This is where it starts getting hard...

I have successfully lost my water weight and have now started to fight the fat!
I think an exercise routine rather than my general walking to and from uni and work is in order now. I'm thinking 20 minutes of skipping every day :D


  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I think you'll find that as long as you stick to your calories (base calories) for the day you'll keep losing at 1-2lbs a week for a long time. With a significant amount to lose like me I've found that I average 1.8lbs a week so far even when I felt like things were slow one week I caught up the next week.

    Good luck! It's a new lifestyle and new habits and those take time to really be ingrained!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    1.8 is good per week! As long as i'm at a steady loss per week i think i'll be happy. It's just annoying it takes so long!
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    slow and steady, I adjust my custom goals each time I lose, and because I do not exercise yet that means reducing my calories each time, I weigh myself each day and it is very interesting because I eat he exact same thing each day, so the losses are .3 of a pound etc, one day after almost 10 weeks now I actually gained a pound but the next day it was gone, I am fascinated by what may cause the jump or the delays, in any case I only log the losses, and concentrate on today,

    yes the first 10 are the easiest, but keep going, I wish I only had 68 pounds to lose, and I wish I were as young as you,

    you are replacing the sugar-salt-fat nerve pathways in your brain with healthy ones, and this will take time,

    we all are cheering your progress :flowerforyou:
  • ksugirl99
    I'm with you, girl. I was so stoked to lose my first 14lb and then I had 2 pieces of pizza at a birthday party. There came back 7lbs and I can't lose it again! I love the first week of a diet beause it flies off like hot butter, but ... then the fat burning part comes and .... yeeeaaahhhh ...
  • countsplunkett
    I am feelign that right now.I have lost my 7 pounds of water weight..
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    haha, I like that! 'flies off like hot butter'.
    I've not really started eating any differently yet, just eating less than I would normally! I love having the guidelines. I still manage to over-do the sugar (but that's when i have fruit during the day) but i'm not hankering after chocolate all the time now!