Just saying hello

I've been on MFP since July, but I've only just recently dipped my toe in the waters of the forum. I'm an actor, puppeteer, comedian, writer, runner, gardener, knitter, equestrian and homeschool mom.

This is not my first rodeo. I've been up and down the weight/fitness scale from 175 (very thin and fit for me, I am tall and muscular) to 250. I've been fat since I had my kid 6 years ago and I'm tired of it. No fad diets this time, no magic formulas, just eating less and exercising more.

So hello all! Glad to be here! :)


  • jojay2506
    Hi my name is Jo and I have just joined last week - about 3 stone to loose (a long way to go) but i don't want to be fat and fifty. I'm a keen swimmer and an avid knitter ( I design paterns as well as knit garments). My loft is full of wool - it's eco lagging!!

  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    Hi Jo! I had to look up how to convert stone to pounds! :D It looks like that's about how much I've got left to lose. It's still warm where I am (southeast US), but I'm already working hard on my winter knits.

    Nice to "meet" you! :)
  • sharibee66
    sharibee66 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Sharon. I have been on MFP for 14 months but this is my first time on the Forum. I have lost 16kg so far and this is mainly from the help of MFP and a lot of walking. We are lucky here in Australia to have access to bushland so close to home, so much more interesting than hitting the pavement and the gym. although I do attend the gym twice a week. :smile: I am feeling very proud of my achievements so far and think I am doing all right for a 47 year young person.:tongue:
  • Sonya1978
    Sonya1978 Posts: 3 Member
    Good for you! Keep it up, most of us have been on this adventure most of our lives. It has to be a lifestyle or it just won't stay.
    Good luck to you, stay on track and you'll start to see changes. Sonya
  • kateydouglas
    kateydouglas Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! My name is Katey, I've had my fitness pal on my I phone and I pad for a year I believe, I have used it off and on. I feel horrible so I figured I better get my butt in gear because I feel so much better when I am in shape. I have about 60lbs to lose. So my journey begins. I didn't realize this was a part of my fitness pal as this is my first time logging on from my lap top ;) My biggest problem is I am in a hurry a lot, work full time, I have 2 teen children, 1 who barrel races so between work, her practicing I have to really plan my day out. :D I can do it I just have to not be lazy. As far as exercise goes I'm looking at my schedule and trying to figure that out. I can walk around the ranch while my daughter practices I know that but I like to do some toning exercises too. I'll figure it all out, i've just jumped on the wagon again yesterday.