GM diet is working for me.



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
  • stormofthedragon
    Thanks for all the feedback. I had no idea anyone had replied to this board. I don't really think its unhealthy because you are eating healthy, natural foods and you can eat as much as you want instead of starving yourself. Even after a forced diet of pizza and fast food these last two months I still have kept to my usual 180 instead of going back into the red of 190. The weight stayed off for a long time too. And I am still more likely to be in the 175 range than 180. I felt better after the diet as well. I think it worked well for me. I hope it helps others as well. Thank you for all your support. ^_^
  • MommaDalton
    i'm starting this cleanse/diet tomorrow. as someone mentioned before, it's clearly NOT a long term diet, just something to help jumpstart weight loss and give you more energy. i have not been able to break 160lbs for a while now so i'm hoping the number will have dropped after the week is up and i'll feel energized and healthier.

    can't wait to run to Kroger in the morning to get stocked up on fruits, veggies and some beef! this diet will be so easy for me, as i love all fruits/veggies and have no problem whatsoever with milk, bananas, tomatoes....bring it on!!!!!
  • amita35
    It has worked for me too. This is the only way I seem to loose weight. I have done it 5 times now . Lost a total of 18lb. I am on my sixth time now after a break of month and a half. THe weight did not come back since I am eating healthy.
  • betsyramirez93
    betsyramirez93 Posts: 1 Member
    I absolutely love this detox, the first time I did it a couple months ago I lost 8 pounds and was able to keep it off for 4 months until recently I've been stressed and resorting to junk food so I'm back on it again . This is day 3 and I'm already down 5-6 pounds. I'm hoping I can lose more weight this time around. I think that working out daily also helps with the weight loss & also for the people who are lactose intolerant I substituted regular milk on day 4 it with low calorie vanilla almond milk and it worked well. I noticed that bananas aren't filling but the milk really helps curve your hunger. Best of luck to all of you.