Anyone lost weight doing pilates/yoga at home?

I hate working out and going to the gym.
I thought of purchasing a workout dvd and do it at home.
I heard pilates/yoga are also good for your posture so I was considering doing so if it also helps losing weight.


  • I also can't stand going to the gym. I've been able to lose a bit a weight and firm up my body with the course on It's nice to be able to do the workout at home or even sometimes at the beach or in a park after you're used to the asanas.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Weight loss is achieved through a calorie deficit - whether you choose to exercise or not is up to you.
  • I hate the gym as well. I discovered this website where you can download yoga classes to your iPhone/iPod and do a class anywhere. They are excellent quality and cheap. As far as losing weight, You'd be surprised how yoga can help you lose a bit.

    Check it out!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Choose something faster paced once you get the postures right (and only then!), and you'll burn more calories. Usually those are called 'power' yoga or 'flow' something. Or yoga for weight loss ;) You'll be able to tell by watching a bit of the series once you've looked at or done a lot of yoga.

    If you want to improve strength and burn more calories, choose something that makes your muscles burn or weaken (in a good way) while you do it. You'll feel a burn rather than a stretch, in other words. The actual asanas will depend on which muscles you need strengthening, so just try a lot of poses. See what you like/need :)
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    I lost 23 pounds starting with Pilates. But it was done in a professional studio - going from intro to advanced, using mat and machines. What really made a difference is NOT, as someone already mentioned, what you do, but how you manage a calorie deficit.

    I tracked on MFP, I have a heart rate monitor, and since Pilates, I took up lots of exercises from in-studio (TRX) to home (Ugi Ball, Jillian Michaels, PX90, Fitness Blender) and other online Pilates now that I have mastered the skills (

    I used to be a gym rat and now that I have shifted to my home gym with a mix of high intensity workout with weights or bodyweight, plus Pilates, I can honestly say it works more effectively than old-styled treadmills + weight machines.

    BUT ultimately, if you are looking for cal burns, Pilates and Yogas would only take you so far. Plus, they don't train cardio that welll and you need it for many reasons

    Good luck finding wahtever works for you.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I do a lot of pilates as my cardio and I'm down over 20 lbs. HOWEVER, I think my loss is contributed to the ketogenic way of eating. Pilates doesn't burn all that many calories, unless you do it for like an hour.