I can't push myself to lose weight!

Two years ago I lost 15 pounds and I felt great! That summer I gained it back because I was home from school and ate out of boredom. So here I am for the past year trying to lose weight but its so hard for me! I currently weight 171.6 and I want to get to 150 but I always go back to the same habits! EATING JUNK! It's like on Fridays and the weekend I feel like I can just pig out and I don't know why! I exercise everyday mon-sun, and recently I started the insanity program, ill start month two on Monday, and also I have lost nothing with insanity but I know it's because of my eating habits! Anyways when I'm exercising I don't push myself, I get tired and just stop and then start back up when I know I can keep going but I get lazy, and my feet hurt. So how can I lose this weight? I'm so sick and tired of being so overweight! You can see it in my face that I have gained! The hardest part for me is resisting junk food and being able to finish a good hard workout! So any tips or advice? Also how can I stop pigging out on the weekends? Thanks


  • nordicskater
    nordicskater Posts: 9 Member
    Whoa, we sound very similar. The weekends are really tough because Iove to let loose! Well, I can say that being diligent and keeping track of my calories right after meals has REALLY HELPED! I am trying to remember that taking time to enter this data is a VERY important part of day and worth the few minutes it takes. Exercise is also huge for me, but I've been so insanely busy lately it's hard to even justify an hour away. I'm working to change it. Anyway, sorry, this is supposed to be about you. I'm friends with a couple of great, inspiring ladies that really keep up with their stuff on here. Maybe you want to join us? I'd love to work on on healthier weekends with you!
  • RachelLaine87
    RachelLaine87 Posts: 15 Member
    For me, I get motivated every time I go and browse the "Success Stories" board.

    I also have a group of women, who hold me accountable daily on what I eat and to get in my exercise.

    Maybe try finding a local workout group or even one on line.

    Best of luck to you.

    Edited to add: Pigging out on the weekends? I still don't have that under control yet. But I can say, it gets better with time.
  • SlimmingMeDown
    SlimmingMeDown Posts: 63 Member
    This is odd, but the only way I really stay motivated is by planning events in which I will have to wear revealing clothing. I am going on a cruise with my husband in a month. So I will have to wear a swimsuit.

    Then I am going to a costume party for New Year's, and of course I chose a sexy outfit.

    Another way to stay motivated is to do strength training. Those are the fastest slimming results you will ever see. Maybe seeing quick progress will keep you going.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    It's great that you are exercising, but you WILL NOT lose weight unless you are eating at a deficit. You diary is locked, so what is your daily calorie goal? Are you measuring/weighing and logging everything you eat, including the "junk"? You can eat whatever you want, as long as it fits within your daily goals. Good luck!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I'm going to be flat out blunt here, because sometimes you need to hear the truth.

    Most everyone here who has had success, felt like you feel. But we had to stop saying "Can't" because honestly, if you believe you can or you believe you can't, then you're right. Can't doesn't mean you actually can't, it means you won't.

    Instead of believing you can't, start saying you can. Do you believe you're worth it? I ask because maybe it isn't because you "can't" that word doesn't set well with me. I had a whole lot more to lose, and I did. There are people here who've lost over 300 lbs, if they said the "can't" every time they really just refused to try and flex their will power, they would not have done it.

    Will power is a muscle, the more you flex it, the strong it gets.

    You know that story as a child, the little engine that could? It is something I apply to my life now, I refuse to allow the word "Can't" in my house. If my kids say "I can't" they get a lecture. My son loves to use that word "Mom, I can't do my homework, it's too hard." I remind him "You can do anything you set your mind to, but if you have the attitude of can't, then you won't do it. But if you change your negative attitude to a positive attitude, you can conquer the world. You have to believe in yourself and believe you are worthy of doing anything you set your mind to do." My son make's A's and B's in school because I refuse to allow him to believe he can't do things. He's a smart kid and he can do anything and be anything he wants to be.

    Same with you, if you want to lose that weight, lose it, stop making excuses.
  • jmreich30
    jmreich30 Posts: 23 Member
    I'll give you the two things that helped me out the most:

    1. Get your eating habits under control. If you eat at a deficit you will lose weight. I struggled with this for years. Thinking "I can work out 5-7 days a week and burn what I ate off plus more to lose weight" It doesn't work. You have to literally kill yourself working out and you won't get the results you want.

    2. Get out of your own head when you're working out. You need to push yourself to the point where you are uncomfortable. You will be sore for the next day for sure. But after a couple of days/weeks depending on where you are at, it will get better. But if your workouts are easy, you don't sweat, you don't feel the burn in the muscles, you're not gonna get the results you want. Get out of your comfort zone.

    Again I was the same way. I worked out in a way that I thought was "hard" and I ate like crap, didn't really eat at a deficit because I didn't try and track things somewhat meticulously. This past February I changed that. I started eating healthier foods and pushing myself a hell of a lot harder in my workouts. I also started walking a lot more than I ever have before. I probably used to walk my dog 1 mile maybe three times a week. Now I walk 2-4 miles every day! I've lost my 86lbs since February after tipping the scales at over 300lbs for the last 5 years.

    I also recently started an extreme fitness course thats 5 days a week for 10 weeks. I started this on Monday and just about everyday this week I've felt like I've had to puke at some point in the workout because I pushed myself to the limit. Do I like it? No. But I continue it because I know it will get better and I will be better physically because of it and I will get down to my goal weight.

    I used to feel sorry for myself, I have bad knees and a pretty screwed up back. I can't work out, I can't do this. But it's all in your head. Losing the weight helped my knees greatly as well as my back. The only mistake you can make is giving up. Don't Give Up!
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I guess at the end of the day you just have to ask yourself how bad you really want this.

    I love the speech by Eric Thomas and you can find it on youtube but the message is clear.
    “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.”
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    Weekends are always rough for me and quite frankly, they always will be. I like to have drinks and go out to eat. So I've learned to compensate, find a balance, by eating less Sunday to Thursday. At first I used the 5/2 diet plan, fasting (500 calories) twice a week and ate the MFP calorie goal on the other 5 days. Now I just reduce my calories on an average each day so I can have extra calories on the weekend. For instance, last weekend was the Canadian Thanksgiving, so I reduced my calories on the Friday before and this Monday - Today I've been under my calorie allowance. I have a Hope in the City cancer dinner tonight so I will definitely be over tonight. It's all about finding a balance so you can still live and enjoy life.