Odd Week

this week hasn't been good in terms of food and calorie intake, or in mindset

right now i'm trying to net 1400 calories or under and I exercise 4-6 times a week with running, netball and gym sessions

but this week I've been wanting foods I don't normally crave, like muffins and cereal, and I've been eating basically everything in sight!

does anyone else have weeks like this? And what do you do to "restart" when they happen?


  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    I have a binge day. Normally I won't count calories on that day to feel better. And then move on!

    But, I try to have things I like in small pieces through the week. It makes it easier to stay on track. :)
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Sounds to me like your body is trying to tell you something. Listen to it.
  • snakebites94
    i agree! but i had a "Binge" day last week where i didn't count calories and then binging didn't continue but the week was just bad.

    I do think my body is trying to say something, but i don't know what ;p
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    i agree! but i had a "Binge" day last week where i didn't count calories and then binging didn't continue but the week was just bad.

    I do think my body is trying to say something, but i don't know what ;p

    Most likely you need more food or more carbs. Add a sweet potato to your lunch or dinner. It works wonders for my cravings.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I've discovered that I often have several days, even up to a week, before TOM, where I want to eat everything in sight, especially the "bad" stuff. I upped my overall calories a little bit and have been lifting weights, and the last couple of months haven't been as bad but I don't know if there's any relation to either.

    At any rate, could it be related to your cycle? For some women it's during TOM, for some the week before, for some around ovulation, and some women luck out and don't have much issue :laugh: Try paying attention for a couple of months if you need, to see a pattern.
  • snakebites94
    i thought about upping from 1400 to 1500 but worried I will stop losing as I irregularly lose at 1400 anyway and I am in last 5-7 lbs..
  • snakebites94
    I've discovered that I often have several days, even up to a week, before TOM, where I want to eat everything in sight, especially the "bad" stuff. I upped my overall calories a little bit and have been lifting weights, and the last couple of months haven't been as bad but I don't know if there's any relation to either.

    At any rate, could it be related to your cycle? For some women it's during TOM, for some the week before, for some around ovulation, and some women luck out and don't have much issue :laugh: Try paying attention for a couple of months if you need, to see a pattern.

    looking at my diary you could be right!! I have a secondary amenorrhea so i often forget - thank you :)
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    Sounds to me like your body is trying to tell you something. Listen to it.


    You do loads of exercise and your body needs fuel.
  • snakebites94
    OK, thanks :) what would you up to?? 1450 doesn't seem such a big difference? I'm worried 1500 will stop me losing but i could try it i guess...?
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    I think 1500 would be good for you, if you maintain then stick with it, then adjust accordingly. I have had a similar week, i have had donuts, a few packets of crisps, a few biscuits. I don't think you went overboard apart from that day you had a visitor. You had a muffin but went for a run to create a gap for that! Also walking everywhere probably burns a lot so maybe you need to eat to help your body.
  • snakebites94
    I think 1500 would be good for you, if you maintain then stick with it, then adjust accordingly. I have had a similar week, i have had donuts, a few packets of crisps, a few biscuits. I don't think you went overboard apart from that day you had a visitor. You had a muffin but went for a run to create a gap for that! Also walking everywhere probably burns a lot so maybe you need to eat to help your body.

    yeah, I'll try 1500 (and stick in it!!) and weight at end of the week and see :) haha, I've gone over a few more times this week (including tonight!!) but just feel like i need to :L
  • hillarysmith21
    hillarysmith21 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey, I definitely have times like this! It will happen, and that's really okay. The best information I've ever come across for these situations is that one reason "binging" could happen is because you're restricting yourself of certain cravings completely - we have to let ourselves have some, or else we'll give in at a certain point and just go overboard.

    For example, since you started dieting, have you completely cut out a certain food you used to absolutely love, like muffins or cereal?

    Because I did that and I think it made me give in to cravings more often. But once I allowed a certain food back into my diet (in moderation) that I used to love, it was super easy to not binge or go over - like, extremely easy.

    The other thing that is SUPER important to keep in mind when you do give in, is that the important things is what you do after the binge that counts. Just get right back up there, right now and take back the control. Just start again, don't give it up.

    I saw a very applicable quote on here the other day was very very applicable "You try, you fail, you try, you fail. But the only true failure is giving up."

    You seem like you care too much to give up. So you will definitely get back on track. Weeks like this are okay, you can still lose, or maintain, if that's what you're going for. It's not a show-stopper.

    :) You go, lady!
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I think it's very important to track binging. Track everything. It's important to see how damaging binging can be, and exactly how much you're binging by. Denial helps no one. I had a few days of binging in the last six weeks, and it set me back a week in my progress. And I didn't even exceed 1,900 calories on those days. So yeah, know your numbers, and you'll be the one in control.
  • snakebites94
    Thank you all guys!! I don't usually cut a whole food out but i do eat less of it....last night was extremely bad but going to get back to it today, and hopefully lose on Sunday!
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    I think it's very important to track binging. Track everything. It's important to see how damaging binging can be, and exactly how much you're binging by. Denial helps no one. I had a few days of binging in the last six weeks, and it set me back a week in my progress. And I didn't even exceed 1,900 calories on those days. So yeah, know your numbers, and you'll be the one in control.

    If you ate less than 1900 calories on 1 day during the week then the only way it would set you back an entire week is if you have a TDEE of 1300 calories with a 1200 calorie target. A deficit of 100 is not likely to yield noticeable results so I highly doubt that those are your numbers. The reason it "set your back" is that you were retaining water. In any case, 1900 calories is hardly a "binge."
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Ive been struggling with this same issue. The last two weeks have been ups and downs for me.

    Right now, its just about my TOM and that hits me hard. I had a terrible binge the other day that I estimate was around 6000 calories!

    I just jump back on the band wagon the next day. Im trying to make these days less and less as time goes on.

    Hopefully it will work!
  • snakebites94
    Ive been struggling with this same issue. The last two weeks have been ups and downs for me.

    Right now, its just about my TOM and that hits me hard. I had a terrible binge the other day that I estimate was around 6000 calories!

    I just jump back on the band wagon the next day. Im trying to make these days less and less as time goes on.

    Hopefully it will work!

    you sound EXACTLY like me hahah - that's what my binges can get up to!! i'm going to try 2 weeks though, sticking within my 1450 calories and see how that goes :)