new to running

So I just started running on Tuesday and it feels amazing but I run on and off I can run the whole way but I was too scared people will see me. Has anyone experience this feeling I need advice


  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Well, when they see you in two months you'll look different. Isn't that a good thing?
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Remember: You're still doing more than the guy that decided to sit at home on the couch.

    When my wife and I go on walks with our dog we see people doing this all the time. We always give them a friendly wave and if we happen to cross paths just as they stop running/begin walking we give them a hearty "Nice job!"
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Yeah that's why I'm still a treadmill runner. Sometimes I don't get into my zone until mile 3 or 4.
  • DinahCakes
    DinahCakes Posts: 61 Member
    Yes, I hear ya. I was sooooo self-conscious because I'm super slow, and not the lithe, trim runner I imagined I would be. I live in a small town, in a well-lit neighborhood, and I started running at pre-dawn hours, or at night. I realize I'm lucky to live in the place I do, though, and it is risky no matter where one lives, so your safety has to be kept in mind if u choose to do this. Perhaps with buddy? Frequently I saw neighborhood walkers and joggers I knew out at the same time as I was! Funny thing happened though. The more comfortable I got running, the less awkward I felt about doing it. And it changed as I got more used to how my body felt moving in this very new way (to my body). So if you're lucky enough to be able to safely try the darkness option, soon enough you'll be less self-conscious as time goes by. And if it isn't safe for you, then realize the awkward feeling is just a temporary condition. It will pass. I bet in less than 3 weeks of consistent running, this won't be an issue for you. Good luck, stay safe, and run on!
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    I smile and wave. When I started running at 352 lbs I'm 100% positive people were going OMG look at that fat girl running, what's her problem. I run the same route, and pass the same people day in and day out. So I've been at this since June now, and people now, honk, wave, and yell keep going your doing great. Perspective switch. I love that they see me. They motivate me to do better.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i dont give a rats behind if people see me running or not. and ill give you the hot tip, they dont really care if you go running or not.

    just get out there and DO IT!!!
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member
    Remember: You're still doing more than the guy that decided to sit at home on the couch.

    When my wife and I go on walks with our dog we see people doing this all the time. We always give them a friendly wave and if we happen to cross paths just as they stop running/begin walking we give them a hearty "Nice job!"

    Exactly my attitude.

    I often see bigger guys than me running or cycling and think at least they are doing something about their weight and not just sitting on the couch or in the bar adding more weight.
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    I hear you- it gets better. I like to think I'm lapping everyone sitting in their cars.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I think it's pretty common for people when they start running not to want people to want to see them.

    It soon passes.

    You initially (incorrectly) think small children will point and laugh. The reality is people will be looking at you out running and feel bad that they are not being active. Hopefully, you'll inspire someone else to pick up the baton and do something active. You're actions will have had a positive impact on someone else as well as yourself - that's something to aspire to, isn't it?
  • exlazygirl
    i dont give a rats behind if people see me running or not. and ill give you the hot tip, they dont really care if you go running or not.

    just get out there and DO IT!!!
    for some reason this really touched me OMG your so right
  • exlazygirl
    Thanks you guys I feel so encourage to run and not care if people are looking at me .:)
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    I used to run at 5-6am for this reason when I first started!. I was really self-conscious about people seeing me run.

    Now, I get out there when it suits me (sometimes running home from work at 5pm) in my brightly coloured running kit and I couldn't care less who sees me! As other people have said, you're doing better than the person on the couch. :smile:

    I'm also one of those weirdos who smiles at other runners...sometimes they smile back!
  • wilmaln
    wilmaln Posts: 36 Member
    I will be very honest here.
    Ages ago (up to about 4 years ago I think) I would see all sort of people running, flushed in their faces, dragging their feet, running all wobbly, and I would think, "Damn why do they put themselves through all that! Can't they see they are doing it all wrong? I would never want to be in their shoes!" and other STUPID things like that. BUT.... I myself had never been able to run more than 100m (1 yard?) I was semi active but on the plump side of my body, I was full of excuses to turn into a couch potato.
    Now? Now I have been running since April this year on a very regular basis, I have run my first 10k this September, and felt so proud with myself, I run at least 5k three times a week, and every time I cross people on my runs/walks I give them big smiles. And this time, if they are flushed, dragging their feet, running slowly, or wobbling around.... I give them a huge smile and the thumbs up, because NOW I know what perseverance, tenacity, bravery and courage it takes to go from lazy to aware and even only tentatively active! As my podcast coach says. A bad run is ALWAYS better than no run at all!

    I doubt many people think anything, but if they do, and IF they think what I used to think... remember THEY are the stupid ones! Not you :-)

    Thumbs up and good luck on your progress!!

    And now I'm off for my own run :-)
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    My tip is to get some amazing running stuff that you feel confident in! Makes a huge difference even now when I'm wearing my best running stuff compared to when all I've got clean is a tatty old T-shirt and jogging bottoms.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I started off as a big, fat, wobbly wogger (part walk, part jog). The only time i really cared about what others saw was when my pants started to roll down (they were track pants and a little 'snug' in the beginning), and my guts fell out. Also, I had massive boobs and would watch them sway from side to side, so i'd run with an arm over them to keep them still. I honestly dont think anyone even cared to register my existence! it was more my self consciousness.
    Then life changed. I got me a sports bra that kept my jiggly jumperlumps in place. I also fit my pants and stopped flashing my gut to everyone. And i kinda felt like i belonged running for 30 mins 5x a week.
    My mate, on the other hand, was not quite so confident. She would drive 15 mins away to go for a run, to avoid bumping into anyone she knew out of fear of embarrassment. She would only go horribly early in the morning, or late in the evening-ie in the dark. to further reduce the chance of being seen.
    FWIW, nobody else really cares that youre out there running, or wogging, or whatever. Other runners will offer you a smile and possibly encouragement, mostly because they know exactly what youre going through. Nobody else will even register you! Before you started running, did you often notice other runners? i never did.
    these days i get the waves and honks from people. sometimes it's from pitying running peers who have watched me for a while, hauling my fat *kitten* around! mostly i think it's because i kinda represent the fat chicks who cant be arsed to get out of their chairs and start running, and i'm doing it for us all, iykwim! anyway, it's usually the chunky chicks who cheer me on. either that, or i'm a chubby lesbian magnet. who knows?
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i dont give a rats behind if people see me running or not. and ill give you the hot tip, they dont really care if you go running or not.

    just get out there and DO IT!!!
    for some reason this really touched me OMG your so right

    its amazing how much better and easier life is when you stop caring about what random people think. the only people whose opinion matter to me are my friends and family and even then i still only use it as a guide. its me and my wife first, friends and family 2nd and everyone else can get stuffed.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I totally understand. However, just do it you'll feel great afterwards! Good luck.
  • kristieshannon
    kristieshannon Posts: 160 Member
    I've still got 72 lbs to go til I get to goal. I just started the "Couch to 5k" training program this week. I'm sure I'm quite a sight out there huffing, puffing, and turning all red in the face. However, the entire time I'm thinking to myself "Wow, I'm so amazed at what my body can do!". I really don't care what anyone driving by thinks, I know I am doing something good for myself and it feels AWESOME!
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    Funny to see this post today... I "started" running last week and just yesterday, I ran again for this week. While there were around 4 high school aged boys, they were making fun-- "yeah- we should start running to get fit" followed by lots of giggles and laughs. In my mind I was surprised that I didn't really care. But I did think to myself of how fit I actually was at their age-- and thinking to myself "yeah, at your age I was ~50 lbs lighter than I am now, so you should probably start now", it was probably mean to think that but they weren't in the best shape of their lives as I was at their age. Moral of the story if it's what you like, do it. What matters is your goals! :)
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I used to feel self conscious about it as well. What I've discovered is runners are a lot like Jeep owners or Bikers. They don't have to know you but in general they will give you some sort of nob, wave, smile or greeting as a sort of keep up the good work. Especially if you run the in the same areas repeatedly. You will start recognizing faces and they are usually friendly. I'm not going to lie, there are judgmental pricks out there, but they are also in the gyms, our jobs, our own families, etc. Keep your head up and keep running because it's what YOU want to do!