Eating junk VS healthy?

I'm already skinny. I'm 115-125 on any given day and 5 ft tall which I learned yesterday from this site is exactly the weight you're supposed to be at my height.I don't know if a picture of my body is relevant here but if it is:

I kind of posted about this yesterday on what work outs I could do but I never asked what foods I should be eating! The thing is I eat 50% junk and 50% healthy because I just equally love junk food and health food. I want to maintain my weight not lose any weight. My goal is to get my lower stomach to be flat so I can have a flat stomach and see more of my hip bones. Should I still be trying to eat purely healthy? I don't really quite understand how it would be beneficial to me since I'm not exactly trying to lose some weight? I mean of course I know eating healthier is always better for your body. Ahhhhhh I don't know you guys know way more than me I'm a noob at all of this stuff.


  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    Since you are "small", your maintenance calories are lower than someone who is taller, with a higher BMR and higher healthy weight. You still need about the same amounts of vitamins and mineral as a larger/taller person, so the more healthy food you eat, the less likely you are to need supplementary vitamins (which are mostly unproven, relative to increasing "health", unless you are extremely deficient). Other than that, a calorie is pretty much a calorie. That said, as you get older and your metabolism "ages", you may find your maintenace calorie level decreasing to where you need to cut more calories - it's easier to cut calories (in my opinion) if you've already acquired a taste for healthy, low calorie foods (like many vegetables), so you can feel more satiated with a lower calorie intake. Other than that, it's much easier (in my opinion) to cut back on junk food than on "real" food, if you're looking for "easy" cuts.
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    The difference is that you can eat alot more "healthy" than "junk" and healthy food tend to have more of what your body needs nutrient wise.

    Eat what you want.

    I would reccommend following a diet of everything in moderation and ignoring the sugar/fats/everything is bad posters who are bound to come out of the woodwork for this.