Looking for a new exercise?

I have been walking for months now.. I started on the treadmill holding on *yes bad!* and then let go when I realized it was bad... then I moved on to walking outdoors with my new HRM monitor... I'm gonna have to move back indoors when it gets to cold though... I have rode a bicycle around (still am some but having problems getting it fixed since I ride a 3 wheel not 2)... and now I'm looking for something new.

I checked out the Intensity video's and other's suggested and I decided against them, even thought I have lost 40 lbs and am getting in shape, I still feel like a beginner and don't want to go to far to fast.

A gym membership is not an option for me due to there only being one in town and it's not a place I want to go.. so I need something I can do at home and isn't to expensive (I can't buy a whole piece of gym equipment again like the treadmill I bought).

I was thinking of a video of some type that is fast and simple (I want to keep walking while trying the video), maybe something I can rent off Netflix to see if I like it before I buy it.

Another thing I was thinking of was the Shake Weight.. I know the commercials are hillarious but the advertisement intrigues me. I think I need to start toning soon and 2 parts of my body I want to tone the most are my flappy arms and my flappy tummy... so I would be looking for something to help those two area's.

Also, I injured my left wrist weeks ago somehow and I can't use it to put pressure on so push ups are a big NO and typical weights are a big NO.. that's why I was interested in the shake weight.. it wasn't that heavy to hold.. but not sure it will hurt my wrist? It shows you holding it with both hands which I can do, I can put pressure on it as long as it has the other hand as support and it's not bent backwards like with pushups.

So what do you guys think about the shake weight for my situation and what other fitness video's or exercises that are cheap do you think I should try to loose more weight or to tone my tummy and arms?



  • o2blori
    o2blori Posts: 168 Member
    Sorry to hear everything that has happened. I personally am doing the Turbojam videos. Not at the intensity that the other one was. You know how it works. 30 min and that's it. I love it and am almost to my 30lb mark on them. Have you tried that one before?
  • becomingsara
    DEFINITELY try Netflix (if you don't already have it, try it! If you DO they have streaming vids for you to watch right NOW).
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I do have Netflix, I just don't know what to watch or try.. which is why I thought to ask here..

    No I haven't tried that one, I will check it out.

    And I still plan on walking.. been doing 60 minutes every day 5 or more days a week, but I guess I have short legs because I can't keep up with my husband walking.. I only go at 2.5 or 3.0 before I have to to jog, so I just go between those speeds most of the time.

    I just wanted to add something to my routine to tone or to just be different.

    Edit: I haven't tried any video yet, this will be my first one, so that might have some impact on what I should try.. thought I should add that in here.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Have you considered C25K? You could probably do it on your treadmill and it will get you much fitter with a clear progression., so you shouldn't get bored.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I burn like 400 PLUS Calories in 37 minutes and feel some major toning going on when I do my Tae Bo Cardio Circuit Training Vids.

    I also like to do the Walk Away the Pounds, It's a cardio walking in place video that you can do up to 3 miles with and it's fun and easy.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I'll suggest Jillian Michaels
    They are cheap.
    mat, 3lb hand weights, DVD
    $10 - $10 - $10
    Well work the SMALL investment to get healthy
    I like her No More Trouble Zones, 30 Shred, Yoga Melt Down. Can be found at Target, Walmart, amazon.com
    Eveyone can make excuses - I had a joint replacement in my foot in Jan and have an upcoming surgery on the same foot in December. This hasn't held me back at all.
    Nike says it best, Just do it..
    No excusses.

    You don't know if you can do something until you try it.
    Gotta start somewhere!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Agreed with the having to start somewhere, I am writing all these down to check out..

    As for not making excuses, I agree, I have been walking for months now, but it's time to get more.. what's the word into it?

    My wrist isn't an excuse though, I'm not going to let it hold me back.. however it's literally impossible for me to bend it backwards or to hold ot much weight on it.. it just gives out. I am going to the doctor, a specialitst, in November to see what can be done, but until then I'm trying to to push it to hard and make it worse.

    And what is C25K I couldn't find anything on that one?
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member

    And what is C25K I couldn't find anything on that one?

    Search the threads for Couch 2 5k. It's to gear you up to being able to jog a 5k, starting from a couch potato...
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Try a resistance band. It's what I use for toning and it works very well. When I use it at the right intensity, I can usually see results within about a week. Not great for burning a lot of calories fast though, so I would recommend combining toning exercises with a workout video.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I see, I found it, thanks, I think I'll try some of the other things first.. I want to do something different than walking.. I'm checking out all the video's suggested now.
  • jtapp9
    jtapp9 Posts: 59 Member
    C25K is an introduction to running program. It gradually builds you up to run for 30 mintues straight. And if you are jogging at 3mph that is fine...running has no set speed, it is what it is for YOU! I started in the same place as you and was so ticked because I couldn't find any treadmill specific music that was slower than 3mph. I now to interval running and I still only jog at 4-5 mph depending on length of jog time.

    Also, the Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone that was recommended is very good! It is walking in place and grapevines and side steps so it works more than just the front of the legs. I have done lots of those video's.

    If you have cable tv they have a lot of on demand exercise videos now that a person can try out.
  • arp1217
    arp1217 Posts: 38 Member
    Another program you can get into is Walk Away the Pounds. She has just the walking ones but then she has the ones where she will incorporate either a stretchy band, light hand weights, or other tools that come with the videos. You can find the videos at either target, walmart, amazon.com and other places that sells work out videos. When I had a torn tendon in my ankle, I used those videos and I still worked up a sweat. It seems like you really like walking and here is another way you can incorporate that into your daily workouts.

    Hope this helps!