DOMS is making me sad :(

So, after a long (like...three month....yikes) hiatus, i am back into lifting. Yesterday, i declared it LEG DAY. Pretty ashamed of my lifts, so let's not go there (let me just say i WAS throwing 30# over my bodyweight....not anymore).

I squatted and romanian deadlifted (so my leg day hits lower back too...what of it?) and lunged and calf raised. Higher reps than normal since "ripping off the bandaid" on concrete seemed like a bad idea (Yay! Workout! No! Injury!)

Hubby watched and cheered and spotted, because he is a good hubby, and was giving out high fives like political candidates kiss babies. It was good.

Then The Walking Dead came on. I sat, motionless, for an hour. When it came time for bedtime things (put chickens up, feed cats, walk dogs), i FELL off the couch.

Hubby said i screamed and flopped around before lurching off the bed in my sleep (nothing new here-my sleepwalking should be documented it's so outrageous). All i remember is waking up on the floor and wondering how the hell i was suppised to stand.

Today, i could cry. I cant fathom shaving my legs. Im going to be doing upper body today (thank the powers that be). Hubby said something about checking our deer the back of a ten acre property....over trees...

:C someone make me less sad!


  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    HAHAHA:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , I am so sorry for laughing but I have been in that position, and I feel bad for you:blushing: ! Moving helps the most, but hurts the worst! Awww, I am feeling your pain! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good luck with your upper body workout later:tongue:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't be sad. I like the abuse, so DOMS make me happy.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Don't be sad. I like the abuse, so DOMS make me happy.

    Me too
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Don't be sad. I like the abuse, so DOMS make me happy.

    Me too
    Its a good pain right up until you bruise your buttcheek by collapsing against the edge of the toilet whilst trying to pee.

    Hubby said im walking like a newborn giraffe today. Never taking so much time off again.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't be sad. I like the abuse, so DOMS make me happy.

    Me too
    Its a good pain right up until you bruise your buttcheek by collapsing against the edge of the toilet whilst trying to pee.

    Hubby said im walking like a newborn giraffe today. Never taking so much time off again.

    Awwww...newborn giraffe sounds cute though!

    That said, not to one up you, but this time a year ago I was sick with a brain disorder, Chiari Malformation (I still have it but have had surgery to alleviate the symptoms) and used to fall and crash into stuff ALL of the time because I was so dizzy and off balance. I used to call them "Unexplainable Chiari Bruises"
  • mikeykhan2003
    happened to me in the main hallway of my high school (many moons ago) after my first leg day. So yea, I can feel your pain. Was super challenging even to stand up :)
  • MzCongeniality70
    MzCongeniality70 Posts: 352 Member
    I :heart: DOMS! Your post is hilarious though! I am that newborn giraffe from time to time myself. :drinker:
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Don't be sad. I like the abuse, so DOMS make me happy.

    Me too
    Its a good pain right up until you bruise your buttcheek by collapsing against the edge of the toilet whilst trying to pee.

    Hubby said im walking like a newborn giraffe today. Never taking so much time off again.

    Awwww...newborn giraffe sounds cute though!

    That said, not to one up you, but this time a year ago I was sick with a brain disorder, Chiari Malformation (I still have it but have had surgery to alleviate the symptoms) and used to fall and crash into stuff ALL of the time because I was so dizzy and off balance. I used to call them "Unexplainable Chiari Bruises"
    I have heard of Chiari-im glad you are managing it! Scary stuff!
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    do cardio today. seriously. it will get your blood pumping and help "flush" the lactic acid out of your muscles. :) and drink lots of water.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Don't be sad. I like the abuse, so DOMS make me happy.

    Me too
    Its a good pain right up until you bruise your buttcheek by collapsing against the edge of the toilet whilst trying to pee.

    Hubby said im walking like a newborn giraffe today. Never taking so much time off again.

    Haha! To be fair, I don't think the time off was the problem as much as overdoing it once you got back. I tend to do the same thing if I have a couple of weeks off, almost like punishing myself for so much time off.
    Just be careful not to overdo it to the point of injury (I'm sure you don't need anyone to tell you that)
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    I'm having it in the back of my left leg today. Walk over 3 miles with some pretty brutal hills and then did my recumbent bike and all this after walking around the mall for an hour. Its nowhere near as bad as yours as I can still walk but up and down stairs is a bit@h.
  • parallelfifths
    parallelfifths Posts: 17 Member
    Its a good pain right up until you bruise your buttcheek by collapsing against the edge of the toilet whilst trying to pee.

    Hubby said im walking like a newborn giraffe today. Never taking so much time off again.

    Hahaha! I hear this. It's the potty breaks that make you want to die.

    I second the cardio!
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    yeah you'd THINK that getting OFF the toilet would be hard but actually it's sitting DOWN on the toilet that gets ya!
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Hubby also mentioned i am no longer allowed to take "angry pills" (Animal Stak) pre workout.

    Something about screaming profanities at all my PR weights like, "GET OFF THE F****** FLOOR YOU SORRY SOB $#$@$#$&^/$#:/'!!!!!!!"

    I told him when his deadlift drops from 350# to 205# in three months, he can talk about angry pills. Or when he misses a bodyweight powerclean ten times and has to squat 1/2 of his normal weight.

    Angry pills my rear.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't be sad. I like the abuse, so DOMS make me happy.

    Me too
    Its a good pain right up until you bruise your buttcheek by collapsing against the edge of the toilet whilst trying to pee.

    Hubby said im walking like a newborn giraffe today. Never taking so much time off again.

    Awwww...newborn giraffe sounds cute though!

    That said, not to one up you, but this time a year ago I was sick with a brain disorder, Chiari Malformation (I still have it but have had surgery to alleviate the symptoms) and used to fall and crash into stuff ALL of the time because I was so dizzy and off balance. I used to call them "Unexplainable Chiari Bruises"
    I have heard of Chiari-im glad you are managing it! Scary stuff!

    So far it's going VERY well! I am definitely not the norm!!
  • shadowweaver06
    shadowweaver06 Posts: 6 Member
    DOMS is evil - I remember the last really truly awful bout of it I had. I went to a Body Attack class with a friend of mine for the first time back in like... April, I think. (For those of you not familiar with the Les Mills brand classes, it's pretty much what it's name implies - we call it 'crack attack' because you hate it and keep going back every week for additional punishment). Anyway, I went. I did the whole thing, thinking, "oh yeah, I can do this!", and was fine... until I got in my car and drove to the store.

    Getting out, I was stiff. By the time I got home, made dinner, and fell asleep, I felt bruised and like someone had beaten me with a 2x4.

    By the next day, I kid you not, I couldn't even walk. I had to *force* my abused muscles to cooperate and walk me to the store to grab groceries, since I was lacking my car that day - by the day after that, I pretty much gave the middle finger to anything that involved movement or an upright body position - *every* muscle hurt. Hell, even my *face* hurt.

    DOMS is the pits.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm suffering from DOMS today after a grueling 110-mile bike ride in the Berkshire Hills yesterday. I have to say that I like real DOMS in a perverse sort of way, since it reminds me of what I did and it's a sign that my muscles are healing and will be stronger.

    I also hurt my back, though, in a non-DOMS kind of way; it was hurting by the end of the ride. That was a bummer. It didn't help that at the 67-mile mark, I lifted a 6-gallon water jug for an event volunteer who wasn't strong enough to lift it herself.

    I find with genuine DOMS, using the muscles alleviates the pain. Right now, standing up hurts, but if I walk around for a few minutes, it goes away, and I can even run up the stairs without much discomfort. But sit down again for 10 minutes, and once more it hurts standing up.

    Back off a little on the intensity of your workouts until the pain goes away, then get back to the workouts!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    didnt see you mention anything about warming up, cooling down and stretching afterwards so you dont much up your muscles for the next session! be careful! Doms is not a great indicator of a good workout! Have fun getting back to your 30#+BW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Hee hee! Oh my, don't overdo, yeah. My worst bout was the week after a workshop I took, where I was mainly doing yoga at the time. The workshop was for dance, though. Like move every muscle in your body constantly kind of dance, lifting legs way up to the beat, etc. I was so proud that I didn't feel so horrible doing it. We did it all day with a lunch break. Literally all day. By the end my legs wouldn't even lift far off the ground, lol.

    But OMG. Every muscle in my body was crying for the next 3 or 4 days. My friend tried to ask what hurt the most to pin down which move caused it and I had to laugh. Every muscle. Every single one of them.

    I like minor-moderate DOMS. This really was the beaten-with-a-2x4 feeling, though, and it wasn't pleasant.