Where are the people in their Twenties!



  • I'm 25, lost 44lbs through exercise, daily tracking through this app, and eating right. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm 21, and just started here a few days ago. I'm recently engaged so I'm ready to loose the extra weight I'm carrying in preparation for my wedding! Let's do this. ^ ^
  • petiteplease
    petiteplease Posts: 6 Member
    21 years old! and ready to take action!
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    I'm 25 years old and I've been around on here for a while- recently came back after a bit of a hiatus. I'd love having some more friends :flowerforyou:
  • DaniPulley
    DaniPulley Posts: 33 Member
    20 years old! Almost a month into my journey! I would love support and give support to anyone who needs it! :)
  • hiii just joined. 28 mum of 2 getting fit for no reason really just to feel good about myself :) add me Im doing JM 30 day shred

    need some friends to help me get off my butt and do it and vice versa :-)
  • littlesimon10
    littlesimon10 Posts: 3 Member
    27 years old, brand new to this site. I am wanting to get fit so that I can start a family and have healthy pregnancies. Would love support !
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    21! Add me.
  • pounci
    pounci Posts: 5
    I'm 25 - this is my first post.

    I'm 5' and I jumped from 104 to 120 in 2 years due to the sedentary lifestyle that comes with a desk job. I may not be as heavy as others, but at this height (or lack thereof) it sure does show.

    I feel bloated and unhealthy, and I can't walk for even short distances without getting winded.

    Maybe joining will help me get healthy again.
  • I'm 28...so I can only claim "being in my 20's" for a couple more years...but for now I do fall into that category. Feel free to add me!
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Slowly aging my way to 30 :( But still in my 20s ;) Almost 29.
  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    25 :)

    Edit: Feel free to add me! I'm back on the site after about a year off!
  • nicnz
    nicnz Posts: 159 Member
    Hello! am 29.. so only just fit in the 20's.. time sure does fly.
    From down under in New Zealand. Been on the weight-loss journey for over a year now, but only recently been exploring MFP forums/blogs :glasses:
  • Jalvare4
    Jalvare4 Posts: 22 Member
    23. lost 88 so far and working toward losing more!
  • 25 years old. I've been here for a couple of weeks now, looking to lose 75 pounds. I would love to have more friends so we can cheer each other on, so feel free to add me!
  • I'm 25 and this is my first post, I'm here because I want to lose a total of 150 pounds by this time next year. This is super superficial but I want to be able to dress young and sexy, while I'm still young and sexy and be able to live a long graceful healthy life.
  • 21 here
  • 22, mother of 2 :) Ready to get into shape so I can feel sexy again. feel free to add me. ill be your support and you can be mine.
  • right!
  • -20 years old
    -bitterness weight
    -seeing whats gonna happen in the future and wanna be healthy for that part of my life