


  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    OP, sometimes you gain weight on the scale when you are exercising more intensely than usual because you are retaining fluids to repair muscles. I'm not up on the science of it myself, but if you run a search for glycogen you will probably find the information.

    If you know you've done what you need to do, and the general trend over time does not keep climbing without loss, pat yourself on the back when you get a one pound gain after a good workout week.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Hey, some people on here seem to be very negative and there is really no need. It can be disheartening to have put in massive effort and not see results. Even though you did not see results on the scale I bet you feel better having exercised and eaten better. Please dont give up because if you keep going your clothes will fit better and you will feel mentally better too in no time, you can do it , just give your body time.

    I would agree, however they may not mean it the way we are reading it. It is better to encourage someone to keep going than tell them they are in the wrong for being upset and trying to find some support/help. All those who have posted encouraging words I appreciate it, and those that point out yes our weight can fluctuate by up to 4/5 lbs in one day alone, please ignore the number on a scale.

    false. this is an opinion. for some people, being encouraged to keep going when they are struggling will PISS THEM OFF because it is an empty pat on the back. Most people that want to get past the part where they are struggling - actually want to know what they are doing wrong or how to correct it.

    no one told him he is wrong for being upset or wanting support. what they was wrong was his expectation to get from point a to point b without a setback - and for wanting to quit at the first sign of trouble.
    I know I'm going to get some blasting back at this post but everyone needs to realize that though you are being straight forward about your thoughts on their attitude it does come across as very negative and harsh on someone who is struggling. They may be new to weight loss in general and not realize that weight changes depending on so many factors, they may be having an already bad day and this just added to it and they needed to get it out there. Or they may just need some new tips of changing up exercise and such.

    we are giving information. we cannot also be responsible for being omniscient regarding the poster's state of mind or conversational preferences. some people may see it as negativity and choose to react to the delivery of the message instead of the message. That will not help them make advancement. Some people will simply take the information, apply it to their situation and then level up.

    We cant know which of the two types that a poster is before we engage them in conversation. And our words might help people who are just reading threads and not commenting because they are shy and just looking for answers without saying anything.
    You catch more bees with honey than vinegar (though I'm not sure why we would want to catch bees other than to make our own honey and not have to buy it)

    But we arent trying to catch bees.

    Someone said they want to quit because they worked hard for a week and retained water.

    We are not personally invested in this person. They are not a friend or family. They are a stranger who made a statement on the internet to a wide variety of people from all walks of life and all different personalities and got the same variety of responses.

    if you only want encouragement, or if you want feedback only from people who know you - then you have to talk to family, friends, friends list, doctor - not walk into the gen pop internet.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'm under my caloric intake for the week, working my butt off exercising, weighing my flipping food, and I gained a pound in the last week. What the frick?!? All this compromise and work for nothing.

    Ready to give up...

    You're not serious, are you? You gained a pound this week and are ready to give up?

    I see so many threads like this and I can only smile because I've been there before, back when every pound gained or lost could break or make my day. One day I just got sick of all the power I was putting on that one pound.

    Stick to your allotted calories, drink more water, and check you food and exercise calcs to make sure you aren't overestimating or underestimating food and/or exercise calories.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Is this how you run your life, just give up after minimal effort?

    Your life, your choice
    lol said much more politely than I would have said.
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member

    we are giving information. we cannot also be responsible for being omniscient regarding the poster's state of mind or conversational preferences. some people may see it as negativity and choose to react to the delivery of the message instead of the message. That will not help them make advancement. Some people will simply take the information, apply it to their situation and then level up.

    We cant know which of the two types that a poster is before we engage them in conversation. And our words might help people who are just reading threads and not commenting because they are shy and just looking for answers without saying anything.

    How are comments like "is this how you run your life, just give up after minimal effort" giving information? I know many posters have given information, but there are also several posts like this one that have no relevance other than to be sarcastic.
  • katbirdinpa
    its probably water, watch your sodium. Your doing great!
  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    A long-term commitment isn't giving you immediate gratification, so you're going to quit?
  • aklove907
    aklove907 Posts: 118 Member
    Oh no! Don't give up! You could have gained some muscle! Just keep up the great work! You sound like you are doing everything just right!!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member

    we are giving information. we cannot also be responsible for being omniscient regarding the poster's state of mind or conversational preferences. some people may see it as negativity and choose to react to the delivery of the message instead of the message. That will not help them make advancement. Some people will simply take the information, apply it to their situation and then level up.

    We cant know which of the two types that a poster is before we engage them in conversation. And our words might help people who are just reading threads and not commenting because they are shy and just looking for answers without saying anything.

    How are comments like "is this how you run your life, just give up after minimal effort" giving information? I know many posters have given information, but there are also several posts like this one that have no relevance other than to be sarcastic.

    No. That is Socratic reasoning. If you ask someone, "Would you put this little effort into ___ (raising your child, working for your degree, working hard at your job)," it gets someone to pause and think, "Oh, I didn't think about it that way" or "Maybe my health IS as important as my career!"

    There is no better way to impart information than by getting someone to realize it on their own.
  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    Wow, really? I don't normally give this advise, but... Yes, you might want to just give up because if you are going to cry about 1 pound in a week, this really isn't for you. Or... If you weighed in today, maybe it was because of a higher sodium day yesterday and you need to ride it out and drink some water.
    Im with her~ Cowboy up dude
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Oh no! Don't give up! You could have gained some muscle! Just keep up the great work! You sound like you are doing everything just right!!

    please dont listen to this - you cant gain a pound of muscle in a week - oh but if we could - what a glorious world that would be - i would be in the gym 7 days a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    we are giving information. we cannot also be responsible for being omniscient regarding the poster's state of mind or conversational preferences. some people may see it as negativity and choose to react to the delivery of the message instead of the message. That will not help them make advancement. Some people will simply take the information, apply it to their situation and then level up.

    We cant know which of the two types that a poster is before we engage them in conversation. And our words might help people who are just reading threads and not commenting because they are shy and just looking for answers without saying anything.

    How are comments like "is this how you run your life, just give up after minimal effort" giving information? I know many posters have given information, but there are also several posts like this one that have no relevance other than to be sarcastic.

    No. That is Socratic reasoning. If you ask someone, "Would you put this little effort into ___ (raising your child, working for your degree, working hard at your job)," it gets someone to pause and think, "Oh, I didn't think about it that way" or "Maybe my health IS as important as my career!"

    There is no better way to impart information than by getting someone to realize it on their own.

  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Oh no! Don't give up! You could have gained some muscle! Just keep up the great work! You sound like you are doing everything just right!!

    Just a note to help you improve your knowledge - you don't build muscle while on a calorie deficit. Body needs excess calories to build muscle, and it happens slowly. Very slowly.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    wow - my ticker theory is forming nicely.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member

    we are giving information. we cannot also be responsible for being omniscient regarding the poster's state of mind or conversational preferences. some people may see it as negativity and choose to react to the delivery of the message instead of the message. That will not help them make advancement. Some people will simply take the information, apply it to their situation and then level up.

    We cant know which of the two types that a poster is before we engage them in conversation. And our words might help people who are just reading threads and not commenting because they are shy and just looking for answers without saying anything.

    How are comments like "is this how you run your life, just give up after minimal effort" giving information? I know many posters have given information, but there are also several posts like this one that have no relevance other than to be sarcastic.

    No. That is Socratic reasoning. If you ask someone, "Would you put this little effort into ___ (raising your child, working for your degree, working hard at your job)," it gets someone to pause and think, "Oh, I didn't think about it that way" or "Maybe my health IS as important as my career!"

    There is no better way to impart information than by getting someone to realize it on their own.


    :blushing: :smooched:
  • silentangel00
    Hi there don't give up please i have a thyroid issue and I'm dealing with it. i speed walk 20 min twice daily and i do other workouts as well and i seem to keep the same weight or go up a lb and i hope its lean muscle and not some dumb thyroid body fit. I am new here and it would be great if i met some people on here to help me out. Im struggling but i will not give up because my body wants to have a fit :-) I'm 5' 3 my BMR 1486.6.1 BMI 26.57 im trying to cut 15 to 20lbs off my weight before this late December. I wish you good luck and if you have trouble just do research and see what can help you ;)
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Did OP ever come back? Or did he drop a dookie and run off.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    socrates is sosexy
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    It's taken me 9 months to lose 46 pounds. On the average, 1 1/4 pounds per week. Lots of weeks were up. I took me 16 years to gain this weight, I'm going to take 16 (or more) months to take it off. And then I expect to stay in control of myself for the rest of my life. So go ahead and quit - or take control of your life RIGHT NOW.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    take control of your life RIGHT NOW.