what makes you fell this time you will be a success story?

please share your story and let us motivate each other, again here is the question ''what makes you fell this time you will be a success story?''

please feel free to add me to your pals :)


  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    please repeat the question
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I didn't hear it when I feel off the couch
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    and now my butt fells sore
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    I don't understand the question. :ohwell:
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I feel that I will be a success story this time because I have a lot more knowledge of how the process works. Learning about TDEE, NEAT, BMR, etc. has been really helpful to keep this process on a non-emotional foundation. Before, I just ate as little as humanly possible until I cracked and started a binge that would last until I gained back all the weight and then some. I now weigh every day and have a better understanding of the temporary effects of sodium, carbohydrate intake, working out, etc. on my weight. I have developed a set of go-to meals that help me accomplish my goals even when I am not really feeling very inspired in the kitchen.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I feel that I will be a success story this time because I have a lot more knowledge of how the process works. Learning about TDEE, NEAT, BMR, etc. has been really helpful to keep this process on a non-emotional foundation. Before, I just ate as little as humanly possible until I cracked and started a binge that would last until I gained back all the weight and then some. I now weigh every day and have a better understanding of the temporary effects of sodium, carbohydrate intake, working out, etc. on my weight. I have developed a set of go-to meals that help me accomplish my goals even when I am not really feeling very inspired in the kitchen.

    I think the set of go-to meals is your strongest weapon.
  • mysuccessstory1984
  • mysuccessstory1984
    I've seen a lot of success stories on the site, and starting to think i can reach my goal one day, and that makes me wonder if anyone is feeling like they would be a success story this time and why?
  • mysuccessstory1984
    I've seen a lot of success stories on the site, and starting to think i can reach my goal one day, and that makes me wonder if anyone is feeling like they would be a success story this time and why?:smile:
  • suzismurf75
    suzismurf75 Posts: 14 Member
    I lost 90lbs back in 2001. I was able to maintain that weight within 10-15lbs for about 3 years and then slowly started gaining again. Before I knew it, I was back over 200lbs and miserable. In 2007, after seeking the help of a personal trainer, I was able to lose 35-40lbs and was in the best physical shape of my life. Soon after, I entered into a not so great relationship. I'm an emotional eater, so it didn't take long (couple years) to gain the 40lbs back and add on 40-50 more :( .

    With that said, I believe THIS time will be my success story and it will stick! In January of this year, I married an amazing man who loves me regardless of my shape or size. We are doing the weight loss thing together and it feels amazing to have an accountability partner by my side. I've also enlisted a dietician as an outside accountability partner. I'm in my 5th week and am going strong!

    I've learned to manage my emotions WITHOUT eating them and am full force back into exercise. I now have 3 stepsons and want to be the best mom I can be to them. Part of that is being active. 8.2 lbs lost in the first 4 weeks.....100 to go.....!!!

    I wish you all the best in hitting your goals as well!!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I feel that I will be a success story this time because I have a lot more knowledge of how the process works.
    ...Before, I just ate as little as humanly possible until I cracked...
    I now weigh every day and have a better understanding of the temporary effects of sodium, carbohydrate intake, working out, etc. on my weight. I have developed a set of go-to meals that help me accomplish my goals even when I am not really feeling very inspired in the kitchen.

    Same here to the above statements!

    Before, I viewed 'dieting' as an all-or-nothing thing. I really set myself up for failure because I imagined the first time I ate a Snickers bar I'd blown the whole thing. Moderation was difficult for me.

    I also lived in fear of the scale. I did not own a scale until this year. I thought of it as a menacing thing in the doctor's office and assumed having one at home would cause me to weigh constantly and become depressed & neurotic. Nothing could be further from the truth. I weigh daily and it's an excellent tool for me, not just for keeping me on track but for motivation and a sense of feeling in control.

    I have been obese for most of my life, but honestly have "dieted" very few times. I was never a person who went on a mission to lose a ton of weight, I just made changes here and there and enjoyed any positive effects. So in a way, this is the FIRST time (at age 36) I've truly made a dedicated effort to lose weight and I think for me that is one reason it will be a success, and has been a small success already.
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    this time it will work, beause i am really "TIRED" of starting all over everytime. In july i reached the deep bottom for me. almost 200 lbs. That was it. ENOUGH!!!

    This time i am not on a "diet". NOPE. I see it as a REALLY healthy eating habits that i need to do everyday.... and have also cheats days. That is the difference. Before everytime i was having cheat days it was the END, it was like a total disaster. Now i know you actually can have cheat days and STILL losing weight. It may be not a quick or fast fix but it is going to be permanent weight loss. Slower is definitely better than faster because i and my body have time to ajust.

    Before i was actually cutting things/foods i loved because i though it was the way to go. But it is not. Cutting foods i love was only make it impossible to sustain and .... bingeing occured and set me back to fall off the wagon.

    I now eat "normally". Enjoying foods i like (loved!!!:aka chocolate and cheese) almost everyday. A small dose most of the time but i have to make some room for it. It is not an extra.

    This time i do not feel deprived of anything. It is actually fun because i go with whatever my life brings me. Just being aware of what i chose to eat is already a huge difference.

    And at last i do exercise but not because i have too but rather because i want to. (in the past it was always like i needed to and i was doing that to the extreme!!!!). Not anymore.
    I do exercise for fun and to know that it is so good for my health and brain. Thanks to endorphins!!!
    I have also discover than running is so much fun with the runner's high than i actually want to run because of that feeling.

    that is how i know i will become a success story.