Need advice concerning protein/carb goals

I'm much appreciate feedback on what MFP has outlined for me. My diary is open (nothing all last week had flu didn't care) and my exercise schedule looks like this (how it looks like that and I look like this are confounding):

I run 20 miles on average a week, building mileage for a marathon in May. I have a running coach who is fantastic but thought I'd get some 'been there, done that' feedback here.

I am starting Stronglifts because, well, I miss lifting. I used to lift heavy until life went pear shaped and I stopped everything because, well, thats for another time, ANYway...

I also swim for 45 minutes four times a week.

Now all this I just started a couple months ago and while I realise that lifting and runnng will possibly cause a rift in the time and space continuum its a chance I'm willing to take. Sorry planet.

I lost all of nothing because, as my coach pointed out, I was netting an average of 649 calories a day. Oops. So now it's about 1900. Frankly, I don't think it will start until i begin lifting again because thats how my Viking(here is where I'm compelled to add they never wore horned helmets) genes seems to work. Must lift, must hit things, etc.

So, if you are still with me, what do you think? I think I need a whole bunch more protein, frankly, but obviously not set to my current weight.

I'm 47, 5 6" and 245 pounds, no health problems (wood knocking).

(Hmmm, maybe I should have titled this Going to Eat 1200 calories Paleo/Keto/Fasting/Moderation Diet while taking HGH. Like SEO for post responses.)


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I would answer you if I had any idea exactly what you're asking. Can you whittle the story down to more of a question instead of a novel with odd references?
  • Mitcher86
    I would definitely recommend you lift weights or do some resistance training as part of your routine. You may want to consider some high intensity interval workouts, both for aerobic fitness and also to accelerate fat burning with less risk of overuse injury. A lot of ultra distance athletes have cut way back on their distance in training yet get better results in competition by using high intensity vareis worlouts. You may want to lookat Tim Ferris's 4 Hour Body to get his take on the "miminal effective dose"
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    You will get mixed opinions about macros. I think 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fats would be my choice considering the lifting but since you do some endurance training play around with your macros and see if you need more carbs or less.
  • betterrunfaster
    I would answer you if I had any idea exactly what you're asking. Can you whittle the story down to more of a question instead of a novel with odd references?

    How Many Grams Of Protein Should I Eat A Day ? (or read title of post)

    Sorry you had to work so hard. I hope you will be okay. Here is a moist cloth.
  • betterrunfaster
    You will get mixed opinions about macros. I think 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fats would be my choice considering the lifting but since you do some endurance training play around with your macros and see if you need more carbs or less.

    Thanks! Thats just what I was asking for.
  • betterrunfaster
    Just curious but what is the thinking behind MFP's auto goal?

    Carbohydrates 259g
    Protein 71g
    Fat 63g

    I know my bias is skewed coming from a lifting background that really emphasized protein, but is that standard?
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    Just curious but what is the thinking behind MFP's auto goal?

    Carbohydrates 259g
    Protein 71g
    Fat 63g

    They have me at 30 percent fat but only 15 percent protein. I know my bias is skewed coming from a lifting background that really emphasized protein, but is that standard?

    Default is the Western Diet, not sure but maybe called Standard American as well. For me that's way too high carb ratio.
  • betterrunfaster
    It just struck me as odd that the percentage for protein would be less then fat. Because I suck at the maths I didn't realise it until I went in to change the goal and saw the percentage. Thanks for the help, I've adjusted the goal setting and will see how that pans out.
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    Agreed, especially since the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about American food is T-bone. I thought average protein intake would be higher but it has a lot to do with food industry after all.

    Good luck with your training! Do not hesitate to change your macros according to your needs or if your progress comes to a stall.
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    I'm nowhere near as active as you...I run about 20 miles per week but no swimming or lifting--although I'm about to change that, I think--but, with all the running you do, I think you'll find you have to keep carbs a little higher. At least, that's what I'm finding. I'm having a hard time getting it all figured out too. I'm going to try my carbs at 50%, protein at 30% and fats at 20% for a couple of weeks and see how I do with some circuit training with weights (not heavy lifting--YET!!)
  • betterrunfaster


    edited to add; That thread is incredibly awesome, thanks again.
  • SlytherinPrefect
    SlytherinPrefect Posts: 64 Member
    I would answer you if I had any idea exactly what you're asking. Can you whittle the story down to more of a question instead of a novel with odd references?

    Yeah, how dare you have a personality? What were you thinking? Don't you realize that this is a serious forum with specific and scientific questions? Where do you get off thinking this forum has any social aspects?

    </cracking self up>

    But seriously, that post on setting calorie/macro targets was really helpful. I'm a numbers nerd so I've been going over and over and over the numbers again for calories and activity - I've decided my brain couldn't handle the additional stress of trying to get specifics on macros, so I'm pretending it doesn't exist and I just set the standard 30/30/40 protein/fat/carbs goals to start.