How do you get your mojo back?

bmq98 Posts: 78
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
hi mfpals,

I've been here since September, and in September I was all about it, a cheerleader -- I started here with an 8 pound weight loss. After a sedentary lifestyle, i started working out and my first attempts were brutal because i was so out of shape. My first time on the bike I did 5 minutes and my heart wanted to explode because it took all to catch my breath. After 10 minutes of walking the dogs I wanted to just make it back home. But I persevered over the next few weeks, and my bike riding got up to 20 and 30 and 40 minutes, i extended the time i walked the dogs from 15 to 20 and 30 and even 40 minutes. I managed to lose an additional 3 pounds for a total of 11. Don't get me wrong, I increased my workouts, but I still felt it for sure!

Then, i had a thyroid setback two weeks ago where i ran out of medication and it had to be ordered at my local pharmacy. for a week I didn't work out, had no energy, my motivation meter went to 0. This week, it was a struggle to even get dressed and walk my dogs. I don't know if i have to wait for the thyroid levels to maximize before my motivation returns, or whether being down and depressed about being unemployed and worries over some family members is the matter, but it's like I don't feel like doing anything!

I know I have to pull myself out of this rut -- but it feels like quicksand right now :-( I turn to you, my mfp pals to ask how you pull yourself up out of the muck when you're down - I need you to help me flip the switch back on!

Thanks all,


  • tdh302
    tdh302 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm certainly no expert, but based on what you stated, not being on medication for a week or so could have contributed to how you're feeling now. Un-managed thyroid can also affect how you feel psychologically. So some of what you are feeling could be directly related to this, as some of the realities of your life (i.e. family member's with problems, unemployment, etc) may have seemed more of a burden than they might have had you been on you medication consistently. Just my thoughts on why you may be struggling this week. Do what you can and hopefully you'll begin to feel better as we go into next week.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Speaking from my own experience with thyroid, the medication loss for 2 weeks is enough without anything else to cause you to feel this way. It may take you 2-3 weeks just to feel back to normal. Now, you add stress in with that-stress alone is a killer.
    It always helps me to know what is the major cause and then I can see the "light at the end of the tunnel."
    About 2 years ago I received the wrong thyroid medicine and unknowingly took if for a month. I thought I was going to lose my mind. You have done well, just know that this to will pass.:flowerforyou:
    When I 'talk" with others about problems I experience, it helps me to be reminded and re-committ myself to the problems I face, myself. Thanks for posting! :smile:
  • I dont know anything about Thyroid issues but I DO know that if you are depressed and upset about family problems then sitting around stewing on them is not going to help you any. Try to focus on how good it felt when you realized that your endurance levels were improving, remember why you commited yourself to this in the first place and dont allow yourself to have the same negative self talk that has kept you from doing the things in the past. Good Luck and remember that you dont have to see the whole staircase to take the first step.
  • I totally agree...

    I wanted to re-enforce that the thyroid meds, once they are outta your body, it takes 2 weeks for them to get stabilized. I know I dread it when I run out of my synthroid and don't get to take it the very next day because it takes SOOOOO long for my levels to stabilize.

    Keep going! You are doing well :flowerforyou:
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Exercise actually DOES boost your mood . . . how about taking that adorable pup out for a walk each day!
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Hang in there! It's tough when medication (or lack of) throws everything out of whack but it sounds like from what everyone else has posted that it'll get better in a week or two. In the meantime just do what you can - you started with 5 or 10 mins of exercise before and look how far that got you. One thing I've learned over the past few years of trying to lose weight is that it, like life, is a constant roller coaster ride with ups and downs and the fact that you are on MFP, looking for encouragement and not giving up says so much. Don't give up, it will get better!
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