Low carb diet anyone?

dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Thought I'd give it ago what's your views have you done it?


  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    There are good carbs like fruits and veggies.. I try and load up on that.. Also, 7-grain cereal and oatmeal.. I mean these things are good for you.. Why would you want to cut them out of your diet? I think it's more important to take into account portion sizes and cut out fat and sugar.. But there are good fats and there are good sugars out there for ya.. I think the whole "low carb" thing is just a way to get people to buy more products.. Adkins slaps it's name on everything now.. Bleh!
  • Ngolden1
    Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
    I did it for three weeks and am throwing in the towel as of today. Even while staying with 1200 calories most days, I GAINED weight with this. Totally weird. I'm going back to my regular healthy and more balanced eating.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,553 Member
    I hated it. Lost weight the first time, gained every lb. back. Tried it again and didn't lose a lb. because I was so unsatisfied I seriously overate on the protein. I am unwilling to give up some things for the rest of my life. I am doing much better using the moderation and portion control thing and being really mindful of what and how much I am eating. It's slower but doable and I'm not a cranky b***h! Depends on the individual whether it's right for you. Some folks swear by it and can truly make it a lifestyle change. Not me.
  • I have done the primal blueprint for 50 days. Never had more energy in my life!!!!! Even as a teen. I'm never hungry and my whole attitude is different!!! I am not sluggish and I'm happy. BESIDE THE FACT THAT I AM LOSING WEIGHT!
  • I hated it. Lost weight the first time, gained every lb. back. Tried it again and didn't lose a lb. because I was so unsatisfied I seriously overate on the protein. I am unwilling to give up some things for the rest of my life. I am doing much better using the moderation and portion control thing and being really mindful of what and how much I am eating. It's slower but doable and I'm not a cranky b***h! Depends on the individual whether it's right for you. Some folks swear by it and can truly make it a lifestyle change. Not me.

    It's a definate lifestyle change when done right. BUT I find that I am so happy now, I will never go back and I have absoluetly no cravings with Primal Blueprint.
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    how low is low carb?? how many gram per day are we talking about?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am a low carb believer.

    I started out on Atkins in 2003 when I was first diagnosed with PCOS and Diabetes. I was able to lose 100 + pounds in a little more than 6 months along with going to the gym and exercising. I went by the book with the Phases and slowly added back in the carbs in the way the book is planned to do (according to the Glycemic Index). I eventually added back in beans, legumes, grains in small bits.

    I maintained that weight loss until 2008 when I started gaining weight very fast due to hormonal issues and developing hypothyroidism. Along the way I have discovered that I have a gluten allergy, so I have ditched grains, beans and legumes and most dairy.

    The plan I am on now for life is called The Primal Blue Print and I love it.

    I can eat fats, protein, lots of veggies and fruits are like treats and dessert. It is freedom from counting calories, carbs, etc……………….

    P.S. - To the poster that said that Atkins was only around to market products, that is not the way the plan is intended to be done. They have developed products for people that in my personal opinion are on the lazy side and don't want to have to prepare fresh foods……….

    Please don't market the plan in that way because that is not the way that it is written.
  • how low is low carb?? how many gram per day are we talking about?

    I eat NOOO wheats grains and rices. The FDA has everyone brainwashed to think these things are good, when in actuallity it makes you sick. Doctors and Rx make way more money on people ingesting these things. Even whole grain!!!

    I do 60 NET carbs a day give or take. Tons of Fiber (over 25 grams), Tons of Protien (over 100 grams).
    I eat meat, veggies, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, make pancakes out of almond flour.

    Cravings for stupid stuff like brownies and cakes and ice cream went out the door 1 week after I started eating Primally.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    how low is low carb?? how many gram per day are we talking about?

    It is different for every person.

    However, they consider a low carb or "controlled carb" plan to be any amount of carbs from 0-149. Anything over 150 grams per day is not low carb.
  • I love South Beach Diet...you start by cutting out a lot the first two weeks then can start adding things in..whole grains, fruits, there is a method to it and it does work..it was very easy to make it my lifestyle and not my diet! I have been doing it for 2 1/2 years and I do occasionally fall off the wagon and eat cake...it is very easy to get right back on...for me, it is the only way I can live..I am a carb addict and would probably be twice my weight if not more right now if I didn't live like this. It is not hard at all!! Best wishes to you!
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    hmm its mostly the fruit that gets me with the carbs! i also love my porridge oats - but i've managed to stay away for the most part from things like potatoes, rice, noodles, white bread, chips (fries), pasta etc tones of veg replace these on my dinner plate now and i wouldn't have it another way!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    hmm its mostly the fruit that gets me with the carbs! i also love my porridge oats - but i've managed to stay away for the most part from things like potatoes, rice, noodles, white bread, chips (fries), pasta etc tones of veg replace these on my dinner plate now and i wouldn't have it another way!

    I eat fruit on low carb, it is the media hype that leads people to believe your giving up stuff that your really not.................

    I had blue berries this morning with full fat greek yogurt and a granny smith apple this afternoon.
  • mebkk
    mebkk Posts: 9
    Along time ago I tried the carb diet and did lose a lot of weight but I had NO energy! Somedays I would seriously hold onto the rail and pull myself up the stairs. Plus once you stop being on a "low carb" diet you gain the weight back a lot faster. Watching your carb intake is really good but you do need those good carbs for energy.....especially the fruits! Good luck to you!
  • Going low to no carb can be very dangerous to your body. Like someone said before me..... there are good healthy carbs out there, why would you want to cut them out? Your body can go into a state of Ketosis. Search it. It can be very harmful. Your body needs carbs. Good carbs. Cutting carbs can send your body into "starvation" mode which in the end can cause you to gain..... as someone mentioned happened to them.
  • Going low to no carb can be very dangerous to your body. Like someone said before me..... there are good healthy carbs out there, why would you want to cut them out? Your body can go into a state of Ketosis. Search it. It can be very harmful. Your body needs carbs. Good carbs. Cutting carbs can send your body into "starvation" mode which in the end can cause you to gain..... as someone mentioned happened to them.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I have been eating primal for 2 1/2 months and have easily lost 36 pounds. I have never lost that fast with any other program. Breads and pastas are highly processed foods and your body DOES NOT NEED THEM. It does need natural foods, protein, veggies and fruit, nuts, etc. It was hard at first but the cravings stopped after a couple weeks. Primal is not low carb, only by default. Never tried Adkins and I don't think I'll ever need to. This will be my lifestyle from now on. I do still eat oats on occasion even though they are not "primal," I just like them. I feel very healthy and have tons of energy. Good luck with whatever you decide, it's a personal decision. To those who thinks it's unhealthy I would say I disagree.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Going low to no carb can be very dangerous to your body. Like someone said before me..... there are good healthy carbs out there, why would you want to cut them out? Your body can go into a state of Ketosis. Search it. It can be very harmful. Your body needs carbs. Good carbs. Cutting carbs can send your body into "starvation" mode which in the end can cause you to gain..... as someone mentioned happened to them.

    I am sorry hun, but you have no clue as to what you are talking about. We all have searched it and we know that there is nothing wrong with being in ketosis (body being in a state of fat burning) and we get plenty of "good carbs" in the form of lots of veggies, fruit and nuts.

    Starvation mode is a myth and we know that we know that we will not gain weight.

    Thanks for your opinion, but please do some reading and research before bashing a topic that you obviously know nothing about.

    Have a great weekend!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Along time ago I tried the carb diet and did lose a lot of weight but I had NO energy! Somedays I would seriously hold onto the rail and pull myself up the stairs. Plus once you stop being on a "low carb" diet you gain the weight back a lot faster. Watching your carb intake is really good but you do need those good carbs for energy.....especially the fruits! Good luck to you!

    I am willing to bet that you were not eating enough protein or fats and maybe even vegetables.

    The other possibility is that you suffered from Candida and you were heavily detoxing, which makes you feel like poo........

    And yes, you will gain weight faster when you add back in junk carbs that your body does NOT need.

    The whole premise of a low carb plan is to make a lifestyle change, so it is not a diet that you would go off of.

    We do eat fruits with low carb plans, if you were not eventually eating fruit, then you were obviously doing something wrong.
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi everyone such alot of different opinions, I've discovered about 4 years ago I have ibs it's awful and I've noticed potatoe pasta rice or even bread bloat me up and I need the toilet constantly so I'm just going to cut out these carbs for now, because it's all making me Ill, I've tried brown rice/bread/pasta granery soya and doesn't make a difference so I'm just gonna have my meat and lots of veg with cous cous it's my fav at the mo.
    So yes mine will be a change in my lifestyle to help my body put a lil i have Ibs A, which means I either suffer from diorreah or constipation and never ends, after just 3 days of cuttingthese foods out I feel like new again.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I've always been a fan of low carbing, my doctor actually recommended south beach (since its more healthy carb friendly). In the past I had lost more than 30lbs doing low carb, I gained them back, but that was over a course of like 5 years, so I don't think it was because of the low carb, I think it was from not sticking with it. I also have diabetes that runs in my family, so I worry about developing it because of my weight, and along the way I noticed that a diabetic diet and the low carb diet run pretty hand in hand because neither messes with your sugar levels very much (sugars making you have highs and lows in energy (or crash and burn), low carb keeps you pretty solid through the day)

    It has to be a life style change, not a diet, otherwise you'll just be mad when you go back and feel like your gaining.

    This go around, I'm just also so busy and stressed out (I'm waiting to go bald I get so stressed sometimes), that I just decided to go with regular calories instead of calories & carbs. So far so good, its not as fast as low carb, but it is easier.

    Good luck :)
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