Starting for the first time!!

Hi there,
I'm a weight loss newbie with A LOT to learn.

So I have a few questions...

I'm a waitress at a popular chain and am quite busy throughout the day. I've been working there for a year and have only dropped 15 lbs. I don't snack on the job or drink soda, so why am I not losing more? This week I'm buying a pedometer to see exactly how much I walk in a shift.
Any other servers, please feel free to send a friend request!! Actually, anybody send one. I'm looking for home workout tips and really anything low budget to help me get to my goal weight!

I want to lose over 100 pounds, so please, any help is welcome

Thank You!!!


  • CassandraDowns
    CassandraDowns Posts: 12 Member
    hi hun add me

    i now of a supplement that might help

    its called CLA by GNC and it can be gotten at Sams for like 25.00 for a 2pac