Ok everyone...Next week begins my first road trip since I've been back on the wagon.

We've done this cross country thing so many times I'm sick of it. But I'm still a sucker for the greasy meccas that can be found at most fuel stops.

We'll be on the road for four days, and then visiting family and working hard for a month, with hopefully a little downtime in there somewhere...and then another four day trip. Some of the time we'll be in motels, some of the time on our boat, and some of the time will be spent staying with family/friends.

I am 3lbs from goal. Have only been exercising for the last 3ish months, and don't want to go backwards...This is not a vacation that I can just "more or less" eat properly and then fix it when I'm home...this is 5 weeks. My OCD need for routine is threatening to explode my head...;)

So I need suggestions and opinions...

I've got my exercise plan for the time on the road, as well as while we're there. But I need ideas on what to snack on in the car. 12 hour days driving...sedentary. The only thing to do is eat. D:

Also...I've been really trying to figure out what to do for the other of right now, I'm thinking there is no way I can do this if I don't just take my measuring spoons and scale. But what about my weight? I think I'd shoot myself if I had no way to measure progress for five entire weeks...Pack my bathroom scale too?

Any ideas or opinions would be greatly appreciated...


  • lainie644
    lainie644 Posts: 19 Member
    You will want to create a "Survival Pack". One main item in that SP would be a list of healthy snacks that you might have to purchase at convenient stores and supermarkets in the areas where you are staying. Also a list of menu items from restaurants you might eat at. Add water to your pack instead of high fructose juices and carbonated beverages. Also, sugar-free mints and gum might help eliminate your cravings for the bad stuff.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion...I love lists. :)

    And I seem to always forget about gum to satisfy that need to chew on something!
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    Something that really helps me is a Subway footlong. I calculate the calories for the whole thing, eat half for lunch and ask them to slice the other half in 4 pieces, then use it as snacks. They have a lot of fresh ingredients, so I load up on spinach and cucumbers and whatever else suits my fancy that day. I leave of the cheese and mayo and go for mustard. It's nice having something that I can grab a piece of without thinking about it. I like mcDonalds southwest salad too. And I can order just a piece of grilled chicken and ask them to slice it up- anywhere they make grilled chicken for salads and sandwiches(Zaxby's come to mind, my favorite). I know you like your protein bars, that will help (I use the Clif bars at convenience stores) I also bring those powders for water bottles. Helps me not order sweet tea. ;) But the main thing that keeps me from boredom snacking on long car trips is....ICE. I get a tall cup of crushed ice and a spoon. If I use a powder and some water, it sort of makes a slushy and I "snack" on sucking sweet tasting ice. Is that crazy or what?! And lots of mints. I am an ice and mint addict. :~D
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    When I'm in the car for road trips I only allow fruits, veggies, and water. Then I can snack pretty much all I want, and my calories don't go too high. I'm usually super full though, so I end up not eating any real meals but dinner. Probably not the best plan, but for a few days of driving, its not too bad.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    Great ideas Byrdie! My guy loves sandwiches. We'll do a Subway or something similar quite a bit. And probably half of the big truck stops we like have Subway inside. :) Totally didn't think of getting them to slice it for me.

    Or the ice.

    I'm just worried that my protein bars will go down so quickly and then I'll be sitting for hours, wanting something to nibble on. Normally I eat them pretty fast, but I'm so busy, I don't think about food again until I'm actually feeling hungry. (You people who have never worried about their weight do....;) In the car, I could eat constantly. (Doesn't help that Super Boyfriend with his extra special metabolism is always chowing down in the other seat...)

    AshleyMeggg - Yeah, not a great plan, but that's what I do on the road too. The only meal I eat is dinner. It's just that before this trip, my snacks weren't always fruit...they were chips and candy bars and deep-fried-whatever from the gas station. You know...come to think of it...that's what I do most of the time when I'm home. I don't ever sit down and eat something...I'll make a sandwich and eat the rest...The only time I have a lot of calories at once is dinner with the family. :)
  • chad_phillips1123
    chad_phillips1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Sunflower seeds and beef jerky. Haven't actually done a road trip with them while dieting, but you can chew and suck on them forever to satisfy a nibbling urge.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    I've done sunflower seeds, but I can put down a TON of jerky if I'm not careful, hahaha...I bought some snack size ziplocs to pre-measure out some snacks. If I get the whole container, I'm in trouble.