I'm new.... TIPS? Add me?

My name is Maria and I just found out about myfitnesspal half an hour ago.
I'm really trying to change the way I live and my eating habits, because I wanna feel good with myself and I wanna be happy when I look into the mirror,
Any tips? Please??? Any help will be well received.
Besides, I wanna know if myfitnesspal work for you guys, if this is worth it.....
Thanks a lot!!!


  • bs240z
    bs240z Posts: 70 Member
    tip: stay at it. it works. it's just math.
    tip 2: one bad meal won't make you fat and one good meal won't make you skinny. slow and steady wins the race.

    feel free to add me if i can help.
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Maria! I have been on MFP for about a year and a half and I have found it to be a useful tool in helping me stay accountable.
    Tips-- build a support system. The pals I met here help me stay on track.
    Feel free to add me.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
  • cat80233
    cat80233 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I am not new to MFP but am new to utilizing the community for support. I lost 60 lbs by using this site and it has been wonderful. So far the people that have helped me have been wonderful and supportive but also keep me honest, they don't let my excuses fly lol which is nice and it what helps keep me on track!
    I would love to be a support for you. :)
  • mi18agnes
    thanks a lot for the tips :) I'm adding you!!
  • mi18agnes
    Thanks for your opinion, good luck on your fitness journey!
  • mi18agnes
    Hey, thank you so much you are already helping me so much with your motivation and support, I'm definitely adding you as well!
    Good luck!
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    Find measuring cups (the kind with seperate cups for 1/4, 1/2, 1/3, ect) you can use as bowls. I've eaten more than a few times out of my 1/2 cup or my 1 cup and it really helped that the bowl was visually full. A small full bowl will register in your mind very differently than a large but only half filled bowl.
  • melismh
    melismh Posts: 25 Member
    I am new too...but have been successful in losing 18 lbs..

    Keep at it...one day at a time....add me as a friend if wish.

  • mi18agnes
    Thanks for the tip :)
    Find measuring cups (the kind with seperate cups for 1/4, 1/2, 1/3, ect) you can use as bowls. I've eaten more than a few times out of my 1/2 cup or my 1 cup and it really helped that the bowl was visually full. A small full bowl will register in your mind very differently than a large but only half filled bowl.
  • mi18agnes
    I'll try ... Everybody is always saying Fitness is Discipline. I can do this.

    Thanks for the tip and good luck with your fitness journey!!
  • mi18agnes
    I'm sure we can do this right? We are strong.
    Thanks for the advice!!
    Maria :heart:
  • paulygi
    paulygi Posts: 58
    Hi there. I've fould cinnimon to be a great appetite suppressant. I add it to my shakes. On apples. In oatmeal. And in tea. Read up about it, something to do with helping level your sugar levels, which if not level will cause hunger. Works for me.
  • mi18agnes
    You mean cinnamon right?
    Thanks for the tip and support
    Hi there. I've fould cinnimon to be a great appetite suppressant. I add it to my shakes. On apples. In oatmeal. And in tea. Read up about it, something to do with helping level your sugar levels, which if not level will cause hunger. Works for me.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    Welcome to MFP! My biggest tip is to plan--plan your meals/log ahead if that helps you stick to it. Plan a few easy meals that you can keep on hand when you're too tired to cook. If you're going out to eat, look at the menu ahead of time if you can and figure out a way to make your choice fit into your calories for the day.

    Also, just do it and don't stop. That means log every day whether you feel like it or not. Don't give up what you want most for something that will only satisfy you for a few minutes. Good luck! :smile:
  • lee1309
    lee1309 Posts: 2 Member
    I sent u a request. I've had my account for a long time but have been inactive for awhile. I used to use the app daily but never added friends so now I'm wanting to add some people for support!
  • mi18agnes
    Totally going to follow all of your tips!! that 'plan your meals' tip - never thought of that. Thanks a lot!! Your motivation inspires me :flowerforyou:
    Welcome to MFP! My biggest tip is to plan--plan your meals/log ahead if that helps you stick to it. Plan a few easy meals that you can keep on hand when you're too tired to cook. If you're going out to eat, look at the menu ahead of time if you can and figure out a way to make your choice fit into your calories for the day.

    Also, just do it and don't stop. That means log every day whether you feel like it or not. Don't give up what you want most for something that will only satisfy you for a few minutes. Good luck! :smile:
  • mi18agnes
    I am here to support you and help you. :smooched: Already accepted you
    Surround yourself with the people that have the same goals of staying healthy or losing weight. It helps a lot!!

    Good luck with your fitness journey! You can do this
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    I'm not going to give any specific tips. Just find out what works for you and stick with it. There will definitely be ups and downs (sometimes in the same day!) but consistency is key :)
  • mi18agnes
    I'm not going to give any specific tips. Just find out what works for you and stick with it. There will definitely be ups and downs (sometimes in the same day!) but consistency is key :)

    that is already an excellent advice & tip :tongue: