I don't want to change?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I wrote a longer response earlier and there was a technical problem. But you have received tons of excellent advice already.

    I'm another one who would balk at the idea of eating raw veggies and ordering salads every time I went out to eat...that just was not realistic for me nor will it probably ever be!!

    In the past for a typical quick dinner I would eat 2 or 2.5 frozen burritos from Aldi topped with Spanish rice, at least 1/3 cup of cheddar cheese, black olives and a dollop of sour cream.

    Now I switched to eating 1 frozen burrito, with a little bit of salsa and tiny bit of cheddar cheese (maybe 1/8 cup), and a big pile of shredded lettuce on top of it. Maybe some avocado slices and/or a few (6-10) tortilla chips with it if I'm hungrier.

    In the past I went to Starbucks for a white chocolate mocha 2-3 times a week on my way home from work.

    Now I go to Starbucks for a white chocolate mocha, no whip!!! once or twice a year and make it my lunch when I've had a late breakfast or something.

    In the past I would have 4 slices of deep dish pizza and then go out for ice cream. Thought I was doing well ordering the small shake when actually it had nearly 700 calories in the shake alone.

    Now I will have 2 slices of thin crust pizza loaded with veggies and then get one scoop of ice cream or have a square of good chocolate instead. Actually now I would probably never eat pizza and a dessert in the same meal but you get what I'm saying. Replacing really rich, calorie-laden favorites with slightly better choices.

    It is a HUGE difference in calories, fat, sugar, etc. But over time it doesn't really seem like a difference at all.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    A little tip on the rice cakes...I buy them once in a while but I dont just eat a plain rice cake. I put a little peanut butter on the rice cake, it gives it more flavor and the peanut butter will help give it a little "oomph"....also, add an apple or a cup of fruit to that snack....eating just a couple rice cakes isn't going to fill you up...

    I work two jobs...I like quick and convenient. Another little tip I just learned---buy rotisserie chicken from the grocery store (like $7) already cooked and good to go. Go home and take it apart--the amount on one chicken lasts as my protein for 3 dinners....I add 3oz of the chicken to some steamed veggies/potatoes or rice (bags of steamers, you just throw it in the microwave!) and boom...there is a healthy dinner that you really didn't have to cook!

    Hope this helps! Good luck :)
  • GamerGirly
    GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member
    I used to be incredibly lazy and love love LOVE frozen meals and takeaway because of the convenience. Screw cooking!!

    Knowing your weakness is your biggest advantage. Is it the convenience or is it he type of food?

    If it's the convenience then trust me.. you can still eat frozen meals. Atkins makes frozen dinners and they are not too bad.

    When I started losing weight they were like the holly grail of no carb and laziness!

    Of course I don't eat them so much now unless I am just really busy and short on time but, know that eating healthy doesn't have to be incredibly drastic.

    Make small changes.

    1st month switch the kind of frozen meals or entrees you eat.

    2nd month eliminate soda

    3rd months eliminate ALL takeaway (fast food)

    4th month get off your *kitten* and start moving

    Etc etc... I am sure you get my drift.

    This isnt a diet.. it's a lifestyle change. Plan it accordingly. Remove a bad habit every month or add a good one :)
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    You have gotten a lot of good idea's here. I think the main thing is to log All your food, even if you have something that's isn't good for you. it helps keep you accountable. Add friends that will support and encourage you !
    As far as exercise, if you don't like to exercise, start by walking. Everybody can do that! It will improve. You can do this if you want to bad enough.
    I'm sending a Friend Request and feel free to message me if you have any questions.
  • CuriousGem
    CuriousGem Posts: 3 Member
    I find cherry tomatoes to be a good snack, I like the fancy on the vine ones because I think they're sweeter and you still get something picky.
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    Hey everone, I recently joined MFP to start and loose some pounds. I switched to Rice Cakes for a little snack. It's not the best taste, but its reasonable enough, not terriable, and started drinking more water. But getting more healthier freaks me out.
    Eating raw veggies, and nuts, and other normal stuff you eat when you go eat healthy.
    I have been able to curb my food intake a lot, and maybe could go a full day of fasting (Ok probably not.)

    What would you reccomend when you don't really like the idea/taste of raw veggies? I could probably do some nuts, like pistachios, peanuts, and cashews, maybe almonds. I should stock up on fruit. I mainly eat TV Dinners, and frozen products like chicken burgers, pizza rolls. taquitos. Obviously I need to change that up. Would still eating like that maybe once a day be that bad?

    Let me suggest something to you. It can be hard to suddenly switch to healthy food. Why not try replacing unhealthy things with healthy things slowly, over a great deal of time? That's what I did. As far as how to do it, I suggest going to Whole Foods or your local equivalent (grocery store that specializes in healthier food) and see if you can find "transition" foods that have junky qualities you like but some healthy qualities. Like healthier cookies.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    About vegetables, roast them and you will find you love them, so sweet and juicy!

    My quick to go for lunch is a can of tuna (in water) , spring onion and marinated peppers, mixed with a little mayo. Either add some lettuce and eat or wrap in a tortilla.
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