Eat Lean

So Recently I downloaded the ebook by brenda leigh turner from and I can't tell you how much of an eye opener that book is! Seriously, I'm not even half way through and my mind is so full of helpful knowledge I never even thought about before as far as diet and health goes. Just in the past few days from looking at labels and only putting natural organic food in my body I feel so much more energized I dont crave junk food and I'm so much happier.

A little tip that I just read about -- If you're feeling hungry don't go to junk food!!! Eat an apple, or banana, or a salad. When your body is hungry it sends a signal to you to eat food... not junk but food!! Those cheetos, protein bars, shakes, what have you is not FOOD its JUNK. Your body needs vitamins, minerals, NUTRIENTS. Things these foods do not provide.

I can't tell you how much more I'm aware of what I eat now, by thinking "Lean" I think everyone should too, Calories don't matter if you eat vegetables and fruit and lean meats and watch your portion controls. I'm not knocking anyone who does calorie count but I haven't been doing it the past few days and Just been eating lean and i've lost 3 pounds... 3 pounds! seriously. Everyone should look into this book.

She also has youtube videos if you go under leansecrets. No I am not paid to promote this I Just want people to know about it and get as much usual info out of it and be successful!


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    So Recently I downloaded the ebook by brenda leigh turner from and I can't tell you how much of an eye opener that book is! Seriously, I'm not even half way through and my mind is so full of helpful knowledge I never even thought about before as far as diet and health goes. Just in the past few days from looking at labels and only putting natural organic food in my body I feel so much more energized I dont crave junk food and I'm so much happier.

    A little tip that I just read about -- If you're feeling hungry don't go to junk food!!! Eat an apple, or banana, or a salad. When your body is hungry it sends a signal to you to eat food... not junk but food!! Those cheetos, protein bars, shakes, what have you is not FOOD its JUNK. Your body needs vitamins, minerals, NUTRIENTS. Things these foods do not provide.

    I can't tell you how much more I'm aware of what I eat now, by thinking "Lean" I think everyone should too, Calories don't matter if you eat vegetables and fruit and lean meats and watch your portion controls. I'm not knocking anyone who does calorie count but I haven't been doing it the past few days and Just been eating lean and i've lost 3 pounds... 3 pounds! seriously. Everyone should look into this book.

    She also has youtube videos if you go under leansecrets. No I am not paid to promote this I Just want people to know about it and get as much usual info out of it and be successful!

    Calories do matter.
    Calorie deficit=weight loss
    Calorie surplus=weight gain
  • jesshepard
    it matters if you eat junk. if you eat vegetables with high fiber that burn calories when you actually eat them then they don't matter to an extent. if youre eating junk all the time then yes you count calories but it isn't necessary when you control portions and eat right.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Posting an advertisement about not counting calories on a calorie counting site is pretty silly.
  • jesshepard
    that wasn't the point of this post but okay
  • jesshepard
    Options this is what i was trying to explain
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    If I'm hungry I don't reach for the junk food. I've always known not to do that, I don't need a book to tell me that, I just haven't always stuck to it that's all. My choice, not lack of knowledge.
    Yes I could just live on fruit, veg and lean meat and would lose, but I want more variety to my meals.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    it matters if you eat junk. if you eat vegetables with high fiber that burn calories when you actually eat them then they don't matter to an extent. if youre eating junk all the time then yes you count calories but it isn't necessary when you control portions and eat right.

    Portion control is a form of calorie counting-your limiting the amount of food you eat, to keep the calories in check. You can most certainly gain weight eating whole foods-ever check the calories on almonds, cashews, dried fruit, olives etc etc. Yes these things are good for you, but you still need to be aware of calories/portion sizes.

    Weight loss is about calories period.

    I'm in maintenance and I no longer track calories. I eat a mostly whole foods, plant based diet now (did not eat this way while losing weight, but through a calorie restricted form of IF along with the typical American diet). I also know there's a 95% failure rate for long term weight loss success. Because of this I have checks and balances in place-I weigh myself daily, I still measure out portion sizes of higher calorie foods, I record my food in a food diary and I also practice IF-only eating during a limited window every day. It would be very naive of me to think I could somehow be part of the 5% that actually do succeed, without still keeping my calories in check. My daily green smoothie can have up to 500 calories just by itself; the oatmeal I'm having for supper tonight will have over that once I add in pumpkin, flax seed, banana, raisins and almonds-all healthy ingredients but calories are still calories.