here's what I've noticed:

- Squats are weird. It takes a lot of awkward movements to get under the handles so I can do a proper squat. The videos make it look much easy. How did you get around this? Any pointers?

- Deadlifts are a little weird. I feel like I should be standing on a platform because I'm used to clutching the weights with the handle bar a little closer to the ground with me knees bent a little further. I'm not sure if my form is right. I'm used to doing power cleans where I the objective is to explode to get under the weights and bring it just under my chin. Should I use a platform?


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    With squats just set it a little higher and start at the bottom. Use a platform for dead lifts.
  • riveroflight
    Hey Tom. Rusty Moore of Visual Impact Muscle Building has very interesting things to say about squats and deadlifts, how to use them and how not. I use and love his program:

    I hope you find this useful.