A Year From Now, You'll Wish You Started Today.

My birthday is in about a week, I will be turning 23. 23 and 75 pounds heavier than I want to be. So my goal is to make this year count! I'm just looking for some friends to take this journey with. I'm starting my diary tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get some good friendships started on day one.

Also, any tips are always welcome! I love to learn about new ideas!

Thanks for stopping by to look, no matter what, good luck on your goals and health!



  • awood2785
    awood2785 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome to MFP! My tip would be to log everything, don't think if you just took a bite or two you don't need to log. Sending you a friend request. When I started MFP originally (last June) my goal was to lose 70 lbs, so I've been there too.
  • 63hanson
    63hanson Posts: 154 Member
    Every time I want to quit, I think about that very thing... a year from now, you'll wish you started today. It really is a good motivator. Good luck, just remember to log, exercise and make good use of this site. The support you'll find here is amazing!
  • EllieTai
    Thank you! I've heard good things about this site. So I have high hopes.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    Welcome!! This is an awesome website with some pretty amazing people!! Add :D
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Welcome. You seem to have a good attitude, an attitude needed to succeed.

    Good luck on your new lifestyle.
  • Amy11108
    I said that to myself when I was 23. I am 25 now, and you're right... I wish I did start then. I kept putting it off over and over saying one more day wont hurt and here I am 2 years later and bigger than ever

    Good luck to you! Don't give up!
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Good luck you can do it! Just log everything as best as you can, binges and all.

    I'm on the other end of that saying; I did start just over a year ago and if I didn't make that small step at the time, I wouldn't be down 92lbs today. There were a lot of ups and many many downs along the way, but you just have to keep going no matter what.
  • EllieTai
    Thank you everyone. I know this is going to be hard. I'm so thankful for all of your encouragement!
  • cmsimpson74
    cmsimpson74 Posts: 17 Member
    I started my journey in July, my weight has been up and down whilst having my kids, however y youngest is now 3.5, my work shirts started getting tighter so I decided I wanted the thinner, healthy me back for good. I hit 40 next year and am determined to be at my target weight and staying there.
    Have sent you friend request.
  • EllieTai
    Thank you everyone for adding me!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Good luck. You sound ready to do this and mfp works if you work it. You got this!
  • onespoonfulls
    Hello and welcome.
    I'm new-ish myself.I joined after developing binge eating disorder adding to my previous and ongoing disorders. I didnt start tracking until I saw the changes,not so much the ones on the scale but the way my clothes fit and body looked.
    I hope we can support eachother and be friends!:)))
  • aibaby
    aibaby Posts: 1
    Hi, just started 4 days ago (using this app) myself, hoping to meet other people for support! (Also, looking at other people's diary helps in giving ideas for low calorie meals and helps in motivating too!)

    Good luck everyone~!
  • seans_mommy
    Hey there and welcome to MFP! I only just joined a few days ago myself. :) If you would like you are welcome to add me. I am going to take this journey, so I am not setting myself up for failure, right away. -Mandy
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    You've taken the first step, the best step: realizing you need to change things. Now, things will be rough here and there, the biggest thing is to keep going. Don't beat yourself up over the bad days, celebrate all victories - scale and non-scale ones.

    Welcome to a whole new journey! <3
  • zensugi
    zensugi Posts: 76
    I've been here for around 2 months. Tips:

    * Be brutally honest when logging, there is no point on kidding yourself. Log everything.
    * Log exercise too. If you don't do any, start walking. Walking is low impact and will help you with weight loss.
    * Avoid fad diets. You don't need to be juicing, paleo, clean, or anything like that to lose weight. Just eat within your allowance.
    * Set yourself a realistic goal: huge weight loss in a very short time is a recipe for disaster. Go for something that will keep you motivated.
    * Measure yourself at the start; not only weight, but waist, neck, etc. Some times you'll be smaller but not lighter.
    * A couple of posts that I found useful:


    I hope you are successful.
  • EllieTai
    Thanks everyone!
  • jjones62301
    jjones62301 Posts: 28 Member
    Log everything you put in your mouth. What you eat in private, you wear in public.
    Don't starve yourself. If you restrict your calories too much, your body will catch up with you and start storing the little cals you do eat!
    Set realistic goals. It's easier and more rewarding when you hit a bunch of small milestones than constantly looking at how far you still have to go.
    Take pics now, take measurements now, keep your favorite pair of jeans. You may not notice the changes like others will, this way you will have visual and physical proof of how far you've come.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    a year before i was also 23 and started with weight loss without mfp but a lot was going in my life so :(
    but this time i am fully determined

    A Year From Now, You'll Wish You Started Today. i dont want to say this next year again :)
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    i would suggest check out c25k here. u will love it.