Gained 2 pounds??

EternalMysteria Posts: 22
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I' ve been doing the same routine for a month now. I walk at least 90 minutes a day, and staying in my calorie range, and trying to eat back my exercise calories. I've been weighing myself the same time in the mornings under the same conditions, and today it says I gained 2 pounds! I'm very frustrated, and not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions?


  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Maybe try changing it up? I gain sometimes for what seems like no reason, but I'm sure it's water retention or possibly that my dinner portions are too big. When it happens, I usually just change what I'm eating and/or my workout. Also, are you drinking enough water? I read somewhere that you should drink half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, I weigh 177.5. Divide that by two and get 88.75, so I need 88.75 ounces of water, or 11-ish glasses a day. Hope this helps.
  • tbrice
    tbrice Posts: 1
    Add some weight training and increase intensity. Your body becomes accustomed to the routine. You have to keep it off balance or it will start storing calories again. Also vary your caloric intake. Never under 1100 though.
  • IAmDanMarshall
    IAmDanMarshall Posts: 44 Member
    ^^^ What ickybella said. I drink massive amounts of water. I'm probably up to 16 8oz glasses a day. I try and drink at least 2 8oz glasses with each meal, and then I drink more in between. It also may be due to high sodium in your diet. See this for more info:

    If you're eating a lot of foods high in sodium you will retain more water weight. My blood pressure was sort of high, so I have been trying to eat low sodium foods anyway, and I think that has helped me in losing a couple of pounds here and there.

    Also, you may want to consider making your food diary public, or at least viewable to friends. Sometimes it helps to have an outside perspective. I know it's embarrassing... hell, I used to lie about my weight up until about a month ago, because I was ashamed to let anyone know the true number... but that's all it is-- a number. Same with my food diary, I had it completely private when I first joined this site. Own it. We're all on this journey together, and no one will judge you here (I don't even say all of this to you specifically, just putting it out there to anyone that may read this).
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    You have the same problem as I do. I'm female.:bigsmile: There are 2 weeks per month I don't get on the scale. Hormones!! Diet and exercise or not, they'll get you.

    I try to eat only half of my exercise calories. Most days I eat them too. I've not met my weekly weight goals every week, but there's not a specific date I'm shooting for. If I go overly strict I can't stick with it on the long term. And this IS long term.

    Try to keep looking at the long term/big picture. Small set backs/changes shouldn't be allowed to shipwreck your dedication.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I' ve been doing the same routine for a month now. I walk at least 90 minutes a day, and staying in my calorie range, and trying to eat back my exercise calories. I've been weighing myself the same time in the mornings under the same conditions, and today it says I gained 2 pounds! I'm very frustrated, and not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions?

    Stop weighing yourself every day. Your weight will fluctuate based on water retention, how much food/liquid is in your system, etc.

    Pick a day and time each week and weigh yourself once. If you want to weigh every day just because, that's fine, but know that there will be fluctuations. Choose ONE day and time that counts for the week.
  • I totally agree with the previous reply. I lost about 20 pounds over the course of about 2 years. My belief is slow and steady really does win the race as this is the first time in my life I have completely kept it off for a really long time. I regularly eat below my calorie requirements, walk 60 minutes a day and do the wii just dance and my weight is still inching down overall with major fluctuations in between for no good reason. And, honestly, I would do nothing but use the bathroom all day at work if I consumed as much water as some of the people above and wouldn't get much work done! Just focus on your long term goal, building muscle makes you gain and I think the bmi does not account for muscle mass. Concentrate on the fact that your heart doesn't beat fast when you run up stairs or your blood pressure is lowering. Men just have no idea have difficult it is for women what with the hormones. Some birth control methods help with water retention as well and maybe you could look into those. Good luck!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    If your jsut leiserly walking I would probably not eat any to very little of your exercise calories. I would only suggest that if you are working out to intensity or moderate intensity. Its not always about how long you go but at what intensity you do it at. Better for weight/fat loss. Pulling energy from your stored sorces. Also change things around whether it the food workouts or both. I never do the same workout longer then 4 weeks I get bored to easy. Generlly I change it every 2 weeks
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    I've read everyones reply at totally agree but you all failed to mention that with all your exercising you have probably gained muscle mass....which is a great thing:wink: . Muscle weights more than fat so it will cause the number on the scale to go up:noway: . What I would suggest is that you measure your waist line and thighs (my problem areas):blushing: . I bet you will find that they are smaller! Muscle mass also holds more water. So cutting back on the sodium and changing up your exercise are good suggestions but also measure yourself along with using that dreadful scale.
    Hope this helps! Good luck and WE can do this!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've read everyones reply at totally agree but you all failed to mention that with all your exercising you have probably gained muscle mass....which is a great thing:wink: . Muscle weights more than fat so it will cause the number on the scale to go up:noway: . What I would suggest is that you measure your waist line and thighs (my problem areas):blushing: . I bet you will find that they are smaller! Muscle mass also holds more water. So cutting back on the sodium and changing up your exercise are good suggestions but also measure yourself along with using that dreadful scale.
    Hope this helps! Good luck and WE can do this!!

    I didn't mention muscle mass because it's HIGHLY doubtful that's what it is.
  • Hi,

    All of the above is right. Your weight gain could be from water (females are about 1-1.5 under or over all the time due to water). Once a month I was baffled by my 2 lb. weight gain myself, after my period, it was all good.

    Also, it could muscle, remember it weighs more than fat. I won't worry about too much, as long as its not 5 lbs. over.

    You could have also very well have hit a plateau, it happens, change it up, take it up, don't worry aobut, as long as you keep moving, thats all that counts. If you stop moving you will gain the weight, so keep on trucking and good luck.
  • Oh, I forgot, choochoo76 is right, slow and steady wins the race, fads come and go, but this is something that needs to stick, in order to do that it needs to be realistic.

    Slow and steady yes, but don't forget to take it up when you need it. There will be times that you have to challenge yourself in order to really make a dent (hopefully in the abs). Take your cues from your body, it will tell you that it needs more working it, and also tell you that a break is needed in order not hurt yourself, really important.

    Love the pain, nobody ever drowned in sweat!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I've read everyones reply at totally agree but you all failed to mention that with all your exercising you have probably gained muscle mass....which is a great thing:wink: . Muscle weights more than fat so it will cause the number on the scale to go up:noway: . What I would suggest is that you measure your waist line and thighs (my problem areas):blushing: . I bet you will find that they are smaller! Muscle mass also holds more water. So cutting back on the sodium and changing up your exercise are good suggestions but also measure yourself along with using that dreadful scale.
    Hope this helps! Good luck and WE can do this!!

    I didn't mention muscle mass because it's HIGHLY doubtful that's what it is.

    I agree, unless you're doing some serious weight lifting.
  • Morning. I haven't necessarily gained lbs; however depending on what I am wearing, how often since I ate, how late I ate etc I have noticed that my weight can stay the same. I tend to weigh myself before I eat anything in the morning. I was getting discouraged and decided to see how many inches I have lost. I would recommend tracking those as well. It totally made my day to know that the inches are coming off.

    I would also suggest having a weekly weigh in. Where only 1 day a week "counts". Then do measurements once a month.
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