Introduction and Search of Friends

Hi, everybody! I'm not typically very good at these types of things, introductions and all. I tend to ramble, so my apologies if I do so.

I've been dealing with chronic pain for the past several years, and after medication, chiropractic therapy, massage, and physical therapy, I met with a doctor that, more or less, put it as bluntly as possible. She sat me down, she pointed out that the pain was never bad enough for medication or any therapies until I had become overweight. (I use the term "overweight" when I really should probably use "obese", but "obese" makes me feel like a whale, and I hate that word, so I'll not be using it). She then told me that I need to start walking every day, at least 30 minutes but preferably an hour, and, plain and simple, I have to lose some weight before she can start helping me deal with any underlying issues. This appointment was last Thursday. I have not walked every day since then, as a 10 hour work day where I arrive before the sun is fully up and I leave after it's down, does not lend itself to walking around the neighborhood. I have walked almost everyday, though, and I'm starting to take a lunch break and walk during that time beginning today.

So, with that said, I also signed up for this website, because she suggested keeping track of my intake as well. I honestly had no idea how much I consumed in a day, and I say this after only having put in what I've had this morning! I had no idea my delicious latte was so bad for me.

I have lost weight before, but I've never been able to keep it off. I generally lose about 10 pounds, then I gain back 12-15. It's been a tough road. I'm determined to do it for real this time, before it becomes a life long problem, and any support or help or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

I'm also really good at encouraging others, as I've been through quite a bit, so I can generally empathize, or at least sympathize. I wish all of you luck on your journey to live healthier lives, and I hope to hear from some of you.



  • Medge1111
    Medge1111 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new on here as well. I have chronic pain and fibromyalgia. I am just starting to exercise and tract what I eat. Some days are harder than others because fibro dictates how I feel. I love my new exercise program ( Hip Hop Abs)!! :) so much fun... I love to dance! Anyways I am looking for friends so if you like add me. I'm still trying to figure out this page from my phone... :)
  • jcoleman2011
    jcoleman2011 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Jen. I saw your post, and I had posted something on a group wall, of about 65 people, hoping to get a response from someone, and it's been 4 days, and looks like everyone in that group has "given up". I am just like those who "give up" only I don't really, i just stop trying. So, i'm back again, and saw your post, and am in need of a friend who is motivated, and will keep me accountable, and whom I can motivate in return. So, I want to say hi, and tell you a little more about myself, and we can see if we would make good friends and supportive motivation....

    I'm a SAHM (stay at home mom) to my 3 1/2 year old son Hudson, and my 16 month old daughter Aiyana. i do work very part time as an administrative assistant to my father for his company. My mom watches my kids while I work for him. Pretty sweet deal.

    I have about 80 lbs to lose. I know how to eat right, but I don't. I do for awhile, but once the passion and excitement wares off, I am lured back to the fatty goodness of all the horrible, tasty foods. But, I always start over, and try again. One of these days, i'm sure that it's going to stick, and I will get it. I will eat what i'm supposed to eat (with the occasional goody) and get in shape so I can chase my kids around.

    I am currently a new member of LA BOXING which was just bought by UFC (ultimate fighting champion) so now that's who they are affiliated with. It's a lot of fun, but man, it's hard work. I don't ever want to go, but at the same time I can't wait to go and get my butt kicked. I've signed a contract, so I CANNOT back out of this one.

    I love making new friends, and I love motivating people. I have a hard time motivating myself however. So help.

    I'm sorry that you deal with chronic pain, I am empathetic to you for that. I have many people in my life that suffer pain. It's a really hard thing to live with, and GREAT FOR YOU for walking and trying to take off the pounds, so that you can really get the help medically to make the pain stop! That's great. Walking is a great thing to do, and yes, it is hard when your whole day is taken up. Although I stay at home with my kids, it's really hard for me to give myself some ME time. I constantly place myself on the back burner, always have, and even more so now that I'm a mom. So, just logging food in here is a good start, and trying to make it to LA boxing 3 days a week (which is actually a very hard challenge) . But, I'll stop rambling now too, and see what you have to say. Good luck. Keep walking, and keep tracking. You are on your way!

    Josi Coleman