diet and weight loss

Ok i am 26 and have been an active person for a few years, i just got a body fat test done and i am at 29.8% which is 2% shy of being obese :( I weight 138.3 lbs and i am 5'7" so i am what you would call skinny fat. I lift weights 4-5 days a week doing different muscle groups then once i am done with that i jog about 1-2 miles. I just started to eat clean 14 days ago. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions or advice to get that # down? i don't feel like i need to lose any weight, i already eat 1500-1600 calories a day. I also have a bodybugg which is a good tool for me to know how much i am burning each day. Please help me any suggestions or ideas to try and get that % down would really help. Thank you


  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Dani - what you eat is probably the main culprit here. So, eat clean and drinks lots of water. Sugary drinks are nothing but empty calories - so replace them with water. From a workout perspective, replace the 1-2 mile jog with Hight Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Sprints for 30-45 seconds, followed by 1 minute jogs...repeat. Best to lift weights then HIIT (not the other way around). Good luck.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I don't buy the whole eat clean thing. I went from 140 lbs and 28% BF to 115 lbs and 19% BF by eating at a deficit and running and cycling. I ate McD's, Iced Capps and lots of crap within my budget (still do) and had no problems dropping the fat. At 5'7" and 138 lbs I'd really question that you have 28% BF. How did you have it tested?
  • I was tested at a gym where they hooked me up to some wire things it was 28.9% then i used my friends Withins scale and it said the same thing. thank you for the help! I don't drink any sugary drinks, or fake sugar really the only thing i drink besides water is coffee with a small amt of creamer. I for the last few weeks have had my macros at 50% protein 30% fat and 20% carbs i mostly hit those #'s. I has only been 2 weeks since i started eating better though i probably need to just give it time. The guy who is training me said the same thing that he didn't think i had that much BF but both the scales did. I will just keep trying to get it down to a better healthier #.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I don't trust those machines at all. Try to find someone who is really good with calipers or if you can afford it and find out, doing a dunk test or BodPod is well worth it to know for sure.
  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    I have heard that your level of hydration has an impact on how those machines assess your fat%. I think if you are not properly hydrated they might overestimate your fat%... although I cannot recall where I read that so I might be getting it wrong.
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I have heard that your level of hydration has an impact on how those machines assess your fat%. I think if you are not properly hydrated they might overestimate your fat%... although I cannot recall where I read that so I might be getting it wrong.

    I've heard this too. When I weigh first thing in the morning my scale gives me something around 26-27%, but when I weigh in the afternoon, after I've been eating and drinking water, I'll be up a couple pounds but down to 24-25%.
  • when i weighted the first time at the gym it was a monday and i tend to drink less water on weekends. It was around 4 pm, then the 2nd time i weighted on with Withins it was 2 days later in the evening. All good advice though. I appreciate it all. I just don't want to bump up my cardio too much because i want to gain muscle.