Insanity questions

I am a 17 year old girl from Sweden. I am currently on Exchange in Ireland, and have put on some weight since I got here (2minths ago). Even though I play football and exercise at least 2-3 times a week. I have never been really skinny, but kind if average, however, I really don't want to become the 'fat friend'. I have there for gotten the insanity workout, and I am planning on starting it in a couple of weeks. The only thing is that it is hard to be able to follow the nutrition guide since I live with a host family and I can't make them change the meals. Do you have any tips and tricks for how I can get the closest to the diet with what not to eat etc.?

Have anyone tried the insanity workout without following the diet and still gotten results?

I am 5"7' and weigh 175 pounds at the moment. Before I left, I weighed 158, and my goal weight is 143.


  • You certainly don't need to follow the nutrition guide. It is meant to give you guidance but it is in no way mandatory to follow. I never follow any of the guides that comes with my workout program and I always achieve incredible results. If you need more in depth help just go to fitspert365. com, join their mailing list and ask them questions. They respond very quickly and are never unwilling to help.
  • Just as Calleigh88 said, following the menu plan isn't a must. Alot of it is really great food but not required. Don't eat a huge meal before you'll regret it. I've done Insanity for about 3 weeks and lost about 7 lbs but I lost inches and gained a TON of endurance. ShaunT will kick your butt!
  • Don't worry so much about the exact food on the nutrition guide, the biggest thing is to try and follow the general idea. Try to eat several small meals each day (around 5 usually) rather than 3 big ones. The reason for this is that you want to keep your metabolism up, and the fastest way to do that is to give your body a steady supply of food. Waiting until dinner if you're starving 3 hours before will tell your body that food is not readily available, so it needs to store whatever it gets (i.e. into fat), so if you feed yourself when you're hungry with moderate portions, your body will think it has a steady food supply and use that food as ENERGY rather than storing it up.
    I'm starting Insanity too, and I'm your height, so my goal is about 1500 calories a day, which adds up to 400ish calories per meal if you do 5 or so.
    Another thing is, if you can, try to eat your carbs earlier in the day and stick to high protein meals in the evening. This is because proteins and fats are used up much more slowly than carbs, so they break down at a steadier rate. That way, when you're body is asleep (which is the longest time period where you're going without eating), it still feels you have a steady supply of food, so your metabolism won't slow down (whereas if you ate a big plate of spaghetti, it would process quickly, your body would get hungry while you slept, and your metabolism takes a dive).
    Make sense? Hope it helps, and good luck!
  • fatfez
    fatfez Posts: 10
    Thank you all so much!
    I am so much more motivated now, because now I know I might get results even though I can't follow the nutrition guide.