cardio for tiny space??? Advice

Ok so I decided to start working out again and I realized that I moved back into our RV since the last time I used to work out. I don't particularly feel like paying for a gym I have to drive 30 min just to get there but there is no space here to really get moving. I thought about going running but I also have a four year old that gets freaked out when I run with her in the stroller. Thought about doing something outside but there is really no privacy so its a little weird. I'm just kind of lost. Especially in an RV if you jump around it feels like something might fall off a shelf. The tv scares me alot with this. I started jumping jacks it took about three for me to realize that wasn't a good idea. I try to look it up but I feel my situation is a little more sensitive that a dorm room work out considering I would enjoy my home to stay in one piece. Exercises, tips, alternative ideas, anything pls. Strength training is easy but cardio?


  • princesswarrior1116
    How about brisk walking? That shouldn't scare your little one in the stroller. I started out with walking when I first started trying to lose weight. It worked great for me and, in between my weight workouts, I still walk or run depending on how I feel.

    If walking is too easy, you could get one of those weighted vests or just add weight to a backpack. That should get your heart pumping!
  • princesswarrior1116
    Oh! And how about a yoga DVD or two? Low impact (no jumping around) and good for you!
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379
    What about hiding behind a tree and doing some skipping?
  • Krishna_Veni
    Krishna_Veni Posts: 173 Member
    Fitness blenders have a workout video that is calm and ideal for dormitary room. Check d website. I couldn't post the link right now.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    Thought about doing something outside but there is really no privacy so its a little weird.

    why do you need privacy to work out? who cares what other people think
  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    I know how you feel. We just moved into a trailer in a trailer park. I feel like I'm going to knock the thing off it's
    what ever is under there. I don't feel safe being 200 pounds jumping around in here. Our neighbors are on top of us, which doesn't bother me, but I don't want to go out and jump around while all the old ladies watch me. I'm sure they wouldn't mind the giggle.:laugh:

    I have done Pilates and it is a good work out. I have also done dvd's for cardio, but just didn't leave the ground for the jumping part.

    I agree though, walking is probably your best bet. Maybe someone could watch your little one for 1/2 hour for you to get out.
  • karolinacorrea
    karolinacorrea Posts: 22 Member
    When I feel I need a break from the gym, I jump the rope. Ten to 20 repetitions of a 100 jumps each, 30s rest btw reps. Takes no time at all and leaves you sweaty!. I live in a very small apartment, I just need to move my livingroom table to one side. I'd say you need 4 square meters max. Obviously you want to be very careful you won't hit your child with the rope. Hope this helps
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    HIIT train
    or Tabata
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    fitnessblender (youtube) has some good workouts that take very little space and are low impact so no bouncing about. Here's one best of luck to you.
  • SkinnyWannabeGal
    SkinnyWannabeGal Posts: 143 Member
    I live in a super small place too. My kid freaks out if I leave him at the childcare area of any gym. I have no one to watch him, so he walks with me outdoors or I take him to the park and while he plays on the playground, I jog around it or jump rope close by. Yes, all the other parents look at me funny, but I care more about my health than what they think. However, although I use sunscreen every single time I leave my home, sunburn is an issue for me these days. How I wish I could fit a treadmill in my teeny tiny home!
  • martini_mommy
    I didn't really think about a brisk walk... good idea. I guess I just assumed cardio had to be like super fast or something. Thanks
  • martini_mommy
    Thought about doing something outside but there is really no privacy so its a little weird.

    why do you need privacy to work out? who cares what other people think

    Its more about some particular male neighbors that seem to just stare every time I am outside playing with my daughter so I don't really want to give them any reason to look
  • martini_mommy
    Sorry I thought I could reply to each idea, still kinda new here. Anyways Yoga! I LOVE YOGA. I haven't done it at home only when I used to go to the GYM. I didn't realize yoga and pilaties <don't know how to spell that lol) could be cardio. I have a lot to learn. I have just been going to the park with my daughter playing Tag or just chasing her around playing ball and stuff but I feel like I'm not really getting enough with that and kinda wanted something else too since its starting to cool down. These are some good ideas, that I had no idea could be good cardio. Thanks. I will be checking out the videos and looking into HIIT training I have heard the name but I don't really know anything about it and certainly doing Yoga YAY! Thanks All
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i am a fitness blender fan. they have low impact cardio workouts also check out Leslie sansone walk at home videos on you tube