Hello Everyone! Starting over and looking for friends?

Hi guys,

My name is Jane. I'm just getting back to a healthier lifestyle after a lengthy absence. I'm looking to lose a few pounds and become more active. Looking to make some friends along the way for support!

I'm a second year bachelor of nursing student, and work part time. Long, long, long hours in the library and at clinical aren't exactly conducive to a healthy lifestyle, but I want to change my habits! I've gained 15 pounds since I started my program and I don't want It to get anymore out of control!

Hope to see some of you around the forums, and hopefully as friends :)


  • dehumanised1
    dehumanised1 Posts: 21 Member
    Always looking for more friends, add me if you like =)
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member
    Friend request sent. Also a nurse, I feel your pain,long hours, no breaks, no access to healthy food or kitchen facilities. And a never ending supply of sweets & biscuits off gratefull patients Arrrrggghhhhh lol :laugh:
  • T_Roc
    T_Roc Posts: 65 Member
    Starting over here to, feel free to add me.
  • cassieubanks
    cassieubanks Posts: 18 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I am also starting over. I have lost and found again 150 pounds several times in the last 10 years. I even threw away my skinny clothes. :-( I have to make it work this time. I am in alot of pain, and I need to be around for my kiddos. Anyone who can be support, please feel free to add me! :-)
  • hmz74
    hmz74 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, im starting over again, please feel free to add me. x
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    Hi! Good luck in starting over. Friend request sent. :)