I gain all back over the weekend HELP??



  • markheusser
    markheusser Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh in on Fridays...because I like to enjoy my weekends. I would imagine I am my heaviest on Sunday night/Monday morning. I used to weigh in monday and got discouraged so I switch to fridays and havent looked back since.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Hi All,

    Thank you for the tips.
    I eat 1200 max per day. Im 5.1 tall and weigh 161lbs.
    I do eat a lot on the weekends, just little snacks, but with high calories and salt.
    But then if im losing this 2lbs every week and gaining it back, its all just water weight and not losing actual fat at all. How dperessing.:sad:

    I just hate being the same weight every monday when im on the scale.
    So this weekend im gonna try hard, and hope that my weight is much lesser that im used to on a monday, that way on friday in will loose more that usual.

    Confursing i know.

    The bolded is your answer.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I make Saturday my weekly cheat day, and I always make sure Sunday is beast day at the gym, or vice versa. It works excellently for me.
  • thenewjason
    thenewjason Posts: 2 Member
    Definitely don't weight yourself more than once a week. I would also suggest taping yourself. Because like most said your water could be changing.

    I agree with one posted increase your calories from 1200.

    I would use the calculator or tools to determine your BMR, daily calories needs and subtract cals for 1/2lbs weight loss and stick to those calories 6 days a week. Give yourself a cheat day on sat or sun. But don't go crazy on the cheat day. Try to do moderation and if you have a craving satisfy it. :)
  • Fedup23
    Fedup23 Posts: 80 Member
    I weigh in on Fridays...because I like to enjoy my weekends. I would imagine I am my heaviest on Sunday night/Monday morning. I used to weigh in monday and got discouraged so I switch to fridays and havent looked back since.

    This is my routine.. Friday gives me an overall picture of how i am doing..its far enough removed from Sat night that I have time to burn of all of that excess. :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Please help me. I keep my calories low from monday unil friday, and i actually loose.
    And then when Monday meets, my weight is the same as what i started at the beginning of the week.

    And it has been like this for over a month now. I dont know how and what to do.
    The weekends are hard.

    Please any tips how you do it in the weekends?
    Weekends are demises for people because mentally they "relax" on their diet because of association of relaxing on the weekend. Since weekends aren't usually as consistent as the week, many falter. Treat eating on the weekends like eating during the weekdays.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Hi All,

    Thank you for the tips.
    I eat 1200 max per day. Im 5.1 tall and weigh 161lbs.
    I do eat a lot on the weekends, just little snacks, but with high calories and salt.
    But then if im losing this 2lbs every week and gaining it back, its all just water weight and not losing actual fat at all. How dperessing.:sad:

    I just hate being the same weight every monday when im on the scale.
    So this weekend im gonna try hard, and hope that my weight is much lesser that im used to on a monday, that way on friday in will loose more that usual.

    Confursing i know.

    up your calories. i'm 4' 11-3/4" and i eat 1300 plus i eat back my exercise calories. i started around the same weight as you too. you just need to adjust your weekend eating. just because you feel like you've lost "2lbs" during the week doesn't mean you can "celebrate" on the weekends at least this was MY thinking. because i enjoy my snacks and wine on the weekends i up my exercise so it balances out. instead of running 30-45 minutes like during the week i run an hour - 1.5 hours. also make sure you are drinking plenty of water on the weekends. i have a tendency to slack on the water on the weekends so i make sure wherever i am i have a bottle of water with me to drink.