:( Needing some support!

So these last two days or so I have been doing so terrible with my diet. I sit up front at my work and my bosses won't let me move the candy jar full of chocolate and its hard eating so lightly and having to eye ball Hershey . Luckily this week I'm going to be working out side the office so it should be better.

Tomorrow is a new day, I'm going to knock out a 3k and hit the gym and I get a better start. I'm not trying to whine, its my lack of discipline, but I was just looking for a little support? :( And good gosh some tips on how to resists the sweet tooth.

Also I was told today that my dog is overweight, Oh my lord I am the worst person in the world.


  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    Your welcome to add me, I logged in everyday and have my diary open for view. I also do at least 12,000 steps a day with my Fitbit.
  • omnomnomicon
    Sounds weird, but chew minty gum and use mouth wash before work and after lunch. The minty taste will alter the taste of the chocolate and make it taste off, and you'll be less likely to snack on it. Also, if you chew gum it'll keep your mouth occupied.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    I moved the candy jar off my desk at work when I started there. You just have to try all the candy, realize you don't like it, and move forward.
  • mathera26
    mathera26 Posts: 90 Member
    We all have hard days, its okay! Just remember that today is a new day and another chance to get it right. You are only not making progress if you aren't trying at all.