Looking for motivation

I was doing so well before a month and a half ago. I was losing weight, and inches, firming up and feeling great about myself. What changed? I started working a part time job (Mon-Fri 8-3), after work I pick up my kids from school, I myself have school 2 nights during the week, and spend the rest of my time studying and sleeping, barely even eating. I also lost my father a month ago. I am whooped and exhausted. I exercise maybe once a week but walk the campus everyday, take the stairs when possible. I am maintaining my weight but would like to start seeing results again. I am looking for some encouraging words to get me going again. I hate feeling like I have given up. I truly haven't, I am just so exhausted. Help...


  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    Going to start a mini mini goal for myself to get myself started again: everyday this week starting tomorrow I will walk the entire campus during my lunch hour.
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    :flowerforyou: cute pic...it's a journey....take every day a new....eat less, move more, drink water, this works, good luck...:bigsmile:
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    That's a wonderful mini goal :) It'll really help. You might try a quick yoga DVD to help de-stress and get more fit, too. It's exercise but it energizes you. I love it.

    I'm so, so sorry to hear about your dad :( That is more than incredibly tough. I lost my mom one October long ago now, and it still hurts. Go easy on yourself now. Exercise can get the kinks out and the blood flowing, so do it for you to feel better. Don't beat yourself up about the amount or intensity. Try something gentle like the walking or some yoga, and that's fitness! Let it be you time, too. I hope your campus is pretty, lol :) If not, maybe play your favorite music and rock out with headphones :D
  • I'm sorry about the loss of your dad. It is understandable that you got out of your rhythm with so many changes happening all at once. It is difficult to find the time when our schedules are packed with things we have to do from the time we wake up until the time we go to bed. As a person who works 40-50 hours a week, goes to school 3 nights a week, there never seems to be enough time or energy left to add more "work" (aka exercise) to our schedule. For me, I started small. I added 15 minutes of walking the dog rather than just letting her out into the yard. For you, maybe you could squeeze 15 minutes of taking the kids for a walk around the block or playing soccer in the yard on the days you do not have school. Once you start involving your kids into it, they will start asking if you are going for a walk, or want to play. Good luck!
  • nickiebk
    nickiebk Posts: 1 Member
    You are not alone. I know what you mean about doing well and then it just stopping. My circumstances aren't as sad as yours, I am very sorry for your loss. Mine is simply that the five friends I began doing this with have all stopped so my daily wall feed was full of only my updates. With no one watching, I began trying less hard and now I have been stuck at the same weight for two months. Thankfully I haven't gained but, I haven't lost either.

    Today, I have come onto the forums looking for friends and support. I find I do better at weight loss when there is a little friendly competition and encouraging words.

    I struggle to find the time to exercise but I am well aware of the benefits it gives. Like you I work part time and do the school run. My part time job consists of three full days where I am out of the house from 7.30am to 6pm. I have a desk job where I get bired and snack the by the time I have collected my daughter from the childminder's and got home we are so starving that we eat all the wrong things. The four days a week when I am at home we eat really well because I never get bored enough to eat rubbish.

    I have found that the best way for me to get exercise is to play Just Dance on the wii with my daughter. I get a work out to burn calories and we get to have fun together so it's win win. Recently, she has come home with a lot of homework so we haven't had time but I need to make time, I know.

    The fact is that both you and I know we can do the weight loss thing, we have done it before. think back to how you first started doing this. I know for me it was with baby steps slowly changing my diet a bit at a time from unhealthy to healthy food whilst staying within my calorie limits. Introducing a little bit more exercise every day, be it one more song on Just dance or walking home the long way from the shops. Maybe this is what we need to do again.

    I know we don't know each other but, if there is a way to add me as a friend please feel free to do so. Maybe we can help and encourage each other along on our journey. It's always more fun with a friends :)
  • I use the Leslie Sansone walking dvds & they are easy to do at home . Check them out
  • I HAVE lost 12 lbs. but haven't recorded on here in awhile . Lol
  • Hello!
    I am sorry about your dad. You are so strong that facing such hard time. You have a tough routine and good to know that you are not a quitter! Seems like you don't get time for proper workout everyday but you prefer to climb stairs and walk whenever possible, which is good. If you really can not manage time to work out everyday, you should rather continue with what you can do easily. Don't panic, just make sure that the meals you take all the day are healthy enough to keep yourself fit! Drink plenty of water, eat more vegetables and fruits, avoid junk and preservative food. Have a good day! :)
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379 Member
    Sorry to hear about your Dad xoxo.

    Can you be inspired to do it for him? If you only have a small amount of time, maybe HIIT would work well for you?
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    Ya'll are the reason I love MFP. Thank you for all the encouraging words and advice; I really needed them. Thanks
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Planning and prepping on the weekend has helped me keep my sanity. I have more time to do other things when I plan a dinners I can throw together in 30 min. or less. Don't forget to eat. I find if I eat 3 meals at regular intervals my energy levels remain stable. If I forget to eat. I feel fatigued and tired. Making it up at dinner doesn't seem to work for me either.
  • CoachKarlaHelps
    CoachKarlaHelps Posts: 19 Member
    Hi girl, everyone falls off the wagon every once and a while. Remember, health and fitness isn't a sprint but a marathon. We are making changes for a lifetime, not for a party or a wedding. You want to be healthy and fit for the duration. I also do a lot of planning and prepping on the weekends. Try to package your food in portion size baggies or containers that you can carry around with you all the time. What type of exercises do you enjoy?