Friends (I'll be there for you)

Friends theme song :)

I have been here a week now and getting settled in. I could use some more MFP friends :)

If you are not negative or hateful towards people who have had (or are going to have) weight loss surgery,
would you like to be friends on here?

People who are negative about WLS or against it, or post negative pushy posts about it need not reply. I don't care if your sister's cousin's friend's neice's auntie had problems with their surgery lol. I don't care if you think it's "lazy" or "easy way out". So save it.

I had my lap band surgery 10-07-10 and am extrememly happy with my well researched, well thought about decision. (I've been researching since January 2010 and going to support groups and meetings with my primary care physician and the bariatric surgeon about it.) I did not take the decision lightly as I know it requires life changes, not just a band around my stomach and bam! I lose weight. I have to work it.

The Silvertab Levi's I purchased new many years ago are now vintage and I can't wait to wear em!

Sorry about being so blunt, but the majority of people find it acceptable to voice mean and cruel statements to the ones who have had weight loss surgery.

Thanks for reading !


  • TaraDenise
    TaraDenise Posts: 164 Member
    Is that all you got? LOL! I'd be happy to be your friend. You have to do what works for you; nevermind the rest. :0)
  • Maggie1960
    No negativity from me - well done on making the decision to get slender and healthy. Feel free to add me as a friend and I'll support you all the way:flowerforyou:
  • Buckeybabe87
    Feel free to add me :)
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi, Wow I was expecting much worse. I have a good friend who had her stomach stapled. She did it for health reasons she is a diabetic. Losing weight just makes you healthy no matter if by surgery or through modified eating habits and exercise. I'll be your friend.

  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    I dont see as an easy way out at all, I think its great that you wanted to do that for yourself. Like you said its not just a band, it doesnt do the work for you. Good for you.:flowerforyou:
  • AndreeT
    AndreeT Posts: 191
    Welcome to MFP. Congrats on taking this new healthy lifestyle! Feel free to add me as a friend :flowerforyou:
  • PuppyBandit
    Thanks everyone :) I sent friend requests. :happy:
  • cljoiner
    i am happy for you. i have a friend that also had surgery and know it is not a easy thing before or after. Good luck with your new diet.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    LOL!! Did you get everything off your chest? :laugh: Keep up the good work! :drinker:
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    We all need to find our "weigh" out and I'd be happy to be your friend. :smile: Here's to you on what was obviously a well thought out decision :drinker:
  • sandi50lock
    sandi50lock Posts: 71 Member
    I don't blame you for having the surgery and I am proud of you add me as your friend
  • IAmDanMarshall
    IAmDanMarshall Posts: 44 Member
    Haters are always gonna hate. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for doing what works for you. My mom had gastric bypass in January of 2009, and I took care of her the week after her surgery. Seeing how much pain she was in sucked, and anyone that says it's the "easy way out" has NO clue what they're talking about! I'm super proud of her though, she looks like an entirely different person now. I don't know how much she's lost, but I know it's over 130 pounds now.

    Congrats on quitting smoking! That's admirable!

    I added you as a friend :)
  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    I don't know much about the details of WLS, but my best friend's daughter had it and I know it was NOT the easy way out. Prevention had a great article about 3 sisters who had it, too. To those who think it's easy, well they just aren't very well educated about the whole thing. Good luck in your journey - feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Leki84
    Leki84 Posts: 3
    fairly new here just popping in to say hello :)
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    Good for you for having the courage to research and go for it! I'm proud of your well thought out decision and working thru your weight loss goals - you have a friend here!

    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • vette49
    vette49 Posts: 96 Member
    U can add me as a friend
  • yorkie4eva
    yorkie4eva Posts: 14 Member

    Well done for saying what you said, cos it needed saying. I too like you have a Gastric Band fitted in september 2005 and I have managed to lose nearly 7 stones since that time. It is still a struggle to make the right decisions regarding what to eat on a daily basis.

    Feel free to add me as a freind, I will be more than happy to motivate you on a daily basis, likewise I hope you would also motivate me also.

    Well done on the best desicion you have made so far.


    Annalisa (yorkie4eva)
  • PuppyBandit
    Thanks everyone and LOL Molly. From reading other threads I was ready for people to pounce, and have only found nice replies. Thanks all !