Join the Rowing Group...

It's October and the weather is starting to turn nasty, want a great indoor workout? Why not try rowing:

Many experts consider rowing a superior fitness activity. When compared to the many other choices: running, walking, stepping, biking, weight lifting, skiing, none are as complete a workout as rowing when it comes to a single exercise.

Rowing exercises all major muscle groups: legs, arms, back, abdominal, and buttocks. Legs provide most of the power of the rowing stroke; your upper body adds the rest. Rowing is one of the few aerobic activities that can actually strengthen your back.

Rowing exercises muscles through a wider range of motion than most other exercises, thereby improving and maintaining flexibility around some of the major joints. This also makes the exercise more satisfying because the rower has a sense of motion.

Rowing is a great calorie burner. Recent research showed that rowing burns calories faster than biking at the same perceived level of exertion. In other words, it feels easier to burn more calories while rowing than while biking.

Rowing is a smooth, rhythmic motion that is impact free and consider a lifelong sport, able to be enjoyed by all ages, from kids to grandparents.

The list goes on ... but one thing I've learned is that it tends to be a love it or hate it sport. If you try and and enjoy it, you will likely get hooked as it being a lifelong sport and preferred exercise routine.

In Summary:

Rowing brings significant health benefits. It exercises all the major muscle groups through the full range of motion, involves no body contact or jarring of the joints, and improves both strength and cardiovascular performance. Rowing is a sport that can be enjoyed by all. You can start at any age, learn the technique quickly and improve on it for the rest of one’s life!

Our rowing group is now 100+ strong and we are seeking fellow rower's out there, be you an indoor or an outdoor rower, to help support, motivate, encourage and challenge each other along the path to our individual fitness goals...


  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    I have several friends who swear by rowing!! The best overall exercise ever.

    We need a new seat on our machine as the dog chewed it. Something I think you can probably understand! :laugh:

    I may have to join this group!
  • CrankyGoat
    CrankyGoat Posts: 19 Member
    I had a good laugh when you mentioned your dog chewing your rower's seat - he probably enjoyed it immensely :-)

    Keeping a group vibrant and active on any site such as MyFitnessPal can be challenging at best - so always great to have rowing enthusiasts onboard ... the more the merrier.

    The good news is that rowing overall is having a bit of a resurgence, as the baby boomers get older they are realizing how an effective overall workout rowing is without stressing the joints:

    "Rowing brings significant health benefits. It exercises all the major muscle groups through the full range of motion, involves no body contact or jarring of the joints, and improves both strength and cardiovascular performance. Rowing is a sport that can be enjoyed by all. You can start at any age, learn the technique quickly and improve on it for the rest of one’s life!"
  • mummyjoynz
    mummyjoynz Posts: 22 Member
    I love to row.

    I used to row competitively when I was (much) younger and now I have been using my rowing machine to help out with my new healthy lifestyle - currently I am doing about 25 minutes which is about 3.3 - 3.5 km at about 25 - 28 strokes per minute. I have noticed a huge change in my body - big drops in my measurements (not as much in my weight, but that will come). Rowing I think is the perfect solution to those (like me) that just don't want to run but want similar (but probably better) results!

    I do agree with you that it is definately a love or hate exercise - its certainly not for everyone!
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    Following three major abdominal surgeries and severe muscle damage, removal and loss as a result I started rowing as exercise to strengthen core and back.