Looking for MFP friends/motivators

I lost 60 lbs. in one year and gained back 20 lbs. within 6 months of becoming a SAHM. I need to regain focus. I need friends to support me in winning the battle of the bulge. I want to be healthy in the mind, body and spirit! I need positive encouragement and advice. Please help!


  • starfire_wings
    starfire_wings Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm starting back with working out/eating healthier after gaining back the weight I lost last year.
    Only good motivation/inspiration here, except for the occasional "courage wolf" picture!
  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    Hey there, I'm beginning my journey again as well and also looking for friends.

    Will add you :)