Need more calories...

89brilewis Posts: 27 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Today was probably one of the better days in the last two weeks. I had a tonsillectomy on the 1st and have been on a jello and pudding diet since. I have slowly been introducing solids, but I have chipped a tooth(one of my back ones) and the nerve is exposed. Now I have HORRIBLE teeth, so bad that at 20 (I am 21 now) I was told that I NEEDED dentures because my teeth are so poor that they could have horrible effects on my health and could be causing my high blood pressure. I used to have GREAT teeth growing up, and then I got braces. No matter what I did, I just couldn't keep them healthy enough. After 4 years of having braces they were taken off and I started to work hard to strengthen my teeth. About three months later I became pregnant, and anyone who has been pregnant knows how much of a toll that can take. Wow I have gotten off track.

Like I said today was one of the better days, as in I was able to get up to 420 calories. I is horrible. I need a way to get nutritional calories...mainly ones that don't mean I have to chew, I can't take that pain.

HELP ME!!!!!!


  • hm...i had my wisdom teeth out and was off solid foods for a few days. been there, done that!

    as you mentioned before, pudding and jello... but what about yogurt? applesauce? cottage cheese? grits? scrambled eggs? peanut butter? protein shakes? home made fruit smoothies? oatmeal? fruit juice? mashed potatoes? :D gosh, i'm making myself hungry now!
  • 89brilewis
    89brilewis Posts: 27 Member said grits...haha...I have a deep hate for

    I have been eating yogurt but I'm getting RATHER sick of it, lol. I have been eating applesauce but somehow my daughter always comes and steals it from me when I have it..haha. Scrambled eggs have been WONDERFUL! I can't eat peanut butter because I'm allergic to peanuts and break out in hives...I only risk it for my every once and a while indulgence of reese's -> those things are little devils. I haven't tried protein shakes yet, I'll have to try them, any that you can suggest that would be good? As far as smoothies, they have been great but I can't afford them because I go through so many whenever I have the supplies...haha. I hate oatmeal with a passion. I have been living off of fruit juice as well but I have to watch how much I drink as I have pre-diabetes and cannot take my Metformin because it hurts to swallow them big *kitten* pill still. I have been trying mashed potatoes but they still irritate where my tonsils were.
  • ugh. you're screwed. i don't drink protein shakes or anything like that, so i have absolutely no idea what kind to suggest. have you tried like slim fast shakes or anything like that?
  • 89brilewis
    89brilewis Posts: 27 Member
    ugh. you're screwed. i don't drink protein shakes or anything like that, so i have absolutely no idea what kind to suggest. have you tried like slim fast shakes or anything like that?

    No I haven't, I'm not one for protein shakes either, lol
  • i have honestly no idea what else to tell you then. you can do ice cream and milkshakes, but those aren't very healthy!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I've been thru my share of dental hell I know how bad it can be. I really feel for you.

    Niki had a good start with cottage cheese, Here's the trick I ALWAYS hated cottage cheese, because in an effort to be lo-cal I got the fat-free. Go get the 4% milk fat. Still a very good nutrition to calorie ratio and a lot better choice that a lot of other options. I really actually enjoy it.

    Hummus, very nutritous, easy to get burned out on it, so switch of between all the different types (red pepper, garlic, Kalmata olive, etc.)

    Guacamole, yes high in fat, but it's a healthy fat a ton of calories (which in your case may not be a bad thing)

    Tuna, a good lean protein.

    Overcooked pasta (in Mac & Cheese)

    I've never had success with bread pudding, but if you are a better cook than I am, maybe bread pudding with 100% whole wheat bread. (to sneak a little protein in there)

    You hate oatmeal... but maybe another hot cereal?
    cream of wheat, farina, grits, I've made toasted wheat germ as a hot cereal and milk and nuke till it gets soft and mushy, polenta (oooh! cheesy italian polenta)

    Risotto maybe?

    If you know anyone you can borrow a juicer from (or get one on freecycle) (THIS IS REALLY REALLY disgusting the first 3 times you drink it but after that you get used to it. and it's really nutritious... 1 head of romaine lettuce and 1/2 lb carrots.. yummier options... carrot/apple, carrot/ginger, carrot/celery, Celery/beet I'm sure a quick search on google will come up with a ton of great combinations and you can sneak in some protein powder or ground up vitamins in too )

    The trouble with dental hell is that it's hard to get proper nutrition and that heighten any other health issues you're prone too. and at the very least you feel drained and tired all the time cause.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I would go for soups. Canned soups are terrible for you so anything you can make yourself would be good. I would go on or to search for recipes.

    On a side note, what does pregnancy do to teeth? I've had two pregnancies in the last two years and haven't had any problems or changes with my teeth or gums.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Also, when I had my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago I couldn't eat solids for about two weeks because I developed a hematoma on the inside of my left jaw muscle and couldn't open my mouth. I ate a lot of baby food. It may sound gross but I couldn't use a straw well and could barely open my mouth for a spoon, so no smoothies or soups. As long as you add a little salt the baby food is edible. I also ate a lot of baby cereal made with apple juice.
  • 89brilewis
    89brilewis Posts: 27 Member
    I would go for soups. Canned soups are terrible for you so anything you can make yourself would be good. I would go on or to search for recipes.

    On a side note, what does pregnancy do to teeth? I've had two pregnancies in the last two years and haven't had any problems or changes with my teeth or gums.

    Pregnancy can rob your teeth of calcium which you need to strengthen them and keep them strong...apparently I didn't get enough calcium to build my daughter bones AND keep my teeth healthy and strong.
  • 89brilewis
    89brilewis Posts: 27 Member
    Also, when I had my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago I couldn't eat solids for about two weeks because I developed a hematoma on the inside of my left jaw muscle and couldn't open my mouth. I ate a lot of baby food. It may sound gross but I couldn't use a straw well and could barely open my mouth for a spoon, so no smoothies or soups. As long as you add a little salt the baby food is edible. I also ate a lot of baby cereal made with apple juice.

    Most baby food isn't too bad (I was one of those mom's who always tasted everything before my daughter did, I was curious like that).
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Oh, well that makes sense. I took the GNC prenatal pack vitamins which have a multivitamin plus separate DHA and calcium. I didn't really know why there would be calcium in the multivitamin plus extra calcium. I knew that I needed more than normal but no one explained exactly why, you know?
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    No sugar added frozen yogurt, regular Dairy Queen soft serve cone or McDonalds soft serve -- either one really delicious and surprisingly low in calories.
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