Hello All,

I just wanted to know the reasoning behind 8 cups of water a day. I don't like to drink water but I've been trying to make myself drink it. Yesterday morning I worked out and was happy with my weighin of 244.4 (first time in weeks I broke 245) Then I calculated my calories and made sure to drink 8 glasses of water. When I woke up this morning and weighed myself I was pissed off when I weighed 247.4! I was really discouraged. I ended up completing another cardio work out about 2 hours later and when I weighed myself after I was 245.2. I think drinking all that water inflated my weight and after going hard in the gym I lost most of it. My question is this, why force myself to drink 8 cups of water? Based on the math I found 8 cups of water is approx 4 pounds. I wasn't hungry when I drunk the water, I was just doing it because I thought it is what I'm suppose to do to lose weight but I don't want to keep adding water weight just to sweat it out.


  • The short answer is that drinking water is healthy for you. *insert links to water is good for you here*

    The reason that you'll want to hear is that drinking lots of water increases your metabolic rate and consequently the number of calories you'll burn in a day. Basically, most of the calories you burn in a day (aside from explicit exercise) are not from the little moving you do, they come as a result of the body maintaining itself. Drinking a good amount of water increases the amount of work your body must do in to maintain itself since the water needs to be warmed and processed. Water is also necessary for almost everything that happens in your body: breathing, digestion, etc. Water also helps you feel more full. By this I actually mean that people often confuse hunger for thirst and drinking lots of water will ensure that you're "hungry" feeling is actual hunger.

    I realize I'm not explaining well so here's a link to a study.

    secondary source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weight_loss_effects_of_water
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    short story. when you burn calories is like when you burned wood. There are "ashes" leftover. You need water to flush the "ashes"

    I hope it helps
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    So you don't want to drink water due to the fact that it increases your weight?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Drinking more water does not make you "gain" weight. Not drinking enough can cause water retention which will show as a gain, but it's not a fat gain, so not a big deal. Weighing yourself before and after workouts will show a difference of course - on a good run on a hot day I can come home several pounds lighter, but it is right back as soon as I rehydrate. Not a big deal.

    Don't let the scale mess with your head. Daily fluctuations of a few pounds are completely normal and can be from various causes. If these fluctuations bug ya, don't weigh daily, but once a week or ever other week, and watch the overall trend. And get a good tape measure - much better way to see your progress anyway - measurements and photos will show progress while the scale is busy messing with your head. :tongue:

    As for why so much water - 8 cups a day is a general guideline. Drink when you're thirsty, and pay attention to pee color - if it's dark yellow, you need more water. Pale yellow, you're fine.
  • Also, sweating. That is another good reason to drink water. Being properly hydrated will help you workout harder.

    Remember, water isn't a 'permanent' weight. Your body regulates your water weight so if you take in too much, you'll just sweat or pee more. In the long run, it is healthier and for me personally, it makes me feel better (except when I see my weight go up ... but that's just cause I stare at the scales too much).

    Try to weigh yourself week to week instead of day to day and even then, every 2 weeks is better. The reason I say this is that you probably will only lose 1-3 lbs per week and as you said, if you are staying hydrated with 4lbs (1/2 gallon) of water a day, that level of weight loss is within the margin of error. Keep the long goal in mind, log your food and exercise and keep a strong deficit (near your goal) and you'll see the results.
  • mwal74
    mwal74 Posts: 112 Member
    The reason that you'll want to hear is that drinking lots of water increases your metabolic rate and consequently the number of calories you'll burn in a day.
    short story. when you burn calories is like when you burned wood. There are "ashes" leftover. You need water to flush the "ashes"

    Two of many good reasons. Love the "ashes" analogy! :flowerforyou:
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Also, sweating. That is another good reason to drink water. Being properly hydrated will help you workout harder.

    Remember, water isn't a 'permanent' weight. Your body regulates your water weight so if you take in too much, you'll just sweat or pee more. In the long run, it is healthier and for me personally, it makes me feel better (except when I see my weight go up ... but that's just cause I stare at the scales too much).

    Try to weigh yourself week to week instead of day to day and even then, every 2 weeks is better. The reason I say this is that you probably will only lose 1-3 lbs per week and as you said, if you are staying hydrated with 4lbs (1/2 gallon) of water a day, that level of weight loss is within the margin of error. Keep the long goal in mind, log your food and exercise and keep a strong deficit (near your goal) and you'll see the results.

  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Hello All,

    I just wanted to know the reasoning behind 8 cups of water a day. I don't like to drink water but I've been trying to make myself drink it. Yesterday morning I worked out and was happy with my weighin of 244.4 (first time in weeks I broke 245) Then I calculated my calories and made sure to drink 8 glasses of water. When I woke up this morning and weighed myself I was pissed off when I weighed 247.4! I was really discouraged. I ended up completing another cardio work out about 2 hours later and when I weighed myself after I was 245.2. I think drinking all that water inflated my weight and after going hard in the gym I lost most of it. My question is this, why force myself to drink 8 cups of water? Based on the math I found 8 cups of water is approx 4 pounds. I wasn't hungry when I drunk the water, I was just doing it because I thought it is what I'm suppose to do to lose weight but I don't want to keep adding water weight just to sweat it out.

    I hate to burst your bubble, but 64oz ( 8 glasses) of water is not a lot. For a man of your size, you actually need closer to 122oz a day to be properly hydrated. A good rule of thumb is to take your weight, divide by two, and that is the number of ounces you need to drink per day.

    I had kidney stones a few years ago, and I was not much lighter than you are now. I was 228lbs when I checked into the hospital for my surgeries. As part of my treatment, my urologist did many tests, including a 48 hour urine test. He discovered that I needed a GALLON of water a day to be properly hydrated.

    Since my kidney stones, I have lost almost 40lbs...but I still aim for a gallon of water a day. Today I have had a quart of water, 2 quarts of gatorade G2, and 18oz of coffee. Before I go to bed, I am going to try to finish another quart.
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    Actual Healthy water drinking is 1oz per 2lbs of Body weight.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Hydration when working out and sweating. Flushing the toxins out. Helps when I eat too much sodium and am retaining water. I'm weird and like to weigh myself everyday in the morning and at night just to see how much it changes. I fluctuate 3 to 4 lbs during the day. Sometimes I dont like drinking straight water so I get the flavor packets and that makes it easier to meet my water intake goal.
  • mayaocean
    mayaocean Posts: 355 Member
    2L/day is not really a lot...

    That's the bare minimum.

    Personally, if I drink anything less than 4L of water/day I feel lethargic and end up dehydrated.

    If your urine is dark that means you're not getting enough water in you, so I guess it varies from person to person depending on mass/height.
  • xmysterix
    xmysterix Posts: 114 Member
    There's a lot of mythology around water intake but basically, it fills you up and it's better for you than beer or a soda. A lot of Eastern diets involve drinking thin soups before meals and it has much the same effect.
  • leon0897
    leon0897 Posts: 35 Member
    I try to weigh every other week but I'm drawn to the scale after a workout or a rest day. I can't help it and I'm just hoping for the fluctuations to be on the down side lol. I now understand the importance of water and I will continue to incorporate it into my day. I just want the scale to play nice lol. Side note I plan on doing another work out tonight which should burn another 700 plus calories. Even if I eat a 1000 calorie dinner I will still have almost a 1000 calorie deficit from my calorie goal since I would have earned the calories from my workout, I thought this would be good but I think I read on hear that you ideally want to net 0 for your calorie deficit or your body will not lose weight. Is this true?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Wow, that was a lot of crap science all in one thread.

    You need to drink enough water for your urine to be pale yellow. You get a lot of fluids from the food you eat (an apple is 85% water) so depending on your diet you may get quite a bit there. All fluids help hydrate you, soups, coffee, tea, juice, milk, etc. It doesn't have to be guzzling water.

    Water doesn't flush out fat or toxins. Your liver and kidneys filter the "toxins" and they are excreted. Doesn't matter if you are peeing orange pee or you've had so much to drink it looks like straight water coming back out. If you exercise and sweat a lot you probably need to rehydrate but the urine color test is your best way to check if you are hydrated enough not some broscience on half your body weight in water or any of the other silliness.
  • jgregoire
    jgregoire Posts: 1 Member
    I aim for a gallon of water a day. I do not include my protein shake, coffee or crystal light. But if I don't stop drinking before 6 PM, I find myself using the bathroom a couple of times between midnight and 5 am, which is kind of a pain. Well worth the benefit.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    If your urine is dark that means you're not getting enough water in you, so I guess it varies from person to person depending on mass/height.
    I go by the above wisdom, as told by my spousal unit's urologist. "If you're peeing light yellow or clear, you're good; if you're peeing dark yellow, drink water."
    If your diet contains a lot of sodium (as most American diets do), the water retention factor will happen to you. And high sodium diets need lots of water to help your body flush all that excess sodium. If your diet is more in the 1000-700mg (or less) of sodium, you don't need as much water. If your diet includes lots of green vegetables and whole fruit, you will get quite a bit of water in the food.
    I personally only drink as much as I need to keep a light yellow to clear urine stream. That's a lot easier than forcing way more fluid than I need.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Wow, that was a lot of crap science all in one thread.

    You need to drink enough water for your urine to be pale yellow. You get a lot of fluids from the food you eat (an apple is 85% water) so depending on your diet you may get quite a bit there. All fluids help hydrate you, soups, coffee, tea, juice, milk, etc. It doesn't have to be guzzling water.

    Water doesn't flush out fat or toxins. Your liver and kidneys filter the "toxins" and they are excreted. Doesn't matter if you are peeing orange pee or you've had so much to drink it looks like straight water coming back out. If you exercise and sweat a lot you probably need to rehydrate but the urine color test is your best way to check if you are hydrated enough not some broscience on half your body weight in water or any of the other silliness.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    ... I think I read on here that you ideally want to net 0 for your calorie deficit or your body will not lose weight. Is this true?
    Eat when you're hungry but no need to force-feed yourself to get to a certain number. If you're not hungry, don't eat. If you maintain this activity, you will naturally eat more; just make it nutritious food and you'll be good. Don't focus so much on the numbers. You don't sound like you're having much fun.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I'm one of those renegades who think that the large quantities of water we are "advised" to drink is a ploy by the bottling companies to sell more bottled water. I do not log water or other liquids.I let my thirst determine my needs. We get lots of hydration from food anyway. It did not affect my reaching my goal or maintaining.

    I have enough things to be stressed about in life to add in worrying about chugging water all day long.
  • jadedhippo
    jadedhippo Posts: 95 Member
    because we need water to function and survive. I do not understand people who complain about drinking water.